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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. Almost anything by Stanislaw Lem. I only read "Fiasco", but I liked it a lot and I recommend reading it. Also got "The Invincible" lately and will start reading it as soon as my exams finish.
  2. Does that actually work? I was wondering if I should connect my second flight stick and try docking that way. Anyway, my biggest accomplishment was when I rendezvoused two separately launched vessels before docking was a thing. I eyeballed it and it felt amazing.
  3. I 100% agree with OP, though the second thing could be also implemented the way Never Unload mod did this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/44874-tt-neverunload-vessel-unloading-preventer/ You would simply click on the probe in VAB/SPH and choose an option to never unload that part of the vessel with it.
  4. The old Mk1 cockpit was horrendous. The new one looks far better, but I wouldn't mind if it looked like the X-1 cockpit.
  5. Because that's what the game is designed to do - dropping bombs. Yup. Mhm...
  6. Awww man. I'm still learning how to use BD Armory. Also wanted to make a flying wing design, but it's not easy without pWings.
  7. Just smash the capsule open. You know, like a tin can full of sardines.
  8. I think the tech tree should start with LF-only tanks, a plane cockpit and tiny sized tanks to recreate sounding rockets. Then it should progress more or less like the technology progressed IRL since the WW2. It also should be non-linear. There should be more than 3 branches from the start and they should advance from tiny sizes to bigger ones: -Atmospheric/Jets/LF-only research branch -Solid fuel branch -LF+Ox branch (maybe the engines should be separated from the tanks/have their own branch) -RCS branch -Electric stuff branch (with electric propellers by the end maybe?) -Construction and advanced materials branch (KIS/KAS things, I beams, H beams, trusses and so on) -Sth else? IMO such tree would be less frustrating even if some parts were moved between the updates, because we wouldn't have to pay so much science points for nodes where there's the engine we need (and have been using before the update)+all the crap we don't need and don't plan to use. Oh, and btw OP: dV and transfer windows should be available ALWAYS!
  9. I see no reason why they shouldn't be in the game. It's not like I need them, but I like to have some sort of recordings of what I've done so far (also making myself look like one of those xX_KsP0rBiTpR0_N0SaS1440_Xx skillzors in eyes of my friends).
  10. Just in case someone wants to know when and where in the sky the ISS and Irridium flares appear: Go grab the ISS Detector from the app store if you have Android. I already got three of my friends interested in "The Space Stuff" because I showed them that.
  11. I really liked the vid. BTW what's the backstory of that Dragon capsule hanged under the ceiling near where the control room is? It looked like it's all smoked and used. Was it the first Dragon to orbit and they decided to keep it just like they want to keep that F9 first stage?
  12. I don't like Skyrim because it's based on an idea of grindy progression like most of RPGs. Maybe Skyrim has some story, but I never was excited enough to play it beyond the first 15-20 minutes. And KSP is not an RPG, and yet it's somehow grindy. I'm totally fine with an actual story telling though. Also none of those pictures represent actual barns, in which rockets are/were built. What you posted is basically what Bac9 proposed, except he made his buildings more space-agey and less rusty.
  13. Is it? I always use the B9 pWings, but I don't think it's an option there.
  14. pWings took my vote. Because I'm kind of fed up with squares and triangles and pWings look better + I find them simply superior. pWings with stock wing texture would be more than perfect.
  15. By that logic the tracking center should be represented by a 1x1 dirt tower from minecraft.
  16. I don't think it was early development when it got posted and more of a "This is the finished product, guys", but people really hated the look of it and that's why it's been sorta abandoned. I might be wrong though. My memory doesn't seem to be the best.
  17. Aww man those are the worst kinds of ghosts. They just slide into your room for whatever reason and then occupy the whole block for a few days leaving ectoplasma all over the neighbourhood.
  18. I Gravity'd my kerbals into a station a few times.
  19. I just want to move around the IVA spaces with the camera (not the actual models of kerbals) and do the experiments myself. How well I do and how many points I get should depend on how many experiments I performed and if I stirred them together clockwise or counter-clockwise. IVAs could have some more uses than just looking pretty. Beep boop clicking big red buttons to see what happens!
  20. There was that one simple-ish mod that let the camera move freely in the EVA and also merged all the connected internal spaces by simply making the bottoms where the nodes are invisible. I would like to have that and actual IVA experiments (in the Lab) to be done while roaming. Maybe also subsystems management? Lemme find that mod real quick. I hate editing posts on mobile SO MUCH, but here it is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/118371-wip-free-iva-formerly-enhanced-iva-alpha-v003-2015-10-11/
  21. Thanks, but I was actually asking about the one that bac9 did, not SQUAD. FOUND IT! And ohhhhhhh... it looks so good! #bringbac9back
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