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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. In your settings.cfg file, change the CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 0 to CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3. Should be a bit easier to interpret.
  2. Because I really haven\'t felt like solving problems lately, and have not felt like talking much anyway. But I will try to make a guide to engine heat maps when I get a chance.
  3. Make a vessel which is, for all intents and purposes, a solid wall, and park it at the end of the runway? =p
  4. ...Why not just post this in the mod\'s thread?
  5. It\'s really hard to get working, but, the basic process is making a unity animation to animate the color of the emissive map, then including that animation in with the model itself. I can only get it to work half the time and right now, you can\'t use glow maps and normal maps at the same time. Then, in the cfg, use: ThermalAnim = EngineGlow or whatever you named your animation. Edit: started making a heat shield for the capsule
  6. My guess is it\'s a distant body from the outer solar system, which fell inward after a collision, the collision and the sun helped to melt it slightly, leaving the smooth portions of the surface we see today. After a bit of orbiting, it was captured by kerbin, with the Mun gradually perturbing it into a circular orbit.
  7. Nothing in 0.15 changed that would break older addons, except plugins, so BACE might not work but everything else should.
  8. Heh, it would seem so. Let me edit the chart to reflect that. Edit: Also, changed some of the names to fit with the old world kerbal language I\'m developing.
  9. Also, regarding a release date, I really don\'t know. I need to remake pretty much every part, and there were quite a few...but, I\'m not ruling out earlier, smaller releases.
  10. People were doing this months ago when the C7 pack was first made. ;P
  11. The adapters are just copy/pasted from SE2, I haven\'t redone them yet. But yeah, I think that color suits them!
  12. '...and we shall call it...this land!' Edit: Unrelated
  13. Return vehicle parachuting down, with Minmus visible as a bright star in the distance
  14. Heh, I showed Wandering Lump to harv and he liked it, so no harm done ;P As for Tokonian, notice that Tok and Ona are on there. It\'s the old world language of Kerbin, akin to earth\'s Latin.
  15. Something I am working on out of boredom.
  16. r4m0n was the first during the experimentals, actually. I was the fourth, I think...
  17. Yeah, enough with the spamming to reach page 100. Edit: Also, page 100! Edit2: Now that 0.15 is out, I can finally post this picture!
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