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Everything posted by EuSouONumero345

  1. Heya [and welcome] So um that's it o You're welcome.
  2. 9/10 Awesome kerbal is awesome But how could you give such an average rating to a human-like naked pig?
  3. Woohoo Mas por favor, não pense que não entenderíamos o trocadilho xD (jk) Então....só imaginando...se algum dia a empresa falir....o pronunciamento deve ser mais ou menos assim: A Kasa caiu! lololololololol Agora, piadas horríveis a parte, gostei da idéia, o típico KSP com uma dose explosiva (joke fail) de realismo, com o objetivo de enviar Kerbais para todos os corpos do Sistema Solar (Kerbolar?). Esperando o próximo post...
  4. 0/10 I've never seen you Therefore I say "hi" And now bye. IT EVEN RHYMES lol twice (sorta)
  5. Banned for [top secret] HA Now you're never gonna know why! *evil laughs*
  6. Why hello! Well, I guess we all love this community, cause it's awesome, 'nuff said. And yes, no regrets, Squad's awesome, game is awesome, boring reading is awesome. Your english is awesome. Basically EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!
  7. Wow. What? That must have taken eternity to put together! +1 and a cookie (sorry for no teasing you [dedicated guy] by saying I would give a cookie)
  8. Banned for being a Russian Time-Line Rewriter.
  9. Nossa! Maravilhoso. Fantástico!
  10. Yes, this is just a thread, like any others in this forum. It's also the thread where I will post stuff that are supposed to be in any other sub-forums, cause having a whole forum with a bunch of sub-forums is just not enough.
  11. xD Gostei do design do helicóptero. E deixa eu adivinhar, Jeb quis sair do avião porque o campo de visão estava pequeno demais, não é?
  12. Quantos emoticons Mas tem como usar os botões "f" em notebooks, sim! To lado do botão "ctrl" tem o botão "fn", aperta esse e o botão "f" que você quer, e pronto. No caso aperte fn+f1 que o jogo vai salvar a imagem na pasta "screenshots". A, e parabéns pelo docking
  13. Menor* Emfim, parabéns pelo pouso! O pouso deve ter sido bem calmo já que Bill está bem descontraído
  14. Good feature for people playing "Perma-Death", and you are so right about quicksaving...
  15. So um this mod will have better effects in a heavily-modded copy,right? Cause I don't use many mods,just mods that display info.But I think I will give it a try anyway, cause it's quite an achievement.
  16. I just find it annoying to never see round numbers in pricing (OCD ftw). So I demand for no more 9s in pricing
  17. Welp, the kraken was playing around with your probe. If I were you, I would use quickload, as I quicksave each time I accomplish a new step in the mission.
  18. Banned for being online at the time of banning.
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