No. Not with that negative attitude! This is the problem. It's been said many times that you can try a DEFCON type approach, or just have multiplayer be asynchronous. So the only reason you want squad to invest time and money into developing 'multiplayer', is so you can ruin other people's creations? I hope squad never develops multiplayer, so it can avoid the pointless grief it will cause. KSP is not MineCraft in terms of community. It never will be. It will only cause grief if you choose to play with people who would want to cause grief. You won't be forced to play multiplayer. The moral of the story is, don't play with those types of people. You won't be forced to interact with people like that on KSP multiplayer if it is implemented, so don't. Hey, neither Sal or Odin (who both have colourful names, which I assume makes them mods or something) have locked this, but they are aware of the thread.