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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Finally someone noticed! While I haven't done any visual modifications to Kerbin's terrain, I do have my own little modified Kerbin Texture and Mun texture to make them look (in my opinion) better. Just slight change of Hue, Saturation, Color, and Contrast. Any old dummy could do it! - - - Updated - - - I'll release my Sprinkle project soon, don't you worry! EDIT: Here's the link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/111524-WIP-Minmus-Mintchip-Sprinkle?p=1753127#post1753127
  2. I did it! It's awesome! I'm chaning a few things though. I'm giving it Dunan Gravity and slowing it's rotation speed from 2 minutes to the intended 2 hours. (Seconds/minutes confusion in the config)
  3. How do I do that then? And what FlightGlobalsIndex are available? The one I use is Putto in the Trans-Keptunian pack. (I used it as a base)
  4. Basically, I want this for KopernicusTech. It's an old thing made by Metaphor back in the PlanetFactory days. He never released it. I tried prototyping this using it, and it worked all the way up until I entered the SOI of the object. Then it's nice little terrain "exploded" into a nightmare of the Planetary Quadtree System's Minmus Heightmap. No pictures of the MintyKrakenspawn, but I do have one of the approach. Here's the config I made up for it. @Kopernicus { Body { name = Sprinkle flightGlobalsIndex = 538 Template { name = Minmus } Properties { description = An unbelievably tiny little package of Minmus-Mintchip icecream found orbiting Kerbin, but with an insanely dense core! Scientists suspect it is a thrown-off chunk of Minmus' own core, and fascinating insights into the structure of Minmus itself might be gained from experimentation on the object. radius = 125 geeASL = 1 tidallyLocked = False rotationPeriod = 124.3 initialRotation = 180 timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 10 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 17 splashedDataValue = 17 flyingLowDataValue = 16 flyingHighDataValue = 16 inSpaceLowDataValue = 15 inSpaceHighDataValue = 15 recoveryValue = 12 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 50000 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Kerbin inclination = 17.15 eccentricity = 0.25 semiMajorAxis = 1800000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 62 argumentOfPeriapsis = 115 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 5.8 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { } } }
  5. Spore is about 1/100 Earth size (1/10 Stock Kerbal size), so yeah. - - - Updated - - - Looks like Gilly becomes completely dark when you're inside the SOI. From the sun, anyway. I'm going to try to give my ship lights to illuminate it. EDIT: Ship light barely work at all. And I still crashed. The game really does get glitchy when you try and do these ridiculous scales! 0.1% scaled Gilly. About 130 meters across.
  6. PQS would abandon me as a human being, jump out of space, beat me up into little pieces, make me into structural panels that are extremely thin, and then cover me around Phobos. - - - Updated - - - I tried using KopernicusTech to make a tiny little Minmus MintChip Sprinkle around Kerbin, but I could find no examples of using KopernicusTech to change PQS settings, to it instantly went from 125m radius to a spiky blob that is as much radius as the highest of Minmus' mountains from ground level. It was cute when i was approaching it in my ship though. I still really want someone to properly make a Sprinkle. Here's what I had: @Kopernicus { Body { name = Sprinkle flightGlobalsIndex = 538 Template { name = Minmus } Properties { description = An unbelievably tiny little package of Minmus-Mintchip icecream found orbiting Kerbin, but with an insanely dense core! Scientists suspect it is a thrown-off chunk of Minmus' own core, and fascinating insights into the structure of Minmus itself might be gained from experimentation on the object. radius = 125 geeASL = 1 tidallyLocked = False rotationPeriod = 124.3 initialRotation = 180 timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 10 ScienceValues { landedDataValue = 17 splashedDataValue = 17 flyingLowDataValue = 16 flyingHighDataValue = 16 inSpaceLowDataValue = 15 inSpaceHighDataValue = 15 recoveryValue = 12 flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000 spaceAltitudeThreshold = 50000 } } Orbit { referenceBody = Kerbin inclination = 17.15 eccentricity = 0.25 semiMajorAxis = 1800000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 62 argumentOfPeriapsis = 115 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 5.8 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { } } } Here's what it looked like on approach, before entering the SOI. When you get too close to a scaledspace object, because in fact the scaledspace object is 1/6000 scale (or is it 1/600 scale?), the object clips into your camera and disappears. - - - Updated - - - Well yeah, I can plug those in, but then PQS would go mad with huge spikey mountains everywhere. Can you just release your project? - - - Updated - - - You know what guys? Fine I'll go to Gilly. At least using the 1/10 stock system config I can make Gilly flat. Probably. Hopefully. Almost certainly not.
