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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Shoutout to Yargnit for this image: It was epic when it finally worked!
  2. Wot is this? It feels like it might be a contunation of Kerbal COmics, when Jeb got fired.
  3. Here's an alternate 40m version (diamter). It's not tested yet, but it should work as well as any other config this small. Made for Yargnit's challenge. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8cxmqnkceboi0xv/GregroxTinySprinkles.zip?dl=0
  4. Epic! This has removed the one big hurdle to me not wanting to get into Real Solar System. (Though the fact that I'm playing with Kerbals is rather odd)
  5. I just want to say that that shock-cone-intake+stayptunik-core system looks great! Does it actually help with drag though?
  6. It's not a copy of the script. It's me listening to the episode on YouTube.
  7. This is an AAR based upon the Disneyland Man In Space documentary series and the Collier's magazine series Man Will Conquer Space Soon. Imagine this as a television program rather than a static forum post KERBALLAND ♫When you wish upon a planet, Makes no difference if you plan it...♫ Each week as you enter this timeless land, one of these many worlds will open to you! Frontierland: Tall tales and true from the legendary past. Tomorrowland: Promise of things to come! Adventureland: The wonderworld of Kerbin's own realm. Fantasyland: The happiest kingdom of them all! This week (And also all other weeks because we lied about the other lands): Tomorrowland! Kerbals will Conquer Space Soon! Hello. I'm Walt Kerman. Everywhere we look, we see the impact science! has upon our daily lives. Discoveries that were miracles a few short days ago are commonplace now. Many of the impossibilities of now, will become impossibilities that we tried to make possible tomorrow. One of Kerbal's newest dreams is the conquest of the heavens. To travel to the other space-potatoes. Until now this seems to have been an impossibility. But recent advances have brought this into a new frontier. Maybe even the final one, but we can't say that or we'll be sued by Kerbalmount Pictures. The frontier of interplanetary space. Here is Mortimer Kerman, director of this picture. (No not the image, I mean the motion picture.) There has been many concepts of what a spaceship to the planets will look like. But one thing is for sure. Whether it will use chemical or atomic propulsion, it will be a rocket that will break the space frontier. In researching the history of the rocket, we found that the rocket isn't such a new idea after all. Last year, at the battle of Ko-fung-oof, where two battling eachother over how they could get the vanilla cotton candy in the sky, an anonymous Kerbal in a paper-mache suit of armour connected a lot of gunpowder cartridges to go upwards. Needless to say, he did not survive. The astrophysicist Sir Ike Kilonewton then described this peculiar action of the cylindrical gunpowder charges, stating that, among other physical laws, For Every Action Force, there is an Equal but opposite Re-Action Force. This development was then put into consideration by the STEADLER Engineering corp, where they invented the first rocket powered by Propelium-Peroxium, a liquid. It may be used in future to control spaceships using a sort of Re-Action Control System. It was at this point when we began to see feeble experimentation among the rocket community. There were rocket planes, rocket trains, and even rocket cars. Rocket powered automobiles were fast, but they presented quite a flight problem. But the work really got started when Foreign Rocket Scientist Wernher von Kerman worked with the Jebediah Kerman Testing Facility and Junkyard to create the Victory 2 rocket Here is Bob Kerman, rocket engineer and historian, to talk about the rocket engines with some of the artists on the project. "Here we have a rocket model of the V-2. It is comprised of a control section, a fuel section, and a propulsion section.", Bob "How exactly does the propulsion work?", an artist. "We have the fuel flow through the main engine to cool it down so as not to let it melt into vaporized iron, and then we flow it into the motor. It then produces a continuous explosion through a column of incandescent plasma.", Bob. "You mean a miasma of incandesent plasma, right?", another artist. "Yes. And onto this next topic. Just last week, space history was made, when the payload of the V-2 was replaced with a small gunpowder charge. The object became the first man-made object to reach space. it was a two-step, or two stage rocket.", Bob. "Now is it possible to build a three-stage rocket?", another artist. "Yes as a matter of fact this is the next step.", Bob. Here is the concept of the Instrument Carrying Rocket, a three stage vehicle. Here is the footage of the launch taking place right now. ♫Bamp bah baaaaaaa!!!!♫ [/trumpet] Join us tomorrow when we talk about the effects of space medicine, and special guest Wernher von Kerman explains how we might, as Kerbals, finally cross the space frontier!
  8. - - - Updated - - - And it looks like 1.0 will have a new texture for decouplers. - - - Updated - - - But no official conclusion.
  9. The pipes are 1.25m. THe Extruder... it MAKES 1.25m Rocket Tanks!
  10. I agree! I want a 0.625m LES! Also, I want the 1.25m LES to be good!
  11. Actually, ragdoll and freefall are two different modes. Kerbals are still rigid when in freefall, unless they're hit with something and ragdoll, then they will go limp and stuff will move. If a Kerbal is in rigid freefall mode, and hits the ground, he will ragdoll. If he's ragdolled and hits the ground, he stays ragdolly.
  12. So, new tip: Uninstall the TR configs for the pack because bugginess and they don't really look that great.
  13. I really don't know how Ven's Stock Revamp could be so buggy, it just replaces models!
  14. They'll probably allow different scales. I have three ships to print already, but I really want to get my HypeTrain replica first! Imagine if I could manage to get them to print it in just the right scale to put in a model train set! A Kerbal Train Set! I might have to look into that.
  15. I noticed it right away. Presumably they can't do engine fairings, or they couldn't at the time it was made. I sincerely hope they fix this, of course. Wait, didn't you actually make the engine fairings ingame?
  16. Okay, I am too lazy to sift through more than just a few pages. Are there any expanding plume configs available for stock engines? Ven's Stock Revamp has a config, but what about the stock engines?
  17. There's also this, but the Kerbal ship is blurry. :/ Might give some idea of the scale.
  18. Neat! That looks like Kerbin, is it the 10x scale config? Also, i feel like I should mention, it doesn't look like you're using FAR. FAR is very much a requirement for RSS configs because they make the atmosphere thin enough. Without FAR, Earth can be 12km/s to orbit, but with FAR it can be as low as 9.8
  19. There's too many bug reports and not enough people saying how awesome the parts look! That is all.
  20. Had to Make it more accurate. It would be fine if I weren't linked in the announcememnt forum.
  21. I wonder if they were trying to keep it from being OP. Like you'd need to be afraid of that for such a specialized rocket. Heck, maybe LES really are OP, but the real world is just too sane to use them on launch vehicles. Make the LES longer burning, use solid-fuel powered RCS jets (Not sure if that's realistic but it would be really funny), guidance fins, and all the good stuff.
  22. I don't have anything specific yet, but just find one of Wackjob's craziest ships and render that on launch. (If he has download links to them that is.)
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