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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. You may want to change the star type from a red dwarf to a yellow dwarf, so it doesn\'t look so overwhelmingly red.
  2. It\'s not VOTL, it\'s VTOL. It stands for Vertical Take-Off and Landing.
  3. It\'s being superceded by a new version, Silisko Edition 2. You can grab the alpha of that in my main hub thread.
  4. Or, the big engines should have their weight taken down a bit. An engine that weighs twice as much as a command pod is a bit crazy.
  5. http://www.manta.com/c/mmnkyfj/bace-industries Oh dear god I\'m going to be sued
  6. Another thing to keep in mind, asteroids will probably be procedurally generated with PQS, not parts or anything. In that case, they could possibly have their own SoI if large enough. Smaller ones could be pushed around with rockets perhaps...
  7. My point is that it would be a lot of effort for very little work to do it in the game itself, with an automatic calculation of the mass and density. The_Duck made a black hole plugin and if I remember right, they had their own gravitational fields. So, use a variation of that plugin, make a module named LargeBody or something, input gravitational parameters in the cfg, and you have yourself an asteroid you can land on. In fact, I might just do that myself.
  8. They\'re not the same. liquidengine1 is a high-thrust, non-vectoring engine. 2 is a moderate thrust, vectoring engine. 3 is an efficient, low thrust, vectoring engine. Edit:
  9. The reason I consider it silly is because it would be basically un-noticable until you get a massive object - in which case it would be better to make a specific plugin for that purpose until asteroids are added to the game proper.
  10. You should try Silisko Edition. I\'ve been trying my best to make it realistic without being oppressive.
  11. He\'s doing everything he\'s assigned to do. Planets aren\'t planned for 0.15, and neither is the silly 'part gravity' concept. It would be much effective to make a plugin to do it only to specific parts, rather than reworking the game code and adding a lot of stress on the engine for something you\'d never see until you have incredibly large parts...
  12. Considering causeless got banned, I would consider this project dead.
  13. At the very bottom left, there should be a 'remove thread' and 'lock thread' button.
  14. Apollo CM diameter: 3.9m Kerbal CM diameter: 1m There was another whole thread dedicated to this a while ago.
  15. This, my friends, is why you don\'t host packs using attachments. They get destroyed when there\'s a server change (like there just recently was)
  16. No...each part was affected by gravity individually, instead of just the vessel as a whole.
  17. Sadly, no. As nice as the trail effect looks in still pictures, it twitches around as the floating-origin system moves your ship... The only way I could fix it is if I can make TrailRenderer exist in the local frame.
  18. I forgot to mention, I added some dwarf planets and updated some info the other day (Including a hypothetical secondary moon for kerbin) Edit: also added surface gravity values
  19. People still play TF2? I thought they just idled all the time to get hats.
  20. Well, docking is coming before new planets, so...
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