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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. This coming from the guy who hates KSP. - - - Updated - - - Going up by a certain size scale is ridiculous. You don't get much bigger amounts of fuel from only 3.75 to 4.0, or from 4.0 to 5.5. There's several mods which add 4 meter parts, and the size difference isn't actually big enough for Saturn Rockets. There has to be a bigger jump, it can't stay linear. At any rate, KSP's parts are very much based upon real parts, heck, the Space Launch System looks practically identical to 3.75m parts! The Mk1 pod looks like a Mercury Capsule, the Mk1-2 pod looks vaguely like an Apollo capsule, where's the Gemini capsule? - - - Updated - - - 2.5m plus .25m = 2.75m; not 3.75m
  2. I'd love a GP2. 'nuff said. Okay, maybe not enough said. Yes, the other planets need to be made more interesting too. Laythe with volcanoes, for instance? All of the planets after Duna need interesting physics mechanicsms to drive them. Cryovolcanics on Vall and Eeloo; Volcanoes and Storms on Laythe, Storms on Jool and GP2, An atmosphere on Eeloo, even storms on Duna and Eve. Moho might be given back it's heated atmosphere, perhaps to a lesser extent. Every single planet must be worth visiting. Even Dres. The only way I can think of making Dres interesting is to give it either a moon system of it's own or make it spin quickly.
  3. That adaptor is part of the Mki3 expansion, also made by PorkJet. SQUADhaters have no ground here.
  4. No, just make the universe 2 times the scale. (or use Jumbo32). Or just don't remove the souposphere.
  5. Actually, yes. My friend A_Mirrodin and I are working on it. A bit of HyperEdit here and a bit of RealSolarSystem there, and it STILL does not work.
  6. Sometimes I look at how KSPTV streamers (other than Maxmaps, of course) are failing at orbital mechanics. I've also landed on the Mun, Minmus, Duna, played at 6.4x, RSS, and Jumbo32, and I've Done a nearly full grand tour of the Joolean system, though did not return. Among other things of course, these are just some of my high points.
  7. This should be a loading screen when KSP leaves beta and is out of early access.
  8. Oh! I know what you mean. That's... That's a stock thing actually. I believe it happens with 6.4x and RSS as well, it's part of the minor changes to the terrain from 0.25. It's just a low-definition texture that occurs around the coastal areas. No fix, unless I'm mistaken.
  9. I have not tried Astronomer's pack (honestly I think Interstellar is ugly as sin), and I do not use MechJeb for KSP at all, but I would recommend a turn start at around 2 kilometers and turn end at 60 kilometers, not sure about the curve. I am actually going to implement Proot's horizon color thing into Jumbo32 next chance I get. And as for your texture bugs from 1-10 kilometers, I'm baffled. I don't know what's wrong. Pictures might help. The only issues you will find for ANY EnvironmentalVisualEnhancement pack is that some things may clip, especially glowing surfaces for exoatmospheric planets. But it's way less bad than it is on 6.4x configs.
  10. Twitch highlights can not be embedded. Only the channel itself, as it appears live.
  11. I've oft' remarked to the KerbalEDU team and SQUAD themselves that there is no good reason why the mod for KerbalEDU can't be released for everyone. The only thing the KerbalEDU program has going for it is the free/discounted copies of KSP for schools, which we don't need if we already have the game. :/
  12. What exactly is Roblox?
  13. Ven's stock revamp needs to be made stock. That is all.
  14. Still no fix for Eeloo. I don't know WHAT is wrong. I checked for typos. None.
  15. Will the upcoming reboot perhaps include reflections from TextureReplacer? There is one problem with the Service Module for the Radish, probably related to the fact that the pod (and thus the top of the Service Module) is not actually 1.875m. The angle of the truncated cone on the Service Module is smaller, so the base is so wide that it actually goes outwards too much... It's hard to actually explain it. The service module should be slightly more cylindrical and less conical than the pod itself. Apologies for this horrible trackpad-drawn sketch. I swear I'm actually a good artist.
  16. TextureReplacer supports reflections. And HGR should support TextureReplacer.
  17. But... but where were we when we needed you? With the buildings? But yeah, this is really great. If I ever decided to use B9 Aerospace again, I'll definitely use this.
  18. Teflon_Mike just linked this: Heh. Not sure who made it, if it was Teflon or someone else.
  19. The barn was crap. The current tier 1 and 2 buildings could use some work, but a barn? No. Never. It wasn't a good idea. The KSC should not be a barn. A converted industrial location, say, perhaps, a converted coal mine, would do. This would also nicely feel like October Sky. A farm might have some machinery such as tractors and the like, but an industrial location would obviously be a better choice to build a space center around. And buildings definitely need to be moddable.
  20. 75% the Isp of the rocket engines seems to be a good scale for more authenticity, and thus more challenge, to building and flying these rockets. But information I could find on the Water-Steam rocket is saddening It could only ever get maybe 175 seconds from a Steam Thermal Rocket, which you'd of course heat from Solar Boilers instead of burnable fuels. If you use Liquid Ammonia, I'd say you'd probably be able to get an Isp of 260 seconds. It would be a steampunk LV-N, essentially. Low Thrust, High Efficiencies.
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