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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Any progress on 1.8? Haven't actually heard from Ven in a long time. I hope this didn't die.
  2. Another thing that I dislike about contracts is that you have to use them. Why can't I just fly to the Mun and have people at home say "Yay you landed on the Mun, you're awesome and reputable, have some money!"
  3. Honestly, I don't think there's ANY reason to test any engine on the Mun or Minmus that can't be done from Vacuum tests. Maybe landing gear tests to see if dust is a problem, or maybe testing rocket engines on Eve or Duna, but not Mun or Minmus or Ike or GIlly or any airless body.
  4. Now onto Rescue contracts. I don't think people buy the whole "getting pulled by ropes" thing, especially if the same mistake happens multiple times to multiple companies. Rescue Contracts should always be in the form of a procedural/premade craft (specific to the company) that is empty, without fuel, in space. We know they're supposed to be in places other than LKO now, which is cool. But I think that instead of just placing them near a single command pod, they should have more of a story. Spaceships that are crashed, especially if they are useless machines (Like a poodle engine on a monoprop tank). This might also help new players to find out what not to do if they can take notice that so many of these contraptions failed. So I guess there would be several types of ships. Derelict Ships, which were designed badly; Stock Craft, which were designed "almost-good"; and Player Made ships, which go across the whole spectrum! Before 0.24 added contracts, I had a challenge running for a while where I stranded Kerbals across the system in various ways that I thought to be interesting, then sent out the save file and told people to rescue them. (And when searching for the thread, I found out that Metaphor also had a similar challenge) So I don't mean to toot my own horn, but in retrospect I think that would be a great way to implement rescue contracts, except make it procedural instead of manual.
  5. First of all, I think some contracts should come from The Space Program itself. Specifically, all explore contracts or contracts that would directly benefit the space program. Maybe The Space Program's ingame name would be that of the save file's title, and thus instead of saves being labeled "Player Name", they should be labeled "Space Program Name." I use the word overhaul, but I'm only talking about a specific contract type, not the whole system. Station and Base Building is a tricky thing. It seems to suggest that you should be building many stations and bases throughout the system, even 5 in LKO. This isn't what station contracts should be. Station contracts need an overhaul. Here's how the process should go: "Build a new Station Core around Planet X" This would be simple. Just have a satellite that can support at least one Kerbal and have Y amount of docking ports, and have power and an antenna. This would be a basic core for further expansion. This type of contract would only be given by The Space Program (or the World First Society, as long as it's not a company). Your station core is now ready for expansion. "Attach X module to Y station" This would be more complex. This contract could be a corporation, such as Rockomax wanting you to put up a fuel module, or the Space Program wanting to put up a habitation module, or either the Space Program or Zaltronic Electronics might want a large solar array for the station that generates Z power. These modules wouldn't have to have their own power (unless they are solar arrays or generators) or antenna, all they would need is to dock to Station Y, and be able to be docked to. "Send crew to a space station." The Space Program wants you to bring crew to a space station if it's not already full. Of course, you could decline it if you think that even if it does have more seats, it's "full" in a maximum-crew sense. What about Bases? Bases are very similar. Almost exactly the same. The difference is that you don't have to dock modules, you just have to land them within 1 kilometer of another part of the base. Bases would also have contracts for modules that can mine fuel. This would open up a whole bunch of contracts about replenishing station fuel. If you have empty or nearly-empty fuel tanks in orbit, a company might want you to fix that. Rockomax, Jeb's Junkyard, [Roverdude's Mining Company], or The Space Program would have you refuel the station, maybe with a specific modifier to specify if it comes from a base, another station, or if it can be anywhere (launched from Kerbin).
  6. This thread is like half a year old, why is it still alive? What could possibly keep this going?
  7. The lander can has a diameter of 1.875m, which is just as big as the Homegrown Rocket Parts mod. I would really LOVE to have a series of 1.875m parts, including a 2-man pod. There's no point in having a Cupola for 1.25m when the cupola has a crew-capacity of 1. Honestly I wish they'd just remove the command stuff and make it purely an observation dome. Or if Robotic Arm parts were added, they could make that a control room for robotic arms, just like the real Cupola on the ISS. - - - Updated - - - Giving the X200-36 Fuel Tank a set of black stripes to make it look like a Kerbodyne/SaturnV tank would very much help.
