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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by NovaSilisko
I still have 0.13.2 installed, actually.
Kerbals are much less likely to consider the whole "safety" aspect and just focus on the "oh my god we should totally blow up nuclear bombs behind a spaceship to make it go fast" aspect.
He was being sarcastic.
Everyone, calm. Arguing about this will accomplish nothing.
Look, you're not going to magically convince me to support this idea. 1:1 scale planets just aren't gonna happen.
I was avoiding stating things that already had been said in this thread, but yes. 5 minutes to orbit vs 15 makes a lot of difference if you want to conduct lots of launches in succession, for example. Planets would get a lot more boring visually because, really, do you want to detail 197 million square miles of planetary surface? It's hard enough as it is with the tiny planets to make them fully detailed. Everything about doing this would make everything more difficult. For players AND developers. And not in a good-difficulty challenging way, it would just make conducting anything more boring and time-consuming for the players, and VASTLY more time consuming for us.
No, 1:1 planets aren't going to happen, ever. In addition, it would just make the game a thousand times more difficult to detail and make planets for. Right now, a 4096x2048 color map is enough to give some nice detail for a Kerbin-sized planet 600 km in radius, but a planet 6000 km in radius? Unless you want a pixel to be the size of some small countries, you need to have MASSIVE textures, which would in turn make the game's size increase twentyfold...
Ooh, I like it. It's nice to see a hazy laythe, I've always wanted it to look like that but we don't have the tech to do so yet.
Recovered the code! Certain not to work with the latest version of ksp and woefully unfinished, but it should serve as a starting point! OrionPusherPlate.cs using System; using UnityEngine; public class OrionPusherPlate : Part { public float bombImpulse = 1000f; public float bombHeat = 200f; public float bombVariation = 100f; public float plateOffset = 0.5f; public float plateSpeed = 0.5f; private int numBombs; private FXGroup explosionGroup; private Transform pusherPlate; private bool canFire = true; private OrionMagazine magazine; protected override void onFlightStart() { this.pusherPlate = base.get_transform().FindChild("model").FindChild("obj_pusherplate"); this.explosionGroup = base.findFxGroup("explosionGroup"); this.magazine = (this.parent as OrionMagazine); if (this.magazine) { this.numBombs = this.magazine.bombStockpile; MonoBehaviour.print("OrionPusherPlate: Found magazine to draw bombs from! Available bombs now at: " + this.numBombs); } else { MonoBehaviour.print("Oh dear god! OrionPusherPlate couldn't find an attached magazine!"); this.numBombs = 0; } base.onFlightStart(); } protected override void onPartLoad() { this.fxGroups.Add(new FXGroup("explosionGroup")); base.onPartLoad(); } protected void launchBomb() { float num = 0f; if (this.vessel.get_isCommandable() && this.numBombs > 0) { foreach (Part current in this.vessel.parts) { num += current.mass; } this.numBombs--; MonoBehaviour.print(string.Concat(new object[] { "Firing bomb! Bomb count is now: ", this.numBombs, ", container mass is ", this.magazine.mass, this.magazine.dryMass })); this.pusherPlate.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, this.plateOffset, 0f)); this.vessel.ChangeWorldVelocity(base.get_transform().get_up() * ((this.bombImpulse + Random.Range(0f, this.bombVariation)) / num)); base.get_rigidbody().AddRelativeForce(new Vector3(0f, this.bombImpulse + Random.Range(0f, this.bombVariation), 0f)); this.temperature += this.bombHeat; this.explosionGroup.set_Power(5f); this.explosionGroup.Burst(); base.get_gameObject().get_audio().set_pitch(1f); base.get_gameObject().get_audio().PlayOneShot(this.explosionGroup.sfx); } } protected override bool onPartActivate() { this.launchBomb(); return base.onPartActivate(); } protected override void onActiveFixedUpdate() { if (Input.GetKey(122) && this.canFire) { this.canFire = false; this.launchBomb(); } float num = this.pusherPlate.get_localPosition().y; if (this.pusherPlate.get_localPosition().y > 0.01f) { this.canFire = false; num -= this.plateSpeed * Time.get_deltaTime(); } else { this.canFire = true; num = 0f; } this.pusherPlate.set_localPosition(new Vector3(0f, num, 0f)); this.magazine.bombStockpile = this.numBombs; base.onActiveFixedUpdate(); } } OrionMagazine.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; internal class OrionMagazine : Part { public int bombStockpile = 200; public float bombMass = 0.25f; public float dryMass = 1f; private VInfoBox bombCounter; private int initialBombs; protected override void onPartLoad() { base.onPartLoad(); this.mass = (float)this.bombStockpile * this.bombMass; this.initialBombs = this.bombStockpile; } protected override void onPartFixedUpdate() { this.mass = (float)this.bombStockpile * this.bombMass; if (this.bombCounter == null) { this.bombCounter = this.stackIcon.DisplayInfo(); this.bombCounter.SetMsgBgColor(XKCDColors.get_DarkGreen()); this.bombCounter.SetMsgTextColor(XKCDColors.get_ElectricLime()); this.bombCounter.SetProgressBarBgColor(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); this.bombCounter.SetProgressBarColor(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)); } else { this.bombCounter.SetMessage("Bombs: " + this.bombStockpile); } base.onPartFixedUpdate(); } public override void onFlightStateSave(Dictionary<string, KSPParseable> partDataCollection) { partDataCollection.Add("bombs", new KSPParseable((float)this.bombStockpile, 2)); } public override void onFlightStateLoad(Dictionary<string, KSPParseable> parsedData) { if (parsedData.ContainsKey("bombs")) { this.bombStockpile = parsedData["bombs"].get_value_int(); } } }
No, it's a learning algorithm, like Cleverbot.
