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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I've seen a whole chart about how reputation influences the types of contracts that are given. It's been somewhere on reddit, I believe. Go google that. Edit: Just searched it and couldn't find anything but dV and engines comparing charts. Maybe someone else will be nice enough to post it here.
  2. Yeah, I noticed that too. Went to Duna, Eve, Jool and Moho by myself since I had some spare monies and after the SOI encounters I got contracts about landing, orbiting, etc. Though it might have been the problem with reputation since I took a massive loan and the consequence of that was rep going down a ton. And since the contracts are given based on rep I would recommend you checking yours.
  3. How about an overused "Keep calm..." type of shirt? "Keep intact and go exploring" or "Keep intact and carry on exploring" <-- this one prob sounds better And there could be a rocket launching from a cloud of smoke loosely resembling the crown.
  4. I would pay real money for some of those.
  5. Awwwww yissss... CSI: KSC. Thanks a lot for digging that info out! I'm more and more convinced my assumptions are accurate.
  6. I hope once we (hopefully) get fuel transfer hoses they will be sturdy enough to hold this kind of things. There's also KAS and KIS that adds special struts that can be added on EVA.
  7. He was the first new crew member I rescued for money from a contract. Didn't know he was this rare! I must be pretty lucky then!
  8. THANK YOU! No, it's not stuck. I must've held it when clicked Escape button and it got "virtually" stuck, I guess. E: Oh, btw is there any way to reset it?
  9. I just (probably) clicked something and now the scroll does that camera effect and I can't control throttle anymore and how do I undo this because goddammit I'm in the middle of a transfer burn and it makes me angry.
  10. It's gotta be fuel hoses. Maybe not a big addition but would be super useful.
  11. Is that wing tip stock? Because if so I'm so stealing that small detail for my own uses!
  12. Rather late response to OP: We don't need no Ion ISP buffs. What we need for Duna's atmosphere (and other atmospheric bodies) is a single part called electric propeller. Unless you want to get back to orbit from the surface. Then you take with you some old fashioned chemical engines.
  13. I totally agree with you. We have pretty much all that is needed for rockets and some more station related parts would be great. The idea of rocket flight is pretty simple compared to winged aircraft. You just go up and grav-turn, while aircraft go up, down, land, take-off, land again and sometimes even orbital. All that with wings and most of the times in one piece. They need more specialized parts because they are simply more complicated.
  14. Some more places to launch rockets/planes from Kerbin: YES KSCs on other planets: NO. The rest of the ideas are a bit too much IMO.
  15. I saw someone suggesting in a similar thread that we should have inflatable heat shields. They could have the size of 5m and be stowed back easily if needed.
  16. I think ore contracts should be more like "Take it from planet X and bring it back to Kerbin, because we feel like there are some precious minerals we want to look at/sell." "Mine it on Eve and put in Laythe's orbit" type of thing has way more ore onboard than sense to me.
  17. I think I remember the eclipse shadows being in game long ago. There was only one problem: they were only present in the rendering boundries. You would basically get about 4km-wide shadow. It looked bad and that's probably why they got rid of it.
  18. Whiplash! E: Oh, wait its a different song
  19. As r4apt0r said: not really a fan of too many procedural parts. The fairings are OK. But wings and tanks should stay as they are. My presonal list of what is mandatory: -Electric propellers -Mk3 cargo ramp -Fuel hoses
  20. If there would be cities added I would like to see low-poly buildings, just to save RAM and FPS. Doesn't even have to be animated or destructible. Just streets and buildings would be enough for me.
  21. I assure you it won't feel as OP as it is once we get a proper life support in the stock game.
  22. This would be nice as a pilot skill. There could also be a "keep relative target prograde", or something. In addition it would be great if they worked on unfocused vessels too. Imagine mid-air refuelling or atmospheric docking with something like this.
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