  8. I would probably play more DarkMultiPlayer if I had anyone to play with
  9. I think Multiplayer would be just one gamemode, but with the server setup including what types of space programs are allowed and clients choosing out of what is allowed.
  10. Current Modes Sandbox Mode: -The Space Program is in a utopian system where no funding has to be dealt with. -All Technology has already been developed completely. -No R&D Facility, Or Administration Building at all. (Maybe replaced with secondary launch pads?) Default Flag: Kerbin&Mun Flag. Default Name: Kerbal Space Commission. Science Mode: -The Space Program is in a super-funded mode where money is no problem. -Rocketry is still in it's early stages. -No Administration Facility. Default Flag: Retro Default Name: Kerbal Space Agency. Career Mode: -The Space Program starts in a basic form, and is still struggling with politics and planning. -Rocketry is still in it's early stages. -The Space Center Facilities are low-tech and quality. Default Flag: Kerbal Space Program logo Default Name: Kerbal Space Program New Modes Commercial Mode: -The Space Program starts in a basic form, and is still struggling with planning and funding. -Tech is developed instantly based on the R&D Upgrades. The Space Program does not have to deal with science at all. -R&D Facility is renamed "Manufacturing Facility." -Recoveries are more lucrative. Default Flag: Satellite Default Name: Kerbal Space Company Communist Mode: -Space Center starts unupgraded. -Full funding has been diverted to the Space Program. -Different tech tree based upon starting with probes. -Space Center Upgrades require reputation (The Government upgrades the space center only if you've done cool stuff) -Rocketry is in it's infancy. -Launch from the high-latitude KSC2 Launch Site. Default Flag: Rings Default Name: Kerbcosmos Note: The following is based on an imaginary concept of multiplayer in my mind. Multiplayer modes Sandbox: Multiple Space Programs, all co-operating/co-existing in sandbox mode. Space Race: Communism v Career. 1+AI to 2 players Competition: Commercial v Commercial v Commercial etc... 2+ players Rivalry: Career v Career v Career etc... 2+ Players Enemies: Communism v Communism v Communism etc... 2+ players. Global: Multiplayer between any type of space programs, aside from Sandbox. All of these modes except for Sandbox and Space Race allow you to change which programs are allied/partnered and which programs are rivals. Changes to Contracts Commercial: No part test contracts, and explore contracts give much more reputation. Rescue contracts are more lucrative. Also, nondescript/secret payload contracts pay more (and also exist for other space programs, and are basically just like those in BTSM) Communism: Military contracts to test missiles and deploying bombs and such. Multiplayer changes: World First Contracts aside from Launch A New Ship are taken by the first agency to complete them, and then any subsequent completions have much less payouts, and Explore Contracts give a LOT of reputation to the first agency to complete it. But there is another thing. When you do a part test contract, you make its node in the science tree cheaper (in science) for everyone. There is also diminishing science returns for science gained if it's already been discovered by another agency. And finally, when rival space programs get +Rep, you get -Rep. Unless you have a military contract, destroying another space agency's space center will cause you to lose your job. Space Race Space Race has a single player and multiplayer mode. Single Player uses an AI to simulate another space program by spawning ships in orbit and changing its Rep+Science+/Funds values based on a chance of failure or success. They will never get a military contract to destroy the player's space agency. They have defensive missiles which will destroy the player's rockets/planes/etc, and at strategic points in their territory. Landing in another player's territory will cause negative reputation, so be careful.