Which nuclear accident ware worse Chernobyl or Fukushima
NovaSilisko replied to Pawelk198604's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Any nuclear accident just results in a huge public outcry about how dangerous nuclear power is and all that, then everyone goes into a knee-jerk reaction mode of stopping various projects in development, shutting down existing reactors, protesting against spacecraft that use RTGs (happened for Cassini and Curiosity), and so on. It's really a shame people get that way, nuclear is really the one thing that could provide us with clean energy for hundreds of years, with just some more developments to it (better waste storage/disposal, for example) -
They better not screw this up.
Stephen Baxter - Voyage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyage_%28novel%29
Could Laythe actually exist with real physics?
NovaSilisko replied to Themohawkninja's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Well, just get some lead-lined underpants and a breathing mask and you can walk around just fine -
Could Laythe actually exist with real physics?
NovaSilisko replied to Themohawkninja's topic in Science & Spaceflight
The general idea I had was if you scooted Europa in to around Io's position through some gravitational mishap. The tidal forces worked to melt the surface ice completely, and keep an ocean. (The atmosphere is a bit of artistic license there, it would have to form through some other means, unless it's mostly water vapor or something) Eventually I do want to make laythe quite volcanically active in addition to just having oceans. So pretty much a melted Europa plus Io. Despite the surface liquid it's not really a habitable place. Very radioactive (like Io). -
I actually started making a plugin to do exactly this way before I joined the team... I wonder if it still works. It didn't use any of the existing engine code, it directly applied a velocity change to the vessel, and shook it violently so anything that was poorly built wouldn't last long. If you timed it right, you could even land on other bodies with it. I never got it to the point of making effects for it sadly, and the model was just a placeholder. As for the size, remember, the Kerbal universe has slightly different laws of physics - nuclear bombs may just work at tiny sizes here.
Here's a gif of it Larger more explodey object is the main spacecraft bus, the sample capsule is at the bottom right, and not disintegrating.
Kerbals? Doing something to spec? Hah.
I believe the same thing happened with Sunshine. Despite it having almost no scientific grounding, it was still a great film IMO. But, a lot of people denounced it because of the scientific errors.
Chang'e 3 (Chinese lunar lander, late 2013)
NovaSilisko replied to Kryten's topic in Science & Spaceflight
"The plan is simple, we charge them 30 dollars for a slip of paper saying they own an acre of the moon" "Nobody will go for that!" "Oh won't they?" -
Depends on your perspective. If you're traveling at roughly the same relative velocity, you'll see it just expand in a roughly spherical pattern. But, in reality, all the pieces have been nudged onto slightly different orbits that happen to take them in those directions from your perspective.
Asparagus Staging in Real Life?
NovaSilisko replied to CalculusWarrior's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Classic KSP-style "asparagus" staging (6-8 boosters, dropping away in pairs) is also impractical IRL due to the number of staging events - ideally you want to have as few as possible, so there's less risk of things going wrong. Besides that, it's quite simply a case of "easier said than done". -
Why does the LV-N need oxidizer?
NovaSilisko replied to The Ideal Gas Lawyer's topic in KSP1 Discussion
We don't have rocket-specific fuel-only tanks yet. Once we have tweakables (which will let you right click a tank and choose whether you want fuel, oxidizer, or both), the oxidizer requirement will go away. -
They were always that size, the one in the blog post was for KSC's flagpole (which, coincidentally, has been enlarged so you're 50% right!) Yes. Don't put one on your flags, it'll just look funky in-game. You. You get a high-five.