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Everything posted by SolarLiner

  1. Skype name: ledj31 (yeah, there was a time, I tried to mix... I still try, though ^^) From France! GMT+1 w/ DST. Welcome to everyone, french and english people out there. Ready to blow up things in a few days with you, guys!
  2. That matches my Sockets TrackPlayer project, in hold because not on my "good KSP" computer. It's an external program, yes, but can be controlled within KSP: http://sourceforge.net/projects/socketstp/
  3. Weird, for a keystroke removal... Can't take my hands on the code now, but ASAP I will go and cleanup the thing. Another thing is the DMS mode Lander. I see weird problems with it and I didn't expect it to be that hard for a simple number conversion. I'll dive deep down and see what black magic occurs there.
  4. My favorite BUSTED! myths by them. The classy way.
  5. 0.59765625 Remixing things in FL Studio; copied value of a knob.
  6. Hey, need some extra things with the roads on B4. Here's my current state: (KerbinCube is eyeball Kerbal-sized (1m tall, 70cm for other axies) to help getting an idea) How high will be the road above the building? What dimentions for the border, the road, etc... to make seamless transitions. Speaking of textures, tiled 512 is far better than 2048 "normal", as only a 512 tex will be allowed on the VRAM. For me it will pose no problem because it will be an office building. Speaking of building, who has an idea for the name of the company ? I thought "Kollar Center" or "Kerbin Fuel, Inc." but it doesn't sound good enough for me. How "well" does KSP supports alpha in textures? How to make "night" textures (with spotlights, and lit rooms as some Kerbals will be working hard for rockets to launch) ?
  7. Of course that was not ! I even plan to make the hole wide enough to let a small airplane go through... I think of an office building, with "bus" (or any common transport way to go onto the expressway) stop, and low poly designed glassy rooms (only for the visible rooms because of restrictions) After that, it's only a idea I got strongly held in my mind, but to do the sketches I need to get precise informations in where the expressway will pass. So do nothing else than the road in my area For the reference; can someone tell me how wide is the Albatross 1A (I guess, don't have KSP in hand for now)? For reference size.
  8. Okay. Please make them pass right in my plot as I have a building design which makes it passes though the building !
  9. Can I have the elevated expressway model? Without it I can't start building, as it is a major obstacle.
  10. Okay, I'll take B4 for my building. I will need the model of the elevated expressway passing by, though.
  11. I think I can help for the airport if needed, and see what I can do for the buildings.
  12. Nope. Never got anything working The user below me has once met the Deep Space Kraken.
  13. Terragen is commercial software. So if they sell their product while giving the "source code" for free...
  14. Here we, on kerbin; don't bother on the testings. Just build, fly, and see!
  15. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_D5rfm0gWO1RWMwM0k4RVpPLUE/edit?usp=sharing
  16. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_D5rfm0gWO1WDNpSHdUR0tiaUE/edit?usp=sharing
  17. The shadow part of the planets, when see from space, does not cover the planet the right way. the shadow is more on the center and past than what you drew here. But anyway, excellent work !
  18. Really? Press + and then the numpad numbers to control yourself. Not much more than KSP. Orbiter IS EASY. You just have to take it the right way, and with the the same motivation then when you first tried KSP
  19. False. Wait, look at all these beautiful flying pigs ! The user below me has subbed to my channel (excepting false here ^^)
  20. Yeah, this is what I want. Get from a low-res heightmap, do whatever interpolation, then export in a larger format. But I just got my program right when I saw that someone did send a message just before me. The way it works is that it takes the original, scales to the final resolution using linear interpolation, then add some noise and erode the result. With the number got right I created a much more detailed Corsica then what I have originally: Before: After: Not as real as the original one but a good deal of realism and a great accomplishment for a 25 minutes of coding.
  21. Yeah, whenever I find THE software to make beautiful landscapes from a start heightmap, I can die happy. Anyway, I found this in my software research, it may be helpful for you: http://www.float4x4.net/index.php/2010/06/generating-realistic-and-playable-terrain-height-maps/ Contains a pdf on landscape generation. Wait I could try myself! Hmm, should not be that difficult, after all...
  22. Well, the thing I know about terrain generation is about Perlin Noise being the most "natural looking" type of noise for terrain generation, and erosion being a powerful but calculation-heavy effect to add to terrain for realistic worlds. Now I don't have anything for you to read, but I'm intrested in how to get procedural generation going. Also, I've been searching for years a way to input a heightmap to ameliorate the terrain and get better quality results. For example, I have a 512px heightmap of an island, and with procedural generation, get this island in a beautiful 4k wide heightmap. Anyway, maybe going a bit offtopic, but good luck in your research
  23. Following a discussion in an other thread, I got the idea of introducing this community to Orbiter, which worth way more than what you expect. In fact you can do everything you can do in KSP (except building and exploding rockets) and a whole lot more ! Want to do "a small step for [a] man, a giant leap for mind kind" ? Strap a CSM and a LM into a Saturn V using AMSO to launch yourself to the Moon. Want to bring <Random Module> to the ISS ? Take one of the Shuttle Fleet (that's the Mod name, yes) and go rendezvous with the outpost as the sun rises over the horizon. You are more in a "suicidal" mood? Seat into a XR2 Ravenstar and make a speed suborbital transfer from Canaveral to Wideawake. Want to colonize Mars, Mercury or even Titan? Okay, go with your DGIV in the Arrow Freighter and wait for the window, then unpack all the base modules and place them as you wish. Now if I do these tutorials, it will cover the journey to outer space from just after install (how to install mods as they are sometimes creepy, what to install first, what does what things, etc...) to Saturn flights using a Jupiter slingshot, passing by free-return trajectories, aerobraking, and for the Ultimate Milestone, the Voyager Grand Tour, with Voyager. I may or may not do a "build your space station" part too. So, are you interested in getting to the fictional solar system which contains Mercury to Neptune, go answer this poll (answer it too if you don't want, you may just want to choose an other option ), and I'll be glad to teach you how to orbit, the Earth way. A bit more about the format: These will be video tutorials on my YouTube channel (SolarLinerGames), the length will entirely depend on the time I'll take. Some episodes may be separated as parts, to keep the video file low (bandwidth restriction :/). So I think the max length of an episode or part will be 50min to 1hour (avg 2 Go of upload, quite good, the best I can do for file size/video quality balance). I have no clues on when and what upload frequencies, as I manage my channel in my free time. So yeah, good flights to everyone, and may some Kerbal will meet Earth guys
  24. The thing is that you have to cancel out ALL the orbital velocity of Kerbin, requiring as much dV. A regular Hohmann Transfer Orbit is not the best way to do the thing. A good one is to let Kerbol attract you, dealing with the departure time to cross the target's orbit at the right time.
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