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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Heh, in the changelog it's not mentioned that we actually disabled them for now because they're not done. As for music, I believe all it controls is the credits music. Edit: Here, have a present
  2. From my past experiments with watercraft, I'm going to guess somewhere between Snail and Rock.
  3. It WAS dead until you dredged it up just to let us know it's dead... Stop doing that.
  4. Well, remember, momentum is merely a measure of energy based around a given mass - the faster that mass is moving, the more momentum it has, and the more kinetic energy it can deliver. The faster the rocket exhaust velocity, the more "result" you get out of expending a given mass of propellant. Newton's third law at work!
  5. Where's the "often, but only the statistics part" option?
  6. Quadrupled. If you scale something up by 2 in all three dimensions, then its mass increases by a factor of 4.
  7. Simple: Add an atmosphere scoop part, and dip your ship into the upper reaches of the atmosphere.
  8. Well, it's not the physical docking itself that's the issue - we want to have a complete suite of features to go with it, like space stations and the ability to include multiple crafts per launch, ala Apollo.
  9. The only round trip I've ever done was to Eve orbit and back, and even then it was cutting it close. But, mostly it's because I suck at interplanetary transfers.
  10. Greatly depends on how good your trajectory is. I've aerobraked at 9 km up going 7 km/s, but also had relatively gentle aerocaptures at around 3 km/s.
  11. Actually, from my experimentation, you don't really need much fuel to get back into orbit from Duna. If you can rendezvous with a ship parked in orbit and transfer your crew over, you should be able to manage a round trip.
  12. Nah, the assassins should arrive within a few hours.
  13. Erkle, even with the occasional spontanious detonation of the docking clamps, this is incredible. Absolutely incredible.
  14. 1/10 I don't know who anyone in this thread is
  15. Heh, I'd still be playing DF if I had the time.

  16. Funny you mention that because I just finished making exactly that (with the Mun, at least)
  17. Currently working on some scenarios for 0.17 - simple things to give a starting point for various things. For example, a lander in Mun orbit, a lander in Minmus orbit, a spacecraft approaching a flyby of Duna, etc.
  18. "His pictures are comparable to the images that NASA's team produces after having spent hundreds of millions of dollars on technologically advanced satellites." Oh, lord.
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