  7. Yes actually. Snow and Ice caused a lot of cancelled school and only one day of college classes. And here's what happens when you use 0.1% scale. Doesn't really work by any means. Like, you can't even launch. Approaching true Outer Wilds or Science of The Spheres scale, but the easter-egg mountains seem to cause a problem. Also we can't launch. PQS genuinely HATES being forced into such small scales anyway, though I recall that Metaphor did manage to actually create in PlanetFactory (When PF was still in its infancy) a tiny little planet that you could rover around in a few seconds. Very much approaching the true B612 of that xkcd what-if article (book nerds will yell at me for not also mentioning Le Petit Prince as the origin of that). - - - Updated - - - I edited the RSS config. EDIT: I found Metaphor's old teeny-tiny planets. Unfortunately he never released it. Maybe it's time I jumped back into planet creation using the new KopernicusTech stuff. Wow, there's a lot of cool stuff in Metaphor's imgur page.
  8. I only did Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, but doing the math, Gilly would be small enough to hug. (About 16 m across) And Hell kraken happens eventually every time. Next time I tried it, I launched fine, but hell kraken'd during climb to orbit. I never hell krakened when I played with EVA Kerbanauts though. - - - Updated - - - No I didn't make 1/10 stock system, Metaphor did that. I suspect that 0.1% scale would never work. At all. But I shall attempt it because it seems horrible.
  9. 1% Config test: Very fun at first, but then, well, I'll quote what I said on Reddit about this.
  10. I made Kerbin 1/100 of the stock scale for fun and profit. No I'm not releasing it. Yes it's buggy as hell. Listen to this while viewing: Heck, just go play this game when you're done with KSP for the day: http://outerwilds.com/about/ Anyway, I've been trying to get this to work nicely, but when I later tried flattening the ground in the config and launched a ship, I just got a Hell Kraken.
  11. But we already have a Mercury Capsule? Also the use of the LFB as an Atlas is cool, but perhaps more fitting as a Gemini-Titan-II missile. And the retropack looks great. I think I must be missing the point of the Tantares group of mods... Aren't they meant to be missing stock parts designed for building specific craft? The Mk1 pod is already in the game!
  12. On average, human women are lighter than human males, however applicants to space programs are all lightweight. I once heard though, of an anime where the space program's launch vehicle could barely stagger off the pad, so they used teenage girls as astronauts. I think it was on the Atomic Rockets Seal of Approval page where I heard of it, but it's gone now.
  13. The Vertical Propulsion Emporium actually, believe it or not, has a special reskinned fuel line, though it might not work with the new compound part module system very well. At any rate it WORKS, but it might provide a bit of nullrefs using gizmos.
  14. Actually I think that's a great idea. Make it specific too. One thread for "New Planets." and one for "Saturn Analog and other Gas Giants"
