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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. There\'s only one monolith outside Kerbin\'s local system, but it\'s going to be very hard to find. All other easter eggs are unique (at least one per planet/moon)
  2. In the desert planet\'s deepest canyon, the air pressure is 0.2x that of kerbin, going down to 0.02x at some of the higher mountains. I\'m also working on smaller scale detail, but it\'s kind of difficult to see unless the sun is at a steep angle. Rivers might be possible but it\'d difficult.
  3. Red? Less red? Red? Less red? I CAN\'T DECIDE AAAAaaa Edit: It DOES vary considerably over the surface, though.
  4. Here\'s an updated color: Bit more mars-like, but still vibrant.
  5. I\'m still in the polishing phase, right now, so it will probably change.
  6. I lied, here\'s one more of me landed on a precariously steep slope (I almost fell over):
  7. Here, last teaser before the new forum software, this time in glorious HD! A failed attempt to land on the desert planet: Atmosphere still needs some tweaks, though. And my lander needs a drogue chute. Note to self: Make drogue chute part.
  8. So far I think, counting Kerbin, there are 5 objects with atmospheres.
  9. As a note, I\'ve never conducted a successful return ;P
  10. I believe I\'ve made our 'mars analogue' very unique, instead of just a carbon copy of it. It has a very large moon, like pluto, and they are tidally locked to each other. It\'s quite intimidating seeing that giant thing in the sky.
  11. The main idea is that the general layout will be the same (4 rocky planets, 4 gas giants with moons), but the appearance and content of all these planets is up in the air.
  12. Just a note, we\'ve not decided on names just yet. Right now it\'s just 'Desert planet', 'Gas planet', though this will change before release. I hope Desert Planet has a Des somewhere in it\'s name ???
  13. I\'ve proven myself that you actually can perform an interplanetary transfer with the given tools, but, improvements to the tools are on the way, so it shouldn\'t be too troublesome.
  14. Our spacecraft are returning remarkable yet low-resolution images... (No devblogs yet, that comes after the move to vBulletin) Don\'t you worry about planets, let me worry about blank!
  15. Heh, I know the feeling...
  16. I am receiving my new telescope tomorrow, and hopefully I can purchase a proper astrophoto camera, as well.
  17. Nah, it\'s just has a 1 in 40 chance (I think) of appearing on the menu.
  18. Of all the things to argue about, I never understood the point in arguing about music. Who cares? People have different tastes. Arguing whether Skrillex is dubstep or not is, dare I say, even more asinine... You like what you like. Other people like what they like. It\'s like trying to tell a lion to consume only leaves and berries.
  19. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to find my regolithcastle ;P I\'m going to add more menu scenes when I get the time, with their own easter eggs too.
  20. Don\'t you worry about easter eggs, let me worry about blank!
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