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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. Tip: Holding alt while hitting printscreen lets you take a picture only of the active window
  2. THANK YOU for saying what I don\'t have the language skills to say. You summed it up 100% there.
  3. That was long before mankind actually possessed this sort of high technology. The world moved far slower then, no instant connectivity, no large-scale status quo influencing people. Idiots weren\'t able to get attention because nobody took them seriously. Yet, now, anyone with an internet connection and a quarter of a brain can pretend to be a social activist by posting 'like this if you want to stop world hunger'... If everyone did that instead of actually helping, half the world would probably starve to death in a week. And @TNT I don\'t know how much of an effect the media would actually have, really. People are easy to scare but their attention span is shortening. See: Kony. Frankly, I think the internet has become a disgusting monstrosity. The primary uses seem to be pornography and pointless banter on facebook/twitter/etc... What happened to it being a source of all the world\'s information? Shame it didn\'t stay that way. There\'d be less people like this:
  4. I just can\'t help but feel like we\'re approaching a time where an entire generation could grow up with their faces buried in their iPhones and iPads and facebook, rarely if ever seeing another human face - eventually going so far as shunning those who do...
  5. ...you seem to be completely disregarding me and FourTee, who are PART of the younger generation and still agree with Herp.
  6. Either the 60s, or the 80s, I\'m not sure...
  7. <- Is 17 and agrees with OP entirely. Is it weird to long for the simplicity of a past you didn\'t experience?
  8. Smoothing groups. Some of the parts are set to only one, which results in very unnatural lighting on sharp corners. The service module on the other hand is smoothed properly - eg, areas separated by sharp corners have separate smoothing groups.
  9. Playing around with animations, since 0.15 will support them (sorry for low quality gif)
  10. If you don\'t want to, then fine, but it\'d just make a bit more sense. I\'m thinking of designing my own, since the international symbol is very recognizable and would seem a bit out of place in the kerbal universe.
  11. ...Yeah. I just took a shape and though 'yeah, that looks like an explosion' and stuck it on there =P
  12. Do you plan to use normal maps for parts when 0.15 is out, or continue using the high-res meshes themselves?
  13. NovaSilisko


    This is the off-topic forum, not your Facebook wall.
  14. So basically you\'re getting through your classes without actually having to do anything? That\'s appalling. Facebook is a cancer on our society. For all its benefits, the fact that it\'s practically become its own culture of mental dysfunction, pointless banter and arguments... it\'s sickening, and it needs to be destroyed.
  15. It looks like there\'s a dark side to this...regular hammer doesn\'t work anymore.
  16. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68475834 Huzzah!
  17. I retract my previous opinion and must say this is pretty cool, and should get a lot of people into mapping as well as revitalize the game.
  18. It\'s just very limiting in terms of art styles you can use...look at the base game, it had the clean normal style, overgrown, deep underground, breaking clean chambers... Not to mention other, specifically designed styles:
  19. I fail to see why he\'d be excited about it. You\'re locked to one theme, and one theme only. And, if it wasn\'t locked to that one theme, it would tile so obviously...
  20. My current opinions: 1. TES Online will be a terrible WoW ripoff. 2. Skyrim, I have realized, was almost a hype machine, so incredibly simplified from morrowind and even oblivion I can no longer take it seriously. 3. Oblivion, while a heavily flawed and ugly game, is still fun to play. 4. Morrowind & Daggerfall are the greatest of the series, despite the vast amounts of cut content from each.
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