  15. Looks kinda watermelony. A version with more dark/contrasted green might work better, a bit more stock-ish.
  16. Start with a sphere-pod, the Type-1 Piloting Sphere. No aerodynamics, only a reflecting heatshield, fragile and a bit lighter than a Mk1 pod. Based on Vostok/Voskhod. I mean, we do have Valentina Kerman now, after all. No EVA hatch, even with the Astronaut Complex upgrade, you can only EVA on the ground. Then we get the Mk1 Command Capsule, a 1-Kerbal crewpod with a proper heatshield, monopropellant storage, a top mounting point. No EVA hatch. Then the Mk2 Command Capsule, a 2-Kerbal crewpod with a heatshield, monoprop storage, RCS thrusters, and a working EVA hatch. (You still need the Astronaut Complex upgrade) At the same time we also get the Mk1 Lander Can, because we really need that to be able to land on the Mun! How is the astronaut actually going to be able to land on the Mun without a downwards facing view? This capsule hasn't a heatshield at all, is very light, stores plenty of monopropellant for its size, and has a low impact tolerance. We also get the small docking port jr, which should not be able to transfer crew. By this time we're on FL-T800s and LV-T45 technology in the propulsion part of the tree. Around the same time we get the Mainsail, we now get the Mk1-2 Command Module, a 3-Kerbal Crewpod with a heatshield, RCS thrusters and fuel, and plenty of space for the Kerbals to live in on, say, a 3-day trip to the Mun or a 40-day trip to Minmus. Then we get the Mk2 Lander Can. Then we get the Mk3 Command Module, a 3.75m 4-Kerbal pod that has plenty of space, and works as a science lab maybe?
  17. Having an odd bug. My ships sorta just bob up and down rapidly. It's not a physics thing from the looks of it, it's a visual thing. It's a bit hard to explain, and it happens everywhere. In orbit, falling into Kerbin's air, during landing, whatever. I think it's actually a camera thing. Modlist: Stock Bugfix packs, (except for the symmetry fixer) AtomicAge BetterBuoyancy CollisionFX DDSLoader DeadlyReentry DistantObject FerramAerospaceResearch Firespitter (dll only) K2 patches (2x Kerbin rescale) (NASAmission) Oblivion Aerospace PlanetShine ProceduralFairings RealSolarSystem (To power K2) Squad TextureReplacer VensStockRevamp ModuleManager2.5.9
  18. It's a reference to what Kerbalsd eat in the story The Farlight
  19. [Try to imagine this in the form of one of those update animations. As such, I can not use any quotes from the Kerbals unless they are really simple words, because backwards spanish] The camera starts at mission control, stating that everything is nominal in kerbal voices. A "Boom" can be heard, and red sirens and klaxxons start beeping and buzzing and everything! Then we zoom into the IVA Cameras, where we see Bill and Bob panicking, Jebediah grinning, and Valentina frowning at Jeb. Zoom out of the rocketship, and we see that an Apollo-esque spacecraft exploded on it's way back from the Mun or Minmus or something. Gene gabbers into his mic. Bobak runs around screaming. Jeb stops grinning, and listens intently to what Gene has to say. He then nods, agrees, and grabs the controls. He points the engines toward a vector, and turns on the engine. There's an offset CoT, so Jeb has to give a bumpy ride, further aggravating Bill and Bob. Valentina stole the controls away. She yells "No" (in backwards spanish) at Jeb, and attempts a less bumpy ride. Jeb crosses his arms and looks away, upset. Valentina Looks out the window, and they're getting really close to Kerbin. She mentions this. The cabin begins to shake. The capsule is re-entering. Jeb grins. Bob and Bill Panic. Valentina remains neutral. The capsule crashes into the desert. The Kerbals get out of the capsule. Jeb is wearing sunglasses, and he pops out, walks forward, followed by Bill and Bob. Kinda like this: Then Valentina pops out and slaps Jeb for being stupid. He falls over into Bill, who is still too dumb to be paying attention to anything. He then wonders why they haven't been recovered yet. He gabs at Jeb and Bob, and they go over to the command pod. Bill opens up a hatch on the pod, where a machine called "Recovery Transponder" is very clearly broken. Valentina meanwhile has already setup a camp fire, smiling and waving at the others, and takes out a gun. Jeb tells her not to shoot! Valentina gives him a look like "duh! it's a flaregun" and then it's a flaregun and a flare-rocket is shot up, which turns into the KSP logo rocket, into the ending of the video.
  20. Comments change on facebook. Just tell me what was said.
  21. If you look again, I didn't. Well, I did, but only in response to someone else. I did the other thing, a bio. That's what it's called I think. - - - Updated - - - Yeah. Actually let me go ahead and paste it.
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