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Everything posted by Greenfire32

  1. Yes. It. Does. Your timeline is the only one that matters to you. Nobody can influence it in any way unless they're synced up to you. This is true for every single player. There is no "master timeline" that everyone must adhere to. The second you warp, you leave everyone else's space-time. You become a ghost to them. You are nothing in their universe. You don't exist for them. The only evidence you were ever anywhere in their space-time is an empty vessel that no longer matters to you. But in your timeline, you exist as you always have. I honestly have no idea how to simplify this any further. If you cant understand this, then this conversation will drag on and on and on and on until the end of time itself. Have....have you ever played an online game? Not saying that one wouldn't be able to take it upon themselves to play strictly with friends, but "ignore half of everyone you see" isn't a solution. By this logic, I should just never play any multiplayer game ever. Because as I've said over and over again, the second anybody uses time warp, they leave the space-time of everyone else and enter their own universe. You cannot change my present by waiting until I've gone into warp and then breaking all my solar panels, because the only thing that matters to me is my present. If you didn't break my panels while synced to me, then. it. didn't. happen. DMP only cares about what's happening in the player's present. Again, DMP only cares about the present. It doesn't care that you launched from Kerbin, orbited the Mun and then came back for re-entry. It only cares about what you're doing at the exact moment you're doing it. If you're in the middle of launch, it doesn't care that you were just in the VAB. If you're in transit to the mun, it doesn't care that you were just in orbit around kerbin. If you're orbiting the mun, it doesn't care that you were previously in transit. If you're re-entering kerbin atmosphere, it doesn't care that you were just at the mun. It only cares about the here and the now. History doesn't exist in DMP. You cannot change future events because the other player's craft that you're now manipulating after they've enter warp no longer exists for that player as they have left your universe and entered their very own. Their craft still "exists" for you, but not for them. It serves little purpose other than to say "yeah, they were here." And as soon as you warp, yourself, their "copy craft" will be gone entirely. (now again there are bugs that do cause the copy crafts to stick around and create some potential chaos from time to time, but this has nothing to do with the way time warp itself is handled and is more so to do with the way the mod is coded.) ---------- But I grow tired of having to say the same thing over and again, so with this I leave the conversation. I look forward to reading the inevitable reply(s), but I'll contribute no further myself.
  2. Sure, except that once you time warp you no longer exist in their universe. The only thing left behind (from the view point of the other players) is a copy. And it's a copy that gets deleted once the player who was viewing said copy syncs to you. Only then do you exist for them again. The reason why it does this is to prevent reckless trolling while also "populating" the universe (what's the point of multiplayer if it isn't...multiplayer...). You can still have trolling and you can still experience disasters caused by other players, but it must happen in a synced universe. How fun would it be to fly your happy little butt all the way to Eeloo only to discover that once you exit time warp, some joker crashed your ship 10 minutes ago and you instantly explode? I would argue not fun at all. So go ahead and blow up that copy of me. I'm actually at Eeloo safe and sound. Having your past crafts be viewable copies fixes this. And while yes it's "technically" a paradox from our real life point of view, it really isn't from a gameplay point of view. See, I think the problem here is you're having trouble separating your actual point of view (from behind the keyboard) from that of what's happening to your Kerbal's point of view. Their "present" is not and never will be your "present" and their past doesn't matter. The only thing that can alter the state of your kerbals is what is happening in their "present" (you, "the player," don't matter). It's a bit timey whimey, but honestly just play DMP. It makes a huge load of sense once you see it in action.
  3. Disregarding the snark, re-read that bit of me you quoted. It's barely a paradox in that a physical representation of your ship exists in other's space-time, but "you" do not (unless synced). Which means that unless you do something with your craft, it doesn't count as have actually happened. There are no "alternate timeline" paradoxes. If you're in the "future" other players will merely see your craft orbiting whatever planet you were orbiting before you entered warp. If they sync to you, that "copy" of "you" is deleted from their space-time and where you are at in the given moment is what they will now see. As long as you remain synced, you can then interact in real time. But the second either of you warps again, you'll be in separate space-times and cant touch each other until you re-sync. And again, once you warp, the "copy" of other players are deleted. The server doesn't fill up with 1234567890987654 copies of the same craft. It's a bit like how KSP has the 25km physics bubble. If it's not in the bubble, it doesn't exist. It's technically a paradox, but not really. It can't affect you in any way to have someone mess with your "past" and you can't influence their "future." And there's only ever 1 copy of you at a given time and it's constantly deleted and refreshed whenever you warp. Nobody can break solar panels off your craft in your "past" and all of a sudden you don't have them in your "present." That's not how it works. Not at all. Honestly, just play DMP if you haven't. Seeing it in action makes a whole lot more sense than I can explain it in words. The issue of time warp, specifically, is solved. There are other issues with DMP (like how it calculates movement or how there's a bug where if you revert flight, sometimes your craft's "copy" wont' get deleted) but time warp, itself, isn't one of them. ----- But hey, if you think it's a better system to sit around for 6 hours real-time while traveling to the mun because 1 player went AFK and now nobody can warp because the server requires X amount of willing warpers, or if you think warping every 2 seconds because everyone will be requesting warp at different times is great, go right ahead. Can't wait to travel for 3 months real time to Duna or never go anywhere because I'm trying to dock in LKO but my vote to not time warp is being overruled by all the other players. That sounds fun... DMP's method works. It's not nearly as "bad" as you claim it to be, and we actually get to play the game. It's not really a matter of "I like this method and I don't like this method," it's more a matter of "which method will allow the game to be played."