  11. 60 seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in an hour. 6 Hours in a day. 426 days in a year. Now we need to fit in weeks and months, and in doing so perhaps establish a little bit of Kerbal Mythology. Every 6.4 Kerbin Days, Mun revolves around Kerbin once. This would mean a Kerbal Week and a Kerbal Month must be the same unit. Let's refer to "Weeks" as "Munths" and what we think of "Months" as "Minmonths", because Minmus goes around Kerbin once every 50 days, a better representation of a month. A Munth as 6 days, because of rounding, and like real Months, the Moon does not revolve once every Month, so a Munth doesn't have to be perfect either. Kerbday Moonday Evesday Dunesday Joolsday Eelsday (If we get a GP2, change this to [GP2]sday, for instance, "Sentarday" or "Sarnday") There are 8 Munths in a Minmonth, again not perfect, but neither is the Month. Like weeks, individual Munths get no special name. 8 times 6 = 48, so there are 48 days in a month. There are 8.875 Months in a Year. This means we have to change what a month is, just like we do in real life. Sometimes a month is 30 days, sometimes 31, and of course February is 28 days. We can get almost close enough for one month to have only 42 days and keep the other months constant at 48 days. It would also get the fortune of having the leapyear. So that's 9 Minmonths. Updatuary -First Minmonth of the year. Jeburary -Short month. -Vall's day, a holiday about relationships and celebrating them. Wobble Play Tune Moho -The hottest Minmunth of them all, based upon seasons caused by planetary perturbations, not axial tilt. Rulus Octokerb -Day of the Deceased. A holiday celebrating those who have poof'd by worshiping the Kraken. -Scaroeve, a day where Kerbals dress up in scary costumes for spooky scary reasons. -Feastsday, a day where Kerbals celebrate what they have with a huge, gluttonous feast. Food may or may not be gravity, so KSC does many launches on this day for the Delta-V boost. Novemkerb -Hypemas, a Minmonth long holiday where Kerbals get hyped about things to be less sad about the season of coldness that occurs based upon planetary perturbation, planetwide, not due to axial tilt. It culminates with Hypemas Eve and Hypemas Day, where a mysterious space elf drops presents on Kerbal houses. -Nukemunth, a Munth long holiday celebrating the efficiency of the Atomic Rocket Motor, and how it, on low thrust, burned for 8 days longer than it should have. -New Year's Eve, a celebration of another year past. Of course, no Kerbal alive remembers WHERE the holidays came from, just that they are tradition, and that tradition is awesome. The Year Zero is disputed. Some of the Space Enthusiasts insist that Year Zero is the year the Kerbal Space Program started, others say it was nearly 1,951 years earlier with the birth of the first Kerbal (His name was Kraken) who thought that maybe shooting giant potatoes at people was not nearly as good a way of resolving differences as talking it out* is. Some Compromisers have splitted time into three periods. Before Kraken, the date that Kraken was apparently born. After Delight, anything between Kraken and Celestial Era. Before Celestial Exploration, the date The Space Program was founded. Celestial Era, anything after that.
  12. I would like to inquire, what's so bad about it?
  13. Two things: 1: Does the config remove items from the generator if they are removed from the config. 2: What are "Roots?"
  14. [removed because it should just die apparently]
  15. Squad is the Progenitor Race, or more specifically, members of the progenitor race that formed the corporation or company that created/changed/terraformed the Kerbal Solar System. If anything, this should be cherished as a way of linking the Kerbal Universe into a deeper conspiracy of mystery and wonder. And I still wish the easter-egg subvplot was still in the plan. If there was ever an insane, superdistant frozen progenitor planet, it should be very similar to Earth in continental layout, but at the same time be the size and gravity as Earth.
  16. There are two things I like to think about, depending on which is best applied to the situation. 1: Kerbin is actually full Earth scale, it just isn't full scale in the game. THis idea came about when I was reading the Team Fortress 2 Comics, and it was mentioned that the game was supposedly a historical documentary videogame. 2: Kerbin and the rest of the solar system exist in another universe where gravity is 10 times stronger. There's also a backup one that I resort to whenever I want to merge model 2 with the fact that Kerbals are on Earth in 1951 in RealSolarSystem. Their universe is either: Actually superdense stuff like white dwarfs and such, Or: they're in a pocket of universe where gravitation is higher, though the latter is probably much less likely. And then there's the Advanced Civilization Idea. The easter eggs and monuments and everything come from a progenitor civilization, and they are in fact so powerful that they have created the cores of the Kerbal Planets in a small patch of dust and gas.
  17. The lighting is on the wrong side. Also, Daniel L committed a Necro Post.
  18. Or you could just tell us what you need help with. Resource mining to fill up a Duna ship? We already have that with Karbonite. And also, the Forum has a Private Message system so you don't have to use E-Mail.
  19. I'' be honest, I'd rather the entire Map View Screen was CRT-Screen for the cinematic effect, maybe even changing with the advancement of the tracking station.
  20. Hmm. I guess, but you have to return the MechJeb unit. And it will be -10 points.
  21. We have arrived at the station. You can now print your crafts!
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