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Everything posted by Wjolcz

  1. I guess another way of making current celestial bodies interesting would be introducing graphical representation of science earned through the time and more experiments of various kinds. I would especially love to see a robotic sample collecting, cameras and magnetometers. But I also think that a proper science system could be an actual force driving the exploration of other worlds. After all, it's the curiosity that makes us go and send probes all around the real solar system. Different results of the same experiment would be a fantastic thing to gather and analyze instead of just having a generic reward system that makes unlocking MOAR parts kinda tedious. I feel like science points are the real evil here and what makes us not want to go to other bodies other than the closest ones, since the tree can be unlocked by milking them only. TL;DR actual science is more rewarding than points
  2. Oh and by the way, graphs would unclutter the R&D's science section as each body would have it's own graph instead of tons and tons of separate messages. Maybe the spikes on the graphs could also be selected to read those witty messages that accompany the experiments performed. Anyway, it would be easier and cleaner UI-wise to navigate sth like this.
  3. I wouldn't mind having procedural wings and tanks BUT their models would have to be softbody-ish. Like in the Kerbal Krash System (or whatever it's called). Otherwise very tall, 1-part constructions would go *puff* in the middle and anything on top would fall 50 meters down, or something like that. A silly way to lose important equipment.
  4. Why do they almost always lose the signal just before the landing on the barge? Do they not want to show it in case of a failure, or maybe super hot gas exhaust causes some sort of signal loss? If so, why?
  5. What @5thHorseman said. It's better to perform one burn instead of few. Simply add all the numbers appearing from your body of origin to your target. It's simple. Also mind that you might want to do a few correction burns on your way so always keep some more fuel just in case. BTW it would be nice to have this in KSPedia. With a simple note or a tutorial showing how to use the map and how a proper burn should look like.
  6. Electric props are less sci-fi than SABRE (read as: they already exist and are fully functional) and NASA actually experimented with them, so I think they fit the game really well.
  7. I really don't like to deal with the way the science points and research works, but what's even worse is the science clickfest. I propose redo the science instruments as graphs. They would gather data as long as they are active (turned ON). Here's a simple example: Science - the amount of science points (obviously) Time - as you travel/orbit around a planet the mission time passes and that's what it means (duh) New biome - this is where you enter a new biome. It gives you a fixed amount of science (though I really wish it wouldn't) once you enter it and that's why it's represented as a spike on the graph (though I would really prefer if the science points were gone and were replaced with actual scientific data and/or reputaton. More on that in my sig). Now you may say "But you can bind them to action groups!". Yeah, maybe I can, but that still makes me guess if I am in a low/high orbit of a body. And guessing is not helpful when you are on a fast and low Moho flyby. The science experiments need electricity when active anyway, so why don't make them gather data all the time instead? That would highly reduce the clickfest that has to be done when gathering science (especially when someone forgets to bind all the experiments to action groups, or the action groups are simply not yet available because it's an early career stage). TL;DR science experiments eat EC when active anyway, so at least make them do something useful and more independent.
  8. An inflatable/retractable heat shield between the engines makes most sense to me. Not sure how to deal with a single-engine design though. Ballutes perhaps?
  9. No. Limiting is only fun to deal with (at least IMO) when you have a certain amount of parts, not when you can't do simple things, because apparently you need to go places to learn how to do them first. As regex said: one "Astronaut" class. Maybe it would be fun if we could give them certain tasks/abilities. For example we start with an Astronaut with a basic set of skills (flying and umm... something else perhaps? they are all trained pilots, I guess) and we train him/her to do certain things. One will fly, one will weld, one will look at those microbes/goo and study it. All that before leaving the atmosphere. That "Astronaut Complex" thing should allow for that instead of being just a naming slot machine. I don't mind paying for crew training. Better to send professionals than amateurs who haven't changed a wheel during their life time. And I feel like SQUAD has a wrong idea of "sense of achievement". More like "this doesn't have to make sense because they are wacky kerbals and we don't have time/will to redo the whole system so better add moar features because it's a finished product". Exactly. Does R&D really need that regolith sample to build me a better rocket engine?
  10. I just think everyone should br allowed to start the tree however they want. No matter if it's manned ballistic, unmanned ballistic or jets. I don't want to be held by the hand through the tech tree every time I start a career save. It should have multiple starts, and part-themed branches. Tutorials are in the game for a reason. If you want to learn then go for them first. If you want to experiment gor for the sandbox. If you want to challenge yourself by creating things with limited resources then you should go for the career mode with a tree that makes sense and allows you to choose your own path of progression.
  11. They are not actually that much lighter AFAIK, but they do offer more space. I think the problem with inflatable habitation modules might have problems with hitboxes. But since we don't have a good career and yet it's called a "finished product" then I wouldn't mind having a (possibly) buggy part in my game. And what the hell is wrong with my sentences today? I just wish I could edit posts on mobile...
  12. I'm with @regex on this one. The kerbal experience is just another thing limiting the gameplay (+dumb tech tree and randomly-generated contracts). I also really don't like how scientists and engineers boost stats, or whatever they do (I got frustrated with the career and never had a go to experience the full glory of this great feature). It's not Heroes of Might and Magic, or Final Fantasy to have a healer class in the crew. Welding would be useful, actual science experiments would be great, but changing a flat tyre is not that hard. You don't need to go to Mars to do that.
  13. Wow, their logo looks like something straight out of Alien movie. The more companies like that the better. I've heard that the chinese Moon rover had some sort of mineral scanning equipment. If that's true and they are also looking for resources then we're about to witness The Space Race MK II.
  14. Wouldn't a dyson sphere piece radiate the heat away? I probably don't know much about how radiators work, but if something gets a huge amount of solar power it also heats up, doesn't it? And what't better place than the back of the structure to get rid of excess amounts of heat? Wouldn't that kind of heat radiation show up as well?
  15. Sooo aliens use their dyson sphere to mess with the climate of a nearby life-bearing planet by blocking out some light and cause long-lasting winters just for the lulz. Money well spent.
  16. I never really liked how you can see the curvature of Kerbin when 10km up. It just doesn't look any good. I've seen comments that the 6.4x rescale feels just right and always wanted to try it out, but I'm still waiting for the will to play the game to come back. Wouldn't mind if the 6.4x rescale was a permanent thing with stats of the stock parts bumped up a bit to compensate for the rescale.
  17. Soooo, ummmm... Basically what Mission Control should have been able to do since the dawn of career + career based on funds instead of science and rep? Lemme re-read the whole thing again.
  18. The old one looked pretty bad IMO. And the new one looks good only on, well... Something that resembles a private jet. I'd rather have a cockpit that looks similar to X-1 instead (or both) except with maybe additional windows below the kerbal's feet, just so it's easier to see the ground when landing (though it wouldn't look fun reentering the atmosphere glass first).
  19. I'd rather have a cooperative Mission Control multiplayer than a thing that works similar to DMP. Warping and syncing is really problematic to deal with and can cause time paradoxes.
  20. Maybe planting a flag could grant reputation instead.
  21. Sounds a bit overcomplicated. I think that could be done with experiments that are related to the next mission's objective/topic of the research (need to know what kind of conditions are present when at supersonic speeds to unlock the Whiplash engine example). The less resources there are to deal with the better. I like the idea, but science points are pretty ridiculus to deal with. Also I would like to apologize to @Pthigrivi for bringing his attention here for no reason. The quotes are mighty broken on mobile.
  22. What about a system like this one, except with the planet being tilted 90 degrees? Would a ring system like this be stable with the orbit lasting ~750 (IIRC) days around Tabby's star?
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