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Everything posted by klond

  1. Buoyancy bothers me most. I'm ok with KSP having it's own reality, but building submarines and underwater bases takes more creativity than it should. Water resistance on the horizontal is fine, it's the floatation of damn near every part that's rough. If I was doing a wish list I'd want tides and waves too.
  2. It's go time! Now with sponsorship.
  3. Hello from Minnesota my fellow internet friends. I like winter, but this desert brown and sky blue is a nice change from our white/white. Stage 1 complete! 30:07:74 I took a risk and built a small car. 6 wheels, 1 battery, 2 RTG, no solar. I dip into battery reserves uphill which is a fun resource management mechanic. The sponsorship sign is top heavy but car ain't fast (5 or 10m/s uphill, 30some down). I rolled it over in trials so there's a small reaction wheel to right myself. Reaction wheel is also helping me in SAS Only mode when driving. I'm on KSP 1.8.1 with that OrX mod. Thanks for the info about screen flickering quickload fix for Vessel Mover. Started out during the day. Got dark later going up in the hills. Lil scary cuz I'm watching Alien while I was driving. Lil terrain issue. Wasn't a problem. We'll pretend it's mud/sand. So Jeb's sign is a lil heavy, even with the RTGs in front (The torque from the 4 rear wheels didn't help. Maybe if I slipped it into front wheel drive I could have made it). 'Limits my max approach angle. Gotta zig-zag up the steeps. Battery wearing down up these hills. Took a quick minute to stop by a crash sight from the goliath speed challenge recently that I happened to cross, and to let battery recharge. This is turning into an adventure. Visibility poor, very dark, the hills have eyes. Wheels settings are all factory. This is me sliding down the final hill, full brakes still doing 15m/s. 'Should have taken a longer route. Got air a few times earlier, some cuz of poor visibility. The poor weight distribution of the sign makes me land tail first. Lost a few letter pieces. Gotta be more careful. Sign makes a nice wheelie bar tho :). Mod failed to stop timer so I'm using this photo here at a full stop. Get well Triop.
  4. Shoutout for KerbalX for all of your spacecraft repository needs.
  5. Now this is some good thinking to bypass that slow spooldown. I have really enjoyed this challenge. This is about heat like you guys said. Made several craft changes and many reverts (I only used one quicksave per run, 3/4 of the way each time) and spent several hours flying bad craft (some craft didn't like time warp). Some of my rockets with radiators on the outside couldn't get over that mach hump (350ish is it?). THIS is my only success without burning up. Even though I'm on the slant it didn't tip . I use 385 units of fuel I think (tried to stay at high altitude). It seemed I had less engine heat problems if I made my final approach more square then to efficiently angle down for max speed/shortest distance. I wonder if ya'll that mask the front of your engine develop less drag heat. Here I ended up jamming my only engine into reverse at 1000-2000m while coming in hot, then popping a chute a few seconds later. Is this allowed (I also took off vertially)? Had to run the engine a little in forward mode again to reduce the fall rate so the legs wouldn't explode on impact, even with the big chute. It's flat on top cuz the nosecone is a chute. One Goliath attached radially so it's intake still functions. The Goliath is attached to the lower Service Bay which houses 16 small radiators to keep them out of the wind. The cockpit also needed cooling so it has its own Service Bay with 16 little radiators. Add me to the listing. This is the best I got for dessert landing.
  6. I loved the whole post. Thank you for sharing. And the internals of the tiny engine are super cute.
  7. This is my favorite video of our so far. I think @Castille7 is really improving in his video editing and I applaud his effort in providing a multitude of audio effects in making a hilarious pro-robotics video that I know took much time to produce. I love it.
  8. That's a dope car, and I can appreciate your long-standing dedication to KSP automobiles. @Castille7 is the video guy, I'm just his builder. I'm sure he'll hook you up, but videos are few and far between. I'm just returning from a long time away from KSP, but I'll have him add a vehicle in where we can.
