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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. What about measuring it in explosives? "I just got 10000 tons of <explosive name here> for that contract!" *puts it too close to a rocket* *KSC is now broke*
  2. Good night Munn. Good night stars. Good night house. Good night forum. Good night Kerbin. Good night Duna. Good night Jool. Good night Kraken. Good night forum users everywhere.
  3. Granted. Everyone now has their own 180000 man station to themselves. Unfortunately, they are on all suborbital trajectories going at 4000 m/s. At that speed, I estimate the energy output to be about 1025 joules, or 10 times the amount of energy that strikes the earth each year or 100 times more than the energy of the Chicxulub Crater. Humanity is entirely wiped out. I wish that I could fly. EDIT: Granted. Rock museums are now the most dangerous places for rocks.
  4. Warp drives are broken again. I'm tired of seeing only half a Kerbal make it to the destination. Do you think that they will fix it in
  5. Don't forget the Spring-based RTS games like Zero-K. They are based off a game based off Total Annihilation, but it's different enough that it's free now. The community is small, but the devs are active.
  6. Have you tried Dwarf Fortress? http://http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/ It's hard to describe what it is; you should check it out. Be warned that it takes time to learn how to even get past the first year. EDIT: Here's the link for the wiki: http://dwarffortresswiki.org/
  7. Really? Advertising your own self-help company on a game forum? That's cheating! The proper way to do it is to sign a deal with a greedy corporation who will market it for you in exchange for lots of money and your soul.
  8. Only 63.01 seconds. Do you notice how things move faster when they are further away than when they are close to Earth in this game?
  9. A really long time. I'm not sure on the exact number, but at least centuries.
  10. Trigger global thermonuclear war. The resulting ecological disaster would be short in geological time, and there would be no people left to further damage the environment! It's not what I actually would do, but that's not the question.
  11. I've been playing since 0.8 or 0.9, and I've probably spent anywhere from 1000 to 3000 hours playing KSP. I've spent another significant time on the forums (50-100 hours)?
  12. I saw something on the Minecraft forums about it, so I took a look. It was an 0.8 or 0.9 version, and it was mostly a manned ballistic missile simulator at that point.
  13. It wasn't serious, but someone suggested that people can't survive away from the Earth because the Earth sustains them, meaning that the ISS is there, but the Moon landings were faked.
  14. I would make a planet sized collection of tiny parts and then collide things into it for better terrain deformation.
  15. INTJ (11%/75%/12%/22%). In previous years, the Introverted would have been much higher, but that's what living in a lot of places does to you.
  16. Banned for an extremely annoying joke.
  17. Banned for having numbers in username.
  18. I hate my dreams when I get sick. Without fail, I get certain dreams that relate to what I'm sick with. Really bad cold/other ear/nose/throat infection? A really slow-moving dream that includes things like walking down the street where I wake up several times a night. Stomach bug? I get an awful dream about trying to solve a math equation where it feels like I'm tired and haven't quite gotten to sleep yet. All night long. Fever? I get an even worse one where I'm trying to build a tower out of something, and whenever I get close, it falls down again. This one will also go on for hours, and it's simply frustrating. I don't like illness dreams.
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