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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. First group of stitched-together images returned by the Kerbonaut-mounted camera* on the Science-y Lander 1 (SL1) mission to Bop: *As in, I manually placed the camera in front of him
  2. Ding ding! Although, it does have an atmosphere thicker than Kerbin's, the tidal forces are my explanation as to why it's kept liquid.
  3. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/entry.php/60-Om-nom-nomenclature
  4. Unfortunately no, but I hereby give an official endorsement of Tosh's rover pack. So far I've put a rover on... most objects in the solar system.
  5. I think you've beaten your own challenge so hard that nobody else will have the courage to even try, Soralin.
  6. The best landing sequence is a staged approach. First a parachute, decoupled once you're below around 200-300 m/s, and then rockets for the final descent. Even then, it can be pretty hairy. I've ended up going 500 m/s at as many meters above the gound and just barely managed a landing, with almost no fuel.
  7. Heh, when we have the time to add fog and clouds it'll get a lot tougher.
  8. I'll help you guys out a little bit, here are the latest stats on Eve: (may change, they've been changed up quite a bit so far) Radius: 700km Surface gravity: 1.7g Atmosphere density: 5x kerbin Rotation period: 22.5 hours Semimajor axis: 7440000km Eccentricity: 0.03 Inclination: 0.025
  9. Don't spread false information. Just because he has a modeled oxygen light does not mean we've made, or even are making, a life support system. Serratus was right, it's just filler for now.
  10. It's a one-way base lander, using an oversized skycrane which doubles as the cruise engine.
  11. Yes, it was quite impossible to fly...although, the weight distribution was even.
  12. I like the latter three that you've underlined, not too crazy about Charren, though.
  13. I may eventually release some older stuff "as-is" with no promises as to it working. As to "having" a pack in its entirety, I don't know. Using individual parts for compilations, sure, as well as modifying their models or textures, but I don't really want them to "be re-released" as was done with NovaPunch by Tiberion.
  14. Okay, I've edited the post to get my point across more. I am not working on any of these anymore and never will again.
  15. Slight bump, but if anyone wants to use things from my old packs, feel free to do so, but please credit me in a readme file. They're basically abandonware now.
  16. Dumb luck. I was at periapsis on my first flyby, and noticed that the Gas Planet -might- be in the right position for a flyby, so I tried to do so, and got a fairly close pass, then, just a bit before the second encounter, changed my trajectory slightly to bring it in as close as possible without slamming into the atmosphere. You barely need any fuel for trajectory corrections, once you've gotten the brunt of the delta-v out of the way with your main rocket.
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