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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. You could possibly use the hydraulic cylinders from Damned Robotics to create a compact-yet-extendable antenna.
  2. I hope you realize shroud mods have existed since before 0.8 was released - over a year ago!
  3. I'd like to actually be able to see what I'm doing instead of being blinded by an inexplicable, massive glow on everything.
  4. Flight sims? Yes. Build-your-own-aircraft flight sims? No.
  5. Six legs would actually be far, far more stable than four, and infinitely more stable than three!
  6. Could I have a picture of that exact location from the map view? It's impossible to place objects directly by lat/long, and the memorial is currently off by quite a ways...
  7. They said this 3, 2, and 1 year(s) ago, and it was incredibly unfinished at that time. My guess is, if ANYTHING is released, it will be just the first few chapters or something.
  8. Clearly, I'm the best at this challenge Edit: Does this count?
  9. I like this idea, and shall partake in it tomorrow...
  10. Well, I ejected the departure stage with a bit of fuel left, and had to perform an aerocapture once I reached Duna, so, yes, to an extent.
  11. You can't see atmosphere on Kerbin at that distance, either. Also, here's the launcher:
  12. Tonight, I dug up the old BACE pack and constructed this: DunaLab! The first space station scheduled to be placed in orbit around another planet.
  13. I also haven't posted any pictures of it because it's utterly hideous at the moment. We just don't have time to polish it up, the lava that was present in the past was unacceptably broken, and we need numerous modifications to enable things like temperature variation on the near and far side, along with differences in ambient light, to name a few.
  14. No. It's not that complicated. You can define a surface temperature for any celestial body, which only takes effect with an atmosphere. Neither density nor speed factor into it, the heat just rises according to a pre-defined curve unique to each planet as you go lower and lower.
  15. Could you punch your "friend" in the face? For me? And, if possible, take those ill-gotten copies away from the people he's given it to. We need that income.
  16. Scientist's* Excellent work regardless!
  17. Not gonna happen. It's probably the buggiest thing in the game right now (and that's saying something )
  18. The single most important reason is this: An n-body system makes it impossible to easily predict what's going to happen ahead of time. With the two-body system in place now, you can set yourself on an interplanetary trajectory, then observe the SoI shifts hundreds of days in advance. With an n-body system, however, you would have to simulate the entire path ahead of time, instead of simply doing a bit of math to predict where you'll be. Also, it renders timewarp basically impossible but that's another story. As such, it's not going to happen, ever. The advantages of the patched conics system are far too great.
  19. Nope, I'm just landed at a fairly steep incline (It's actually incredibly hard to find a good plain on bop)
  20. Ooh, I love these games I say he should cut eye-holes in the painting and hide behind it. (Hiding in the capsule is too obvious!) Edit: Though, I think this ought to be moved to the fanworks.
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