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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. FL Studio. Another one, not done http://dl.dropbox.com/u/575558/adaylikethis.mp3
  2. One of the monoliths is only a few KM inland from the space center. That\'s KSC 1 you\'re looking at in that picture.
  3. www.soundcloud.com/triassic <-me
  4. Despite the fact I heavily disagree with the skepticism against the soviet and chinese space programs... He never was arguing against the rovers.
  5. I don\'t want to make things just like 'Hey look at this, it\'s like mars with a different name', I\'m trying to add unique elements to the planets.
  6. They should change its location every few updates, just to keep things interesting =P
  7. Not a theme song, but more background music for being in space.
  8. Yeah, I noticed that a while ago but it never really got much attention. I think it should be kept quiet, to freak people out who find that page ;P Well, right now they\'re pretty irregular in shape, but they are opposite each other. And for larger, I mean this level of larger: (from my space engine concept)
  9. Nah, that\'s the Venus analogue, Eve, shown without clouds. Here\'s the mars analogue: Still needs some more tweaking in color, and I might make the ice caps larger.
  10. Thank you. I\'ve been taking a break from working on these to play some games and experiment with stuff, like baked normal maps: As well as some planet textures generated with libnoise (and a healthy dose of photoshop)
  11. You need to read some more ;P I\'m working on making it right now.
  12. What the hell is wrong with you? He\'s a human being, not some machine that exists solely to do your bidding.
  13. By the way guys... Operation Fool was a complete success:
  14. You need to make individual left and right wings. Symmetry can\'t mirror parts like that (yet, anyway)
  15. There\'s only two. Just a bunch of pictures at different angles.
  16. I\'m transporting that SSV to another KSC and launching from another space center for my first time. I\'ll let you know how long it takes before I crash and give up. Tip: You can quicksave while underway and the game will resume as if you were at a standstill. Helps to just spam quicksave as you drive along at high speed.
  17. Desert Raider I has paid off! I almost missed it at first, it\'s quite small:
  18. Work on all packs has been suspended due to intervention from the United States Government. See first post for information. April Fools\' joke removed due to ACTUAL possibility of intervention from the United States Government.
  19. Compared to the features directly south of it, it seemed unusual to me.
  20. Fiddling around with Libnoise, made a nice heightmap:
  21. They already said they were going to destroy sony and never did, so...
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