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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Also, what about some kind of method to force you to have two Kerbals, one with a male name, one with a female name, with a female name defined by what TextureReplacer sees a female name to be and oh my god I just realized this is a horrible idea.
  2. Well, I meant very small things mostly, like how the 1.25m tank doesn't have black stripes, and how the RT-10 has no yellow and has 4 nozzles.
  3. Also, TextureReplacer now supports true reflections. I will let you do with this information what you will.
  4. For some more proper steampunk balance, all probe cores need to be waaaay big and massive. Giant chains of smallified difference engines, for instance. Only big stations and interplanetary craft get to have a MechJeb. You don't dare send a probe.
  5. Finally have a KSP T-Shirt. Jebediah Kerman on IVA: Grandma W, Christmas 2014. A Spore Creature, called "Creater" by my younger self: Parents, Birthday 2010. Kerbal on EVA (called Gregoly Kerman): Grandma W, Christmas 2013. All sandstone. The Creater was from the early days of public 3D Printing services, too. Before shapeways. Spore had a service with a 3D printing company where you could insert a .png file (the spore .pngs encoded the creature's information), and they would 3D print and send you the creature. Pretty awesome for that time. Oddly enough, Jebediah is shinier. Probably will wear off, I bet the EVA Kerb was shiny too way back last year.
  6. For some reason, my Tier 5 Sandbox-Mode kerbal engineer can not repair solar panels. Deploy them? Sure. Fix them? No. What am I doing wrong?
  7. Great? They're better than white splotches on more white splotches, but they're hardly good.
  8. Ven for Stock Revamp. Roverdude for Roverduding. NathanKell for making RSS.
  9. I'm still not sure what all the scientist's and engineer's features are. Proper documentation on the wiki about what kerbals of different classes can do at different tiers would be great.
  10. No. I don't like remote tech. That said, some use of communications beyond LKO might be helped with commsats. Just remember that Russian missions to the Moon used no commsats, but still managed to work just from Earth communication sites.
  11. I was kind of just thinking that the Mk1 pod is a little bit too ugly, but I love the Mk1-2 Command Pod. A Kerbalized Apollo CM. Brilliant. It just needs a heatshield.
  12. Gizmos allow you to push an engine into a fuel tank so it doesn't look like it's floating. And at any rate, this problem is also seen on the stock NASAmission parts. And about the windows and solar panels: Ven's stock revamp does change the look of these parts to such an extent where the solar panels no longer look consistent with Tantares or RLA, true. But look at it this way (Or the other way, just wait a bit): If the Revamp were made stock, then stockalike mods would suddenly have a new style to aspire to recreate. Or this way: If SQUAD were to implement Stock Revamp, they obviously wouldn't just do a flat-out implementation. They would ask Ven to change things to better fit the established aesthetic. And obviously the wonderful TextureReplacer feature wouldn't be included in stock, but that's not a big deal.
  13. Here's an idea for the solution: Targeted ships could be set to stay in physics range.
  14. Question: Could you make different "Zones" (from the survey contracts) count as biomes for the station to work in?
  15. You know, you're supposed to be able to decline contracts. Thast's always been something you are able to do. Sometimes, when I get a contract, I try and make something usefull out of it. For instance, early in my career, I put a Thermometer and Materials Bay in orbit around the Mun for Maxo's toy company. This let met get the materials bay science from high over the Mun. I forgot about the thermometer, and that's important later. Another contract I got was a Minmus Base. I landed the base, and sent up another ship of science for them to use on the surface. Then I finally got the Nuclear Engine, and, because I wanted this to be a rocketpunk game, Nuclear Engines were a self-requirement for a Munshot. After a rather harrowing landing where I toppled over, I then launched over to the side and landed elsewhere again, before returning to the Mun with plenty of fuel to spare. When I got back, I realized I forgot to do any experiments in space. Luckily, I had Maxo's Toysat in orbit with the thermometer. I finished the contract just with a thermal sample of the Mun.
  16. Maybe the solution is to simply push the attach node in on the pod and push it out on the decoupler. When the Mk1 pod was implemented, they made the decoupler's bottom node fit the Mk1 pod. Instead, the pod's attach node should be inside the heatshield so it looks flat, and the decoupler should be fitted to normal parts.
  17. How to activate: wear your EVA suit, ragdoll without your jetpack turned on. It's not a quick spazzing out, it builds up slowly. It works after a game restart, and Matoroignika just replicated it on his stream. You can use the WASD controls to get out of ragdoll mode, and he pops back to normal. But after about 15 to 30 seconds, he will start to spazz out. He dies from Gee-forces because I am using Deadly Re-entry. Works on all kerbals in every save. Does not work with the IVA suit. Sometimes if you pause the game and resume while he's ragdolled, he'll poof. EDIT: Tried in space, same thing happens. Found out that map view will Hell kraken.
  18. I don't see how I made a typo, it's been there fine in the previous version and I didn't edit Eeloo at all. I even tried removing the Atmosphere information in case that was the problem. It wasn't.
  19. The amount of beauty it gives the game is monstrous, and yet it keeps the stock feel! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92764-Stock-Part-Revamp-%28Redone-Plane-Parts!-and-more!%29
  20. Ah screw it, I'm not gonna break anything. I'll just have to find another suit texture to edit.
  21. It's more of a hissing sound IIRC.
  22. If you guys really want to do this, just use texture replacer and take a map of Kerbin. It has to be a real map, not a Kerbin Texture for texture replacer or something. I used this one: It's from 0.17, I couldn't find a good recent map that was a single image, and for some reason texture replacer maps have white on their ground, I don't know why. Anyway, just rename the map image to "HudNavBall" in the gamedata/texturereplacer/default folder, and then load up the game.
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