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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. We will be breaking the Plaid Factor 2 barrier in about 15 minutes.
  2. We are now travelling at 1.23 times the speed of Plaidosity
  3. We will cross over in about two minutes into superplaidic velocities! Two minutes isn't particularly special, that's just when the transition happens.
  4. Dude have you not heard of the extreme amazement of the optimizations? For instance, KSP's load time is 13 seconds in 1.0, 30 on 0.90 (Maxmaps' computer). Additionally, everything is DDS. I wouldn't expect any RAM issues.
  5. DUUUUDE. It's evil of you to leave us on a cliffhanger like that! Epic stuff! Hope the next chapter arrives soon. This is brilliant.
  6. 20% thinner means 80% as thick. Humans can survive 35-40 with an atmosphere suit, but can survive just fine with 80% oxygen. Kerbals would as well. Personally, I would be perfectly fine with helmets staying on.
  7. I hope they make much more asteroids spawning.
  8. Hype07A. I call her "Sevana" or "Not the Flying Scotsman"
  9. Pfffft. What? Pfffft. Please, that's not how it works. If it worked that way it wouldn't generate any hype.
  10. Maybe the feature is some way to show the transfer angles on screen in the map view (On the ecliptic plane)
  11. That was probably not an in-game effect. It was done as part of a countdown riddle, where the answer involved a solar eclipse. The answer was 8. Almost certainly not in-game.
  12. Honestly, I think tethers should alway be an option given how many times people fail at their first EVAs.
  13. Well, last time we kind crashed right through the station walls directly into 0.90, no one was hurt.Why did we crash? Someone, not naming any names, forgot to wake me up in time to cut off the meccanopilot. This time I will be wide awake at releasetime and in any event the meccanopilot is now capable of being controled in an emergency by the HypeTrain herself. She has an A.I., you know. So in any event, the rockets on the caboose can swivel backwards to slow us down from superplaidic speeds down to more reasonable speeds of 100 kilometers per second.
  14. The Kerbal short animations and also logic disagree with that. Gene, Wernher, Mortimer, Gus, and Linus, and all the engineer/scientist/ground-crew Kerbals in the VAB/SPH are not wearing space suits. Neither is Walt, but he's wearing a hazmat suit for some reason. The only reason Kerbal Astronauts wear their suit on Kerbin is because they're already suited up. Crew report from Kerbin: "Was a space suit really necessary to get here?" or in the deserts "You're glad you're in this climate-controlled environment..."
  15. What if we just removed planets entirely from the game and made "planets" into on-rails objects with gravity, but like PQScity objects made from 3D models instead of procedural/heightmaps. For scales like 120m Kerbin, for instance. It would remove the scaledspace camera clipping, the weird terrain, all of that unfortunate stuff. Although that isn't much of a RSS config, more of a completely different mod. Maybe more worth it to remake Science of the Spheres
  16. I thought it might be a good time to revive this due to 1.0 being so soon.
  17. Page 100 was just spam and talk of spam. You guys!
  18. Another thought, asteroids should totally be ablative. In fact, after an entry, the scientific value should diminish.
  19. You might be able to have the asteroid-spawning system be capable of spawning premade station crafts or spacecrafts in various places, I remember one of the developers saying that the asteroid system would be fully capable of that. Of course, the trick would be to make it tech dependant and related to contracts. Just a thought.
  20. I'm not sure how the new ablation system works, but wperhaps it could be expanded upon in such a way that some parts have ablation textures, even if they aren't really ablating. They might have more than one, so if a space shuttle's bottom is exposed, only the bottom would get burn marks and the top would be fine. Or if we want a black heatshield tiling (I certainly do), but also want to keep the symetry of the Mk2 and Mk3 parts, you could have a system where certain textures are applied to a fuselage or wing depending on its orientation in the editor, with some tool for fine-tuning specific parts. Or, heck, maybe that neat idea of a spray-on ablative shield painting would be cool.
  21. I've done the engineering calculations, and we'll have enough Hype to go to Superplaidic velocities almost exactly 2 days before release (Saturday). Keep in mind it takes a LOT of power to go past ludicrous speed and into Plaid, because we have to be going to fast we rip space a new one and travel orthogonally to the three spatial dimensions
  22. Plaid is really hard to build up to, jeez. Plaid means we're going so fast that we're moving orthagonally to spacetime. It takes a long gitme to do this. We're gonna breakthrough at approximately T-2 days. You have to accept this speed.
  23. Now when crashing on the ground it doesn't make sense for air intakes to go boom. However, when re-entering at super high speeds, it's more like the intake is explosively melting/ablating into explosive oblivion of explosions.
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