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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. It's hard to decide which aircraft is my favourite because of the sheer amount of different aircraft from different eras. If we're talking about jets then probably F-104 for its looks (the cute and deadly stubby wings), Ho 229 because of how UFO it looked at its time, and X-47 because it's another flying wing UFO. For pistons: Fw 190 A-4 because I used to put additional 20mm pods and shred everything on my path in War Thunder. Same with Hurricane. Me 110 because that's a cool plane I could own (the engine necelles are really nice) and fly as an air taxi in some remote place in the world. P-39 for its unusual looks and front wheel again. I also always liked P-51's thin tail and elevator controls being in front of the rudder. I'm surprised nobody mentioned racing machines: I don't know how it handled but Chester Goon looked really nice. Also Me 209 for its top speed and unusual tail. Other: Teenie Two is something I could own. Really small and cute plane. Probably a few others I forgot about. Does anyone know the name of that slender WW2 RAF bomber? I always forget. I only remember the crew didn't like it because of how little space there was in it. EDIT: Actually, add PZL TS-11 Iskra to the jet class. Not the best plane in the world but gotta be patriotic from time to time.
  2. I'd rather if everyone had a choice. Whether you want manned or unmanned first should be up to you.
  3. Porting an unfinished game that will prpbably never get the dV readout and transfer window planner was a bad idea. Prioritizing localization in such situation was a really odd decision. @SQUAD prove me wrong.
  4. I just think it would be a nice opportunity to have story mode (different from current career) that I've seen suggested so many times and keep both games connected in a way. The editor would probably be pretty much the same but AFAIK most of the game's code is messy. There are these RAM leaks and such and making a new game would also be an opportunity to have skilled programmers (that's what the profession is called, right?) start the game from the scratch which would result in avoiding silly mistakes KSP's devs made (because they were amateurs at the time). Gameplaywise the multiplayer would be much simpler to implement, because there wouldn't be any timewarp to deal with, and atmosphere physics could be even better than it is in KSP. Add to that some sort of event/mission editor and optional warfare. It would not only be fun to play but also an additional injection of cash for SQUAD, if done right. EDIT: So in the nutshell, this would be KSP -spaceflight -timewarp +multiplayer +air combat/races +bigger Kerbin +one pilot/one small crew career +procedural parts +optimized performance +better atmosphere +multiple spawn points I guess the game can be kind of modded like this already but the biggest thing would be MP, since DMP is buggy and not fun. If there ever is KSP 2 then it should go into aircraft sim sandbox theme as it seems the best option. Just look around the Spacecraft Exchange and Challenges section to see how many FAR/BDA/general aircraft showcase threads there are. DONE EDITING I PROMISE
  5. I really hope this happens. And I actually wouldn't mind if they dropped the game at this stage and delivered us something really cool with stability, a proper story and MP. Make that aviation prequel happen, @SQUAD!
  6. Now I know it's not the right building (neither is the Mission Control but let's leave that for now) but sometimes contracts generated have landmarks and locations to visit. Remembering them is sometimes a bit problematic and a lot of going back and forth between these two buildings is involved. Maybe there could be a way to click on the landmark/desired orbit and accept the contract from the Tracking Station?
  7. OK, so it works like this: You land a rover -> the games sees that -> it generates contracts with landmarks near the rover. Now this is (IMO) better than what you suggest because the game leaves the design of the rover up to you. Not everybody wants to be told how to build their things and which parts to use. The basic mechanic of both concepts are pretty much the same though: send the rover -> get to drive it -> get rewarded. Now, I don't always praise the contracts system but these rover contracts are one of my favourite things in the game.
  8. Very interesting how BO went directly from small suborbital New Shepard to metholox Falcon Heavy competitor. Does anyone know what will be the cost per kg for New Glenn?
  9. The game already kinda has that. If you land a rover on the surface the game will recognize it has wheels and generate a contract with a bunch of landmarks around the rover to visit them.
  10. Or maybe they should simply endure much more Gees than other classes. But I'm pretty sure it's already a thing.
  11. Fair enough. It's not a realistic game but then should it become more of a flight sim or an RPG with kerbals as amulets that make the Isp higher for some odd reason? I'm fine with engineers boosting the ISRU. I can easily imagine them pushing and pulling things, redirecting EC to more demanding subsystems when needed and rising pressure of the coolant in radiators because he/she knows what their actual limits are (unlike robots). ISRU has many subsystems (radiators, drills, refinery with a few modes). They are also on-site to patch everything up if they screw up (which frankly they should be able to do with stockified KAS). And then there are pilots. They turn the engine on, off and change the thrust. And that's pretty much they can do. They won't change the type of fuel, or make the nozzle a bit longer thus rising the Isp of the engine. All they should be able to do is fly because they are pilots.
  12. Making pilots magical amulets that grant you percentage bonuses is really stupid especially in a game that isn't RPG. You could as well suggest introducing alchemy. Same thing. Same with the damn XP system. It should have never been introduced in the first place. IRL pilots don't grant you magical efficiency boosts because that would be breaking the laws of physics. This game always lacked micromanagement of the ship and that's what pilots should be used for. Maybe they should even get some sort of autpoliot to fly in formation. That would be much more useful.
  13. @Alshain had a very similar idea and I support it. But then I look at the development of the game and think it's starting to slowly crawl towards its resting place.
  14. Polish as native, English because as a future English teacher my classes are held in that language and currently learning Russian.
  15. Here's a thing. Probably the last one. MAKS Here's my little shuttle project. Take the SpaceShipTwo, Dream Chaser, strap a fuel tank MAKS-style to it and you get 1.6 of initial TWR and about 3.6km of Delta-V. Made for cheap space tourism. It can take either 2 tourists (if equipped with a probe core first), one astronaut and one tourist or two astronauts. It's just a prototype so no RCS, no docking capability and no payload capability. Getting into orbit is a bit hard and I would have to work on it some more, but the reentry profile is just textbook. Just deploy the elevator and it reenters by itself. Later on roll left or right a bit and it spirals down on its own. It could probably even land like this but it would be a rather hard and bouncy landing. Anyway, I think this is the last thing I did in my career game. I'm finding it hard to continue playing this game. I'm simply not motivated enough. The development of KSP seems to be stalling and the career will probably never change. The modded one I'm playing is much better than stock, but it still isn't as fun and involving as I'd like it to be.
  16. Yes. I don't remember the results though. Might be fun with KAS and some sort of autopilot for the tanker.
  17. And I want a new game because continuing development of this one seems pretty pointless.
  18. It's true that people expect too much. However, I think both sides (the community and SQUAD) aren't without a blame. SQUAD goes all "secret feature" mode and then the community goes all "IT'S THE NEW PLANET GUYS BECAUSE IT'S SECREEEEEEEEEET". They should consider starting development of a new game if they want the hype back.
  19. That's exactly what they did. Still, there's someone who has to proofread everything, check the spelling and all that. And not every game has something like KSPedia.
  20. Translating things is a lot of work. There's the whole game +KSPedia. It really is a lot of text. Especially when you want to get it all right and with the same context.
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