The new editor is a piece of junk from what I can tell. It\'s so incredibly limited in power compared to what you can make with Hammer. Using it just to 'block out' an idea? Maybe. I don\'t know.
To be frank, all this says to me is 'I am not very good at the game and have no desire to change that, so instead I will do this'... Although, it\'s one thing making it for yourself, another entirely to release it.
Oops, that fuel tank shouldn\'t be in there. Solar panels activate when you activate the stage. The legs extend and retract with the RCS translate forward/backward keys (only if the RCS itself is off)
On a mac eh? I don\'t know what modeling software works on a Mac, but I use 3ds max. Photoshop works fine on macs. For the hinges, r4m0n made his universal hinge part for Damnyoujapan so I figured it wasn\'t needed from me anymore.
I haven\'t textured the hab module yet... And, it depends on what you do with them. They let you put much more detail in a low-poly model, so if done right, they can greatly improve performance.
Quite right. I\'ve been practicing my high-detail modeling skills in preparation for normal maps in 0.15. Here\'s a 6-meter habitation module for Orbiter:
From what I know, he was in the IRC being an ass and insulting people after he had been told to stop several times, but I\'m not 100% sure on it. Either way, unless someone wants to pick this project up, the thread should probably be locked.