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Everything posted by NovaSilisko

  1. No, they're saved... the folder just doesn't update to show that they've saved until you hit F5.
  2. It runs 100x slower when you play the game in unity due to all the other stuff that has to run alongside it.
  3. I used a gravitational slingshot around each planet, but at the gas planet I sacrificed an easier solar escape trajectory for a flyby of its largest moon. Although, I did jettison the departure stage with 1/5th of its fuel, not realizing that had I kept it, I could have probably done a flyby of -every- planet, or inserted myself into orbit around one of them.
  4. After 1107 days, my first multi-planet flyby probe has run out of fuel in a futile attempt to place itself onto a solar escape trajectory. Of course, considering it was just intended to fly by one planet initially, I would call it very successful. Here are some pictures of the mission (the fairing is from Silisko Edition and the spacecraft parts themselves are from Probodobodyne) http://imgur.com/a/clX81
  5. Sort of. There's slight (less than one degree) inclination and slight (less than 0.1) eccentricity on all of them, except Kerbin and LavalessPlanet (which is too close to the sun to be seen in this picture)
  6. Well, seeing as the cat's out of the bag on the sky now, I suppose I could show you guys this:
  7. Heh, chad just had to go and post the video even though the sky was supposed to be a surprise and for that matter isn't finished
  8. Already a thread about this, although only the reddit post in particular. Although, it still remains awesome.
  9. Also, if I may interject, that 3d rendition of a Kerbal is terrifying... they don't look like that...
  10. My semi-official stance is that this is an alternate universe where the physical laws that govern how things work are very slightly different.
  11. Words cannot articulate how completely awesome I feel now.
  12. No... it's just a lot of stuff to do. Very time consuming, and takes a back seat to more pressing stuff.
  13. Due to the technical difficulties with creating actual factual lava on the lava planet, for now, it's been replaced with the LavalessLavaPlanet. That said, it -is- still incredibly hot there.
  14. I have flown to the planets a few times, although usually to test things I just place myself there with the developer tools:
  15. Actually, it's slightly bigger than Minmus. It's much easier on Eve's moon.
  16. No. That is Bop*, the smallest moon orbiting the gas planet. *Thank you Winston for providing the best name for any small moon ever
  17. Scaled space objects are no longer just spheres. The transition is now basically seamless between scaled space and actual terrain If all goes well, we'll have possibly up to 10x physics-enabled timewarp in this update, which would make ion engines a lot more feasible.
  18. No, actually. It would seem to be an accident. Or is it
  19. Aaaaand just so we don't start another fistfight, the 3d glasses in that picture are a mod made specifically for kurt. It's sort of been worked on, but it still needs a respectable lava texture/shader (as in, it doesn't have one at all)
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