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Everything posted by KOCOUR

  1. Loong time i played this game. but it was a good game. BTW i dont thing this thread belongs to science labs. It should be moved.
  2. the travel time is proposed to be around half an hour. I live in one city and work in another and the buss (with no toilet in it) iam going with has first stop after 36 minutes of riding. And i never seen anyone piss themselves in the buss. So no need of toilet there.
  3. About time to revive it then.
  4. I Played CoD, Battlefield, Hallo, OPFP, OPFP dragonrising and OPFP Red river, ARMA II and III alfa and beta, Planetside II, Warframe, Sniper Elite, Sniper elite V2 demo and lot of other shooters. I ended UP with ARMA II beacuse, all the others just suck big time. They are either too unrealistic (realy? i shoot guy to the chest with AK and he shoots back? Shouldnt he just drop?), too "cool" (gay hairstiles, doublewielding weapons, katanas, handwielded miniguns, or other crap) or dont give enough freedom of choices to player. CoD and Battlefield feels totaly the same to me. I really dont see any significant difference. I didnt play Hallo too much cause it somehow didnt chatch with my taste. Only shooter i play lately is ARMA II Its realistic, it have lot of multiplayer and singleplayer mods, and it have huge maps, and iam all into huge maps, and freedom of movement. But dont worry we allso have our deal of buthurt kids, threatening, Hackusating, and crying in gamechat. Because CoD kids when bored with CoD are triing to play other games but still behave as they are playing CoD.
  5. Ah bermuda triangle fairytales. I love those stories, and stories about bigfoot, Jesus christ, chemtrails and aliens. Its so sad that they are all made up. Life would have been a lot more interesting if they were true.
  6. And wouldnt be easier to stop being pussies about Nuclear energy, and build just more Reactors on earth? The most advanced ones could even use nuclear waste as fuel.
  7. I love the 40k universe. First encounter with it was Ragnar series books actualy space wolf in 2002, since then I have read every 40k book that ever been translated to my language. Then the first dawn of war was released on PC, and i was all like: "Holy **** they made PC game about my favorite scifi book series" and offcourse bought the game right away. I actualy didnt know about board game until someone told me they exist in 2010. And as soon as i learned about them, i of course wanted it, but when i saw the prices for basic starter set, i was like NO WAY!! so only books and PC games for me.
  8. You mean something like supreme ruler? Most boring thing ever.
  9. I asked this long time ago, and never seen any answer, so ill ask again. Would you consider making nosecones and tailpieces for the old envelopes? Ciruss and those two small deployable envelopes are nice and all, but i still like the original type most, and with proper nosecone, and tailpiece, the will be just perfect, and there will be no need for any other kind.
  10. First game i ever played was Wolfenstein 3D.when i was a kid sometime back in 90´s. then I played Dune 2000, Fallout 2 and Warcraft 2. All on my friends computer he was only kid with PC in our 10 000 people town then. Later when i finished high school in 2004 and got my first employement (as an gas valves designer) i bought my first own computer, and tried to play all those games i missed. So i played X-wing, Tie figter, Lost wikings, Spear of destiny, Doom, Dukenukem, But first game that i actuly liked was Fallout tactics, So Fallout Tactics would be my favorite old game.
  11. Well my gaming machine has 16GB RAM and GTX 560 GPU but it has slow CPU, so i run KSP on my work laptop wich has only 8GB RAM, and Nvidia qadro 3000M GPU (wich is hardly a gaming graphic card), but has 8-core I7 cpu, and KSP runs much smooter than on my gaming PC. That leads me to conclusion that most important thing for playing KSP is CPU. Not RAM or GPU.
  12. If someone manage to make it without need of any antireject medication, (probably combination of augments and genetical enhancements) then iam all up for it.
  13. Something older for Alcubierre drive: http://www.technologyreview.com/view/412867/quantum-setback-for-warp-drives/
  14. I´v red it. And Reaturn of the Rama, and Ramas Garden, anda Rama Revealed. It was nice and entertaining series of books, but i somehow dont understand why you mentioning it here, as its idea of first contact wasnt any better, or more relevant than any idea presented here. (Actualy in my oppinion those books was more about sending crappy morall messages, than about contact with alien life.)
  15. Mech jeb works well with rockets, but messes up my planes. on planes without MJ i control pitch by W and S buttons. if i equip it with MJ the control switches to A and D and so on.
  16. I dont say its the same dificulty, i just say it is the same proces. you just push WASD Shift Ctrl for eva or IJKL HN for docking. Off course docking need bit more patience, and slover aproach, but in core it is the same. And it is not hard, if you dont hurry it.
  17. Docking is peace of cake. if you can do orbital EVA and return with your kerbal back to the ship, you know how to dock. Randevouse, is the hard part.
  18. On microscopic inteligent lifeform i would disagree. Nothing smaller than average human cell can be sentient. Other things i can agree with.
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