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Everything posted by SolarLiner

  1. Of course I'm serious. Using mods, of course. A good place to search is at www.orbithangar.com The ones to do what I mentioned: - AMSO (for Apollo missions) - Space Station Modules (and try to search similar keywords, they are plenty of packs to help you do that) - Trajectory Optimisation Tool (for computing slingshots) - Thorton ISS (for the ISS modules) - Orbiter Space Program (rough and buggy, made by me, still in beta, and in hold while I'm coding better scenario support) Vessel shown in videos: - ESS Space Station - XR2 Ravenstar - Delta Glider IV Now those ones are special: - Shuttle Fleet. Search for it at www.simviation.com - Interplanetary Modular Spacecraft. Still in early beta. Find it in the Orbiter-Forum community: http://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=28837&highlight=Interplanetary MODS to download absolutely, regardless on what you want to do: - http://orbitersimulator.com/orbiter-2010-downloads/ (HD celestial background, hi-res plannetary textures) - http://orbiter.dansteph.com/forum/index.php?page=download (Orbiter Sound mainly, but the others too !) So it might be good move to do a set of tuts for Orbiter then (referring to my above post).
  2. Create space station module by module, recreate the Voyager trajectory (Earth - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter), build the ISS yourself, do all Apollo missions, colonize every landable planet, do S turns to Canaveral, do your own long-therm space program, do real missions in sync with the real events (just done that with the HTV-4 flight, very hard but very enjoyable), construct ship module by module for interplanetary travel, do fast suborbital transfers, and I miss others ... Made more sense to me to press + on my numpad. The "weird" part is to press CTRL while holding + to maintain the thrust level. Same behavior for the retro rockets (when available) and the - key.
  3. Orbiter is the closest sim of KSP. It has no "Build" part, but has the fly and mod parts. Like said above, it has a little helpful community, and is always welcomed to help new people. Now Orbiter is much more "Hard sim" than KSP, but if you are a space geek/rocket science lover, you sure will enjoy docking to the ISS with the Space Shuttle or do an interplanetary tour in your DeltaGlider. And the guy behind Orbiter is implementing terrain. So soon in a future update.... I will recommand Orbiter for all space lovers, as it is free and worths a try. Just don't give up too quickly in your journey to space. We, speaking as the Orbiter community, will be glad to help you and push you to the thousand miles milestone. Now, unlike KSP, modding is almost required to enjoy the full potential of the sim. I recommand searching for OrbiterSound and the DeltaGlider IV, as they bring respectively sound and EVA capabilities. UCGO is a good download too for your freights flights... I'm planning in recording a set of tuts for this community from the install of MODS (game install is easy, the hard part is actually installing the mods). If it worths the recording, I'll happily go ahead and make you go play in space.
  4. False. Else how would you dock to stations? It is doable, even from a MOD point of view I think. I may use it too much for demo, but look at Orbiter. it can record flights for further watch. And don't have any limit on the number of ships available (but technically yes, it is the maximum number an unsigned integer can hold (around 4 billion)). So yes, this is possible, and theorically easy to do (save ship parameters in a fixed timestep (position, attitude, thrust