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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. With animations coming in 0.15, you could make a mastodon for KSP that you can ride across alien worlds!
  2. We\'ve been working on it for most of today. He ended up making the whole module for me ;P
  3. Eventually I\'m going to attempt to make an airbag module using either soft body physics (which unity supports!) or a simple spring joint.
  4. I really hate how polarized it all is. My mother has been shouted at for talking about Obama\'s healthcare in a grocery store... Can\'t we all just agree to disagree? This is supposed to be a democracy, not a warzone...
  5. I\'m going to make a smaller one that starts at 0.6ish meters with a 0.5m cap on it.
  6. Well, as quite a strong liberal in a family of liberals, I feel like an outcast in a predominantly conservative part of the country...
  7. Oh, I wasn\'t responding to you, Rascal. It was a general response to the thread.
  8. Don\'t think for a second that KSP is anything like real life. You can\'t just stick bits together and launch, it takes years and years and years of hard work, testing, experimentation to make sure it will work. Even SLS, made of components that we\'ve been using since the 80s, will take as much testing as a 100% new vehicle - because, for all intents and purposes, it is.
  9. using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; class BaceModule : Part { //Nothing here for now... } It\'s mostly for organization purposes, though eventually I\'d like to add the ability to transfer crew to it.
  10. These don\'t overwrite the old ones. Eventually, the old landing method will be superseded by a horizontal method that allows you to land the existing modules on their sides. I\'m going to convince r4m0n to help me out with the engines for it to automatically shift thrust based on the CoG of the vessel. Edit: Better description of it, written up as a forget-me-not in the code\'s comments
  11. BACE\'s focus has been somewhat shifted towards space stations - more work needs to be done to accomodate moonbases again, but for now, a preliminary 0.2 release is provided to give a taste of things to come. Download: Dropbox Mediafire Requires 0.14+ Upcoming parts: Solar panels 1m node piece Functional docking modules with 0.15 Moon landing gear(I have plans for this...) Download plugin source Special thanks to r4m0n and C7 for general programming assistance and the occasional code bit!
  12. God...so much truth in so few words. Such a shame we fought off natural selection! ;P
  13. Try something like this: foreach (Part parts in FlightGlobals.Bodies) { if (if parts.stage = this.stage) { parts.RequestFuel } } (Half real code, half pseudocode =P)
  14. This is why I do not like the majority of ponies. Yes, there\'s a minority which is normal and keeps it to themselves, but...
  15. Because looking realistic isn\'t everything - sometimes you want some eye candy.
  16. I started a new thread to continue the 'alternate release method' discussion, let\'s stop polluting the ISA thread =P
  17. I still don\'t agree with that specific rule. For coders that want to protect their work, I think a process of peer review, a quick check that it\'s not anything harmful would be a nice alternative to the normal method of full open-source. If you want to release it instantly, then you can just make it open source. But, if you want to take a step toward protecting your code, submit it for the peer review process and take a bit of extra time to do so.
  18. Not even the only american rocket, the only rocket in the WORLD - the N1 was far from ready as its repeated failures showed.
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