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Everything posted by Robo336

  1. Those legs are AWESOME. They appear to have a problem with their collision though. I tried landing on the KSP base terrain and a few seconds after succespul touchdown, the legs started sinking into the ground! A few seconds more and the lander is shot up in the air (when the game realize that to solid object are not supposed to share the same volume of space) and torn appart! Now THAT\'S KERBAL!!!
  2. Not wasting time getting into orbit first. THAT is the kerbal way 8)
  3. Jeb of course. ...Bill and Bob would have faintet by then. --- My moon rocket: On launchpad: Course set: Remaining for rendezvous with moon What? They wanna go home too!? To bad the game keeps freezing up on me when I try to increase warp above 2x...
  4. Tried the first battlefront, but not the second. So many games, so little time ??? Though be carefull with the shuttle. It tends to loose its wings when flying at a warp factor greater than 4...
  5. When comming out of warp the top stabilizer blew up for some reason. Then when entering the atmosphere, a second wing fell of... This brought the ship into a spin that caused the final wing to be torn loose But I still landed the thing 8)
  6. Tried recreating the imperial shuttle from Star Wars using the C7 flightpack. It flies like a brick and uses up at least one tank of RCS to remain stable during assent to orbit. But at least it looks good...
  7. Got tired of building the same single and multi stage rockets, so I tried a slightly different approach. Sooner or later we are going to need a ship capable of cruising the kerbal star system. And that has to get in orbit. So, i built a huge space ship and tried to get it in orbit without using to much of its own engine power/fuel. Failed at conserving fuel of course :-[... ...but we still have a huge ship in orbit that can be refueled (once such a feature is in the game) and prepared to explore the void 8)
  8. Tried it. That thing wobbles like something I shoulden\'t say out loud on a public forum It can definantly reach orbit, althoug a bit wastefull. Max velocity was about 4.5 km/s (I\'m shure someone here can do better )
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