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The Destroyer

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Everything posted by The Destroyer

  1. Well, I used to play it. I had to use autopilots for... everything I could pilot the enterprise! Since around good ol 2010. I sucked. Until I found KSP. Now I can launch rockets into space without autopilot! ...I still need one for other planets. WEll, at least an MFD and a tutorial.
  2. Also, could you tell me? I honestly never figured it out myself.
  3. You need to go into unity and make a ThrustTransform to get the thrust to work.
  4. This reminds me of my attack on the gyro kraken. For some reason, since 0.14, I never had this issue, but an AEIS battery decided to go rogue, going back and forth along the craft, creating extreme spin.
  5. Okay then! FASA is pretty good, balenced, realistic, and has AMAZING launch towers! Screw the old clamps! Hotrockets and CoolRockets make pretty neat graphic changes. Novapunch... hmm, haven't used it in awhile, but it's more gameplay orientated than balenced, so I half-reccomend it. Helldrivers shuttle. Balenced, good tech tree intergration, and awesome! As well as Tyberdyne shuttles, they're pretty good, just not as beautiful as the mini shuttle. Kerbal joint re-inforcements is good, it makes rockets wobble less, more "Realistic", plus less lag from struts or other supports. I also recommend Realchute. Great mod, more "realistic" parachutes, less SUDDEN 20 G DEPLOYMENT, and the models are a beauty. Comes with combo chutes! Interstellar mod may look OP, but it takes lots of research- I mean in the thousands of science to unlock it. It's still hard to find good places for anti-matter, since it dosen't refuel in solar orbit. Plus, you still have to burn down. It's a realistic end-game mod. Kethane is good if you want big bases for refuling. I never got into it becasue I like to build it all in one launch, but you may like it.
  6. I sit at my desktop computer in a chair and play ._. I'm boring, I know.
  7. KAS, currently -has fuel lines "docking" lines Achors, Grapples, It's very fun. How is it OP? You must have a kerbal to grab and attach stuff, unless it's a grapple. It even comes with KAS "Struts" that you can place on EVA! It also has containers to store small parts- Build a satalite in orbit! Definitley not "overpowered" it's good mod to use Other good ones that I use are KW, and AEIS. Aeis is definitley good for large probes, and looks pretty good. KW, has massive parts to build massive things. They're balenced in the tech tree too, just like AEIS and KAS. @above Yep, use the lines on "docking" mode to connect them together. But it won't be sturdy, it's a line, not a docking port. Docking ports are strong, the KAS lines are like ropes. So good for pulling and connecting ground bases, but not for interplanetary multi-part ships. Unless you reel in the line so its in its "fixed" postion, then it'll be stronger.
  8. Nope.avi, It would suck if that happens.
  9. Yeah. That's what I said, I looked at the probe and the AEIS battery was actually... MOVING towards the center of the rocket, going by pieces and causing massive torque 0_o
  10. Read the article. Simutrans... I TRYED to play it, but it never worked. I would suggest OpenTTD. Also, it's great KSP is in there! Why is PA so expensive
  11. At least I managed to pull off the perfectt manned apollo style landing, thanks to 0.23 EVA transfer data.
  12. It turns out, I have summoned a NEW kind of kraken. That's BOUND to my craft. In space, in atmosphere, anywhere, it will start moving, then rotating, going faster and faster. The spin kraken. EDIT: Turns out, the STUPID AEIS battery is shifting around like mad on the craft, coliding into another object, creating force.
  13. Strangley, it never happened before. But it sure did produce pretty infinite-explosions!
  14. The ice definitley needs to be longer. I decouple, and it's gone in a second.
  15. I've already encountered the drill kraken. I had no idea, I had to revert because the game was going at 2 FPS.
  16. Mods deserve to be free. Of course, they also deserve a donate button, but never paid mods. Also, the "No crashes" problem is interesting, but generally mod makers sort them out themselves, and if it crashes it's either KSPs fault or your fault.
  17. The entire flight was looking fine, I didn't use physical warp, I had many flights before it... all I can say is. Alpha.
  18. Gah! On the same rocket, it was going fine, until I got into space with my transfer stage. Suddenly, it wants to turn down right, and I can barley counteract it. I tried turning off the reactions wheels, still nothing. Also, the trim is centered.
  19. So, I went to launch my probe to Duna, but due to a fuel error, I had to abort. For some reason, it wouldn't stop spinning unless I hit X4 warp. So I tried to land.. in the tracking dish, at 4x warp. It exploded, and this happened. Hmm, nullref and lag. What could th- WHAT THE HECK! Cometsplosion?
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