  4. THIS ^ Time warp is not an issue in DMP. What is an issue in DMP is the fact that it's a bit of a buggy mess. That has nothing to do with time warp, however, it's more to do with the fact that KSP is not inherently a multiplayer game and isn't really built for it. There are some bugs regarding time warp, specifically, but it's mostly because in its current state DMP does not clean up "paradoxes" (versions of "you" that still exist in other player's universes when you've already time warped away from them). All DMP really needs is some kind of cleanup function that removes any version of "you" that isn't actually "you" at your current time. But seriously, DMP has long since solved the issue of how to handle time warp and multiplayer within KSP. It honestly boggles my mind that we still see debates about "butt hao whill teh tiems wharp werk?!" Basically it works as thus: the server has a "master universe." This is what allows players to exist in the first place. If a player uses time warp, they leave the master universe and enter what is essentially their own pocket universe. They will forever remain in this pocket universe unless they just so happen to be the "furthest" in the future, in which case that specific player's universe becomes the master universe (the server only uses this information to keep the game-clock "up-to-date," it doesn't use this to limit what players can and cant do). No other players can interact with them until they "sync" up to their universe. Players can only sync forward in time and never backwards. Ultimately, this removes general trolling and loveery by forcing players into their own bubbles and if they want to interact with other bubbles, they have to merge bubbles. Players can sync and desync at will, so it's not a one-time-deal. You want to go to the moon? Me too. I'll meet you there. Only my rocket isn't as good as yours, so while you will arrive sooner than I will, once I get there I can sync to you and now we can dock and interact again. The trip only took your craft 1 day, but it took mine 3 and yet in IRL time we both get there within seconds of each other. You hang out in Munar orbit, I sync to you and rendezvous. Boom. Docked and playing together. Time warp's solved. 100%. Literally all that needs doing now is bug fixing, performance stabilizing, and maybe a slight tweak to time warp to make it better (like paradox cleanup) for multiplayer. All of which Luna Multiplayer is looking to fix. ----EDIT---- And by "paradoxes" I don't mean that players can influence your current craft in your past. The way it works currently in DMP is that a copy of your craft is retained in their present (your past) so if they destroy your craft in your past, you don't suddenly explode in your present. All that is destroyed is a copy of you. You will continue on as if nothing happened. The only time another player can directly affect you is if they are in the same space-time as you.
  5. Or just remove the option entirely because who in their right mind deploys landing gear while it's inside a fairing or cargo hold? Seriously though, I've never had a valid use for this nor have I ever seen someone else use this.
  6. Seconded. As long as the original lander can make Dunar orbit, this would be the way to go.
  7. Yeah unfortunately crafts that are sub-orbital will get deleted once you get far enough away from them (unless it's traveling away from the planet, in which case it will remain loaded. Only crafts moving towards the planet will get deleted). The best way to get your boosters landed is to take your craft into a high suborbital trajectory and then switch to your booster. While your craft continues to apoapsis, you can land your booster. Once booster is on the ground, switch back to your craft and burn for orbit. Once you're parked in orbit, switch back to the booster and "recover." Job done. It's a bit of a hassle, but as others have mentioned above, there are mods to help with this.
  8. Kurt J Mac was where I heard of KSP from. Maybe if he'd pack moar boosters, he'd get to the farlands already.
  9. based off this, I would check your mods. This does indeed sound like a case of mods either not playing nice together, not updated, not compatible, or just being heavy resource hogs.
  10. I have a pretty beefy machine (though not quite as beefy as yours) and it outperforms your claims by miles. If your game is behaving that badly, it's something on your end. How big is your craft? Massive ships or ships with tons and tons and tons of parts or ships withing range of other ships (or bases) with tons of parts will cause performance drain. How many mods you got? Vanilla KSP will always always always outperform modded KSP. Even if you "only" have just a few. Are you multi-tasking? If you're anything like me, you've got 3 monitors and they're all doing something. Don't do this with KSP, it doesn't work very well at all. KSP time is KSP time. Lastly, is everything plugged in and working correctly? I had a friend who built a PC once and was getting constant low FPS (we're talking like 5-20) and it was only on certain games. Turns out, bad CPU cooler. Too hot to run efficiently, not hot enough to trigger an emergency shutdown. -------- KSP does not run very well when compared to the rest of the gaming universe, but it definitely should not be behaving like that on a system like yours unless something on your end is causing it. That said...yes, I would love some better performance in KSP.
