Yeah it is, and I would've helped you, but I had no idea this game even existed. This forum is great for replying- assuming plenty of people know about it.
That'll be in the next version. This version features... no capacity. It's generally designed to be like the SHIELD globemaster, a VTOL carrying shield teams and equipment. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a 80 tonne plane to VTOL? 0_o (and stock, aside from the IR rotarons which didn't work but I kept them cause they looked good)
I see we talk about big planes, no? Well the K.H.I.E.L.D wanted a plane to get a team in and out of tight situations... and be fast. Presenting the KHIELD VTOL, 80 tons.
Well, if minmus travels BACK IN TIME, then there is a minmus there, of that timeline. So, when she saves Mun and dies, the one from the "new" timeline is alive, and everybody lives happily ...Time wimey Wibbley Wobbly...
Lol. By the way, Minmus wouldn't be "killed" since she would go back in time to the point where ANOTHER version of herself is there. So Time-traveling minmus dies and the new one is born
idea for comic: Minmus trys to convince kebol to help Mun, but since he can't minmus goes back in time to defend the Mun from the comets. In the end she explodes on the muns north pole, creating the famous "Mun hole"