  9. Great, I could use the help. Collaborations can be fun. Send pics if you have any luck. Here's the original from above. link Needs tweaking. Here's a lighter weight version with a more curvy programming. Lower RPMs though. link I mapped throttle to controller play speed. No staging. Press 1 to start the show. Slowly ramp up speed. I think there are certain sweet spots in the RPM range, like hitting a harmonic. @dnbattley You were right about big flywheel, totally helps smoothing everything out. If anyone makes improvments, please share. I will also keep dabbling.
  10. Alright, look at this! I want to know more. I'm surprised the stayputnik's can handle the heat. I like your gear material choice, but I'm not sure they're perfectly round yet. Hopefully we can get some action shots soon. Keep at it! --- Here's my WIP, and my workaround for the piston's slow speed - manipulate the force, not the position. I have not tweaked this yet, and I bet there's more room for even higher RPMs, through both parts choices and programming. Let's get this in a plane. If anyone else get's high-speed results tag me. @Azimech stay positive my friend. Also, I hope you are well.
  11. I went the other direction on my blimp. I had big lettering on both sides, 700 some parts, lagged bad on my pc - felt icky. Deleted all the lettering and advertising and lighting, got it down to 300 parts, where flying it was fun again, then I called it done.
  12. It feels the same, but now that you say it, I really didn't see the crazy bouncing of the landing gear. We'll need to put one under stress and see. Hey, now that they're one-piece they can survive timewarp (I'm guessing). Cuz it's summer here I'm not doing as much KSP. I'll get back into it come autumn. I do like this thread.
  13. Yep, still valid on 1.7.3. The ol' blimp still floats and I can spin stuff with legs too. Still gotta separate the craft old-style. Wait. We don't need to separate craft! It works for spinning a prop with legs. Gonna try a k-drive now. Can't frikken believe it.
  14. I don't believe that that's a synchrocopter though No, it is not. The blades are horizontal and do not interfere, one offset above the other in a way that could only work here. Yes and it's frikken amazing! No need to separate from parent craft either. I updated the One Juno Turboprop on v1.7.1, right before propeller blades came out. If you use a rotor as a bearing you get a free RPM meter on right-click. It'll help you tune props when flying. There's also far less reactionary torque vs a rotor-motor so you don't need contra-rotation to have a usable machine. Good stuff. I thought I could use a powered rotor-bearing as WEP, but in my case it hurt more than helped.
  15. As work was being completed @EpicSpaceTroll139 mentioned something about a differential or internal gearing to make function what you're describing. I was not prepared for this additional functionality so I went with what I had. I am still unsure if it's just a simple differential or something more complex. If you have any links to material or pictures I am still curious. And welcome to the forums!
  16. Thanks. It's on the ole kerbalx if you wanna take it apart. I used 4 k-drives (thanks @erasmusguy) so ya it's 5 different craft. One big one right on the center of mass that pivots so it stays straight up-and-down (with Radial Out). That's really the kicker - so it can nose-up without moving backwards. 2 more, just in front and back of that to change buoyancy and pitch, and the last one I had to put SIDEWAYS in the tail for turning/steering cuz no sane amount of SAS was gonna turn this lead zeppelin.
  17. Lookin good my friend. 'Been working on a robotics car but I don't just wanna slap a motor on each wheel, I need something more, so I'm fiddling with driveshafts and 4wd and crap. I got to this point and figured someone, somewhere will want speed and power at a right angle in a small package without craft separation. There's 5 sets of u-joints at 18degrees for 90degrees total. 4 and 3 sets are possible for lower parts count, but janky-ness increases. 2 sets at 45degrees doesn't work well. A 6th set changes the total angle from 18 to 15 and that didn't seem worth it, so here we are at 5.
  18. I have also found that using an action button instead of staging is a better way to get everything started and into position. You're on the forefront. If you continue to make performance improvements I'd love to see 'em.
  19. I thought the same thing when I did the blimp. Lots of parallel inventing happening. I'm glad you shared your excitement with us. GL on the single-craft drive, let us know. Here was one of my modules from the blimp. You can kinda see the lower elevons down there used for the variability so ASDW and SAS function. Ahhh yes, same ol krakentech still works perfect in 1.7.1. Feels good. (sorry, not a WIP, just using this, uh, relevent discussion to sell blimps. Livery not included).
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