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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Damned inside jokes, I giggled tremendously when you said ribbing... =P A bit of advice though, most of the packs you linked (excluding Down Under) are tremendously out of date - functional, at best.
  2. Lateral engine testing is going okay-ish, currently they have to be perfectly balanced or else you cannot land without destroying yourself horribly. Eventually I\'m going to need to make a plugin that adjusts the thrust per-engine based on the center of gravity of the vessel...
  3. It\'s a texture so yes they\'re persistent...
  4. I managed to capture a godawful picture of the moon with my telescope and a webcam: I\'d try for venus but it\'d just come out as a white dot.
  5. I am planning on doing something like that, actually. There will be legs that are horizontal against modules which then rotate 90 degrees to allow you to land modules on their sides like. Edit:
  6. I think I need to make it taller to fix the texture stretching (to fix it here I shrunk the top parts but that looks strange)
  7. Hmm...could work. Or I could go the extra mile and model a separate window that moves with it.
  8. How does this look? Not sure if I can do windows, since they would look really weird when it\'s scaled down.
  9. Sometimes I worry that I have some form of ADD. I just can\'t keep my interest solely on one thing at a time...
  10. Few texture stretching issues I have to take care of but I thought it was presentable.
  11. The current ones in the SE2 alpha are a far less drastic change - you can use them with vanilla parts, but just be aware it won\'t work as well as it could.
  12. Actually, all of them had to do what we do - a circularisation burn after MECO. Although, I don\'t think the real ones are quite so drastic (not from a suborbital trajectory) It\'s just a matter of timing your gravity turn so you end up horizontal as soon as you reach apoapsis, then continue burning until you reach a proper orbit.
  13. Yeah, going to unwrap and texture it now. The 1m docking port is too big for general use, is it okay if I use the Kosmos one for smaller modules? Or even make my own and make an adapter to the Kosmos port for compatibility(hopefully docking ports will have identifiers to allow for different types in the future)
  14. It will increase drag, yes. As for bounce, maybe. I dunno if I can make a collider scale and play nice with the rest of the world.
  15. I\'ve never seen this type of staging before. I HAVE seen staging where all four boosters feed the central tank, but not a two-at-a-time approach.
  16. Roses are red Violets are blue Say what you like, I won\'t listen to you!
  17. I have an Alpha III of my own, actually. The parachute was melted after the padding caught on fire, so now it\'s a rocket propelled lawn dart.
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