  11. I mean, our moon technically has an atmosphere, but it's so ridiculously thin that it may as well be vacuum. In fact, it's far less confusing to just say it doesn't have one, than it is to say "well...it has one...but it's not really there...and you still cant breathe...and it doesn't really affect anything...and....and..and..." So we just say it's vacuum instead.
  12. While I would like something like this in stock, you can currently scratch this itch with Extraplanetary Launchpads:
  13. It has. To death. Literally all over the place. Try DarkMultiPlayer (DMP) or the up-and-coming LunaMultiPlayer (LMP) that aims to replace it.
  14. I think the core problem is that launch clamps are always considered debris and not vessels. The same thing happens on the KSC launchpad as well. Rather than trying to change the definition of "debris" to "vessel" (because that would cause a whole host of problems, I think), you'd be better off seeing if there's a mod that allows you to "recover" debris instead. I do not know if such a mod exists, but that's the route I'd take.
  15. I've been exposed to a ton of clones in my time and very few of them have ever been straight asset-flips (not that those don't happen), so I don't know if I'd go so far as to label this as "suspicious," but perhaps maybe "worth following up on?" I don't know. To me it looks like a harmless KSP clone at its worst and competition at its best. But that's...just like my opinion, man.
  16. Step 3: Learn that coding is hard and give up
  17. I can definitely see how OP would come to that conclusion, but I don't see any copyright infringement here. Does it look like a reskinned KSP? Yep! Is the gameplay largely similar? Looks like it! Is it theft? Probably not. If I wanted to, I could make a game that is 99.999999% the same as Doom called "Mood" and as long as I build everything myself from scratch and as long as I'm not recreating other's IPs (like instead of Doom Guy, its a generic "space marine"), it's legal. In all actuality, this game is either being made by people who have no idea that KSP is a thing (pretty likely) or it's being made by people who love KSP but wish it was something more (not as likely) and this is the first step on a loooong road of development. If simply being similar to another game is illegal, I'd like to have a word with the bajillion Minecraft clones out there.
  18. Greenfire32


    Not only this, but the easiest method of docking to make sure both crafts line up on 90 & 180 degrees (North/South). Otherwise, you'll find that your target "drifts" as you orbit the planet. By lining up on 90/180, you eliminate an entire axis of rotation and you'll only ever have to worry about lining up the ports and docking. You'll never have to worry about drifting off course. I do this with my space stations. Modules can be docked any which way, but shuttle docks are always 90/180.
  19. Ah...well in that case, the problem becomes exponentially worse as the more separate crafts there are within physics range, the worse KSP runs. This is the case because now instead of calculating speed, position change and any environmental factors on one craft (which are comprised of many parts themselves), it now has to keep track of all that for many crafts. Its one thing to have KSP process one big craft, but it's an entirely different thing to have it process many smaller crafts all at once. Honestly, with KSP, you'd get better performance out of one giant craft than you would with many small crafts. KSP just isn't built to handle what you're trying to accomplish. As mentioned above there are mods and certain options you can tick that can help mitigate the worst of the effects, but you'll never fully be free of them. I think you're just going to have to accept a performance hit, honestly. Not even the beefiest of gaming rigs would reliably be able to handle that kind of scenario as KSP itself just isn't up to the task.
  20. Part of the problem is also the way KSP is built and unfortunately in your case I don't think anything is going to help you get 700 parts into orbit smoothly. There are options you can turn off (like terrain scatters already mentioned) and some "optimization" mods (like mods that replace stock textures with lower res versions etc etc), but I think in this case you'll find that KSP itself just cant handle that big a craft without sweating. Instead, a better way to achieve your goals while minimizing the performance hit would be to build whatever it is you're building in a smarter way. Does it have to be 700 parts? Can you ditch something that's not mission-critical? Or can you assemble it in orbit and do three launches instead of one? Perhaps an even better solution to the problem would be an addition of mods like extra-planetary launchpads that allow you to build crafts on other planets (launching from the Mun would take far fewer resources than launching from Kerbin for example and maybe you can ditch an entire stage or two). ---- There comes a point where you have to balance what is possible inside the game and what is possible outside the game.
  21. Me personally, I'm against the addition of "moar planats," because I think we ought to make the current ones interesting and have actual reasons to go to them other than just "I did it." I'm not gonna fight against it though, like you won't see me protesting planet xyz. I just think it would be a better use of time to fix up what we've got first.
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