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Everything posted by TheDarkStar

  1. Just about all I make are asparagus'd pancakes. Sometimes, I add a second asparagus layer underneath, rather than to the side, to make it less prone to collapsing. What's this "aesthetics" thing? Can I blow it up?
  2. It's not prohibited by any law we know. We haven't found it yet, but it took a while to find antimatter, too.
  3. One of the following: Landing a Kerbal everywhere. Returning from Moho with a Kerbal. Sending a multipart ship to Duna. Laythe return.
  4. I kind of want to see a lifter that can get 1200 tons to orbit now.
  5. Use W, A, S, D, Q and E for rotation by 90 degrees. Hold down shift while you do this to rotate it only 5 degrees.
  6. Possibly a rail gun. I can't think of much else.
  7. He's a test pilot for my current 2045 ton lifter.
  8. I started back a LONG time ago. It was one of the 0.8 versions, I think, back when there wasn't SAS (I think) or RCS. Also, only 1 kind of liquid engine and 1 kind of liquid fuel tank, along with the pod, 1 parachute, and of course SRBs. My forum profile does not reflect this; the join date was changed in the forum bug last year.
  9. It depends what gets changed. Usually not for minor updates, but major updates can often be save-breaking.
  10. I land on the Mün. I've never actually noticed it without the "the" with it, though.
  11. Obviously, it's a gravitational version of a Mag-Lev train - the center of Kerbin's mass is constantly moved to avoid the black hole in the center hitting any walls. If it starts to get close on one side, mass would be moved to the other side of the planet, pulling the black hole more strongly in that direction. This also explains how altitudes can jump around while in orbit. (I'd like for someone to point out possible flaws in this.
  12. Usually, it takes me a few months to use any mods. Even then, I usually only use things like KMP or Alternis Kerbol.
  13. Pretty sure it's called a wind tunnel. However, I'd go with K^2's answer for one that is computer simulated.
  14. Do we actually know the density of the "water" on Kerbin?
  15. It's actually easy to do if you use a bi-elliptic transfer. You have to raise your apoapsis up really high and then lower your periapsis a lot. This can probably save you about 10km/s.
  16. You're thinking of the other struts. Cubic struts still have mass and drag.
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65401-WIP-PlanetFactory-CE That's where to look.
  18. I've noticed that it happens often with many parts colliding - could it be because they get the same position for a fraction of a second and the game has no idea how to handle it? This should be easy to test by messing with the save file for a ship design - just copy a few things so that you have two or more parts in the same place, and then either decouple them or destroy the part that they are attached to.
  19. I voted "other" because I switch between them so much.
  20. You might want to do it with a few separate launches to make it easier. I usually do that instead of taking twice as long to make something to do it in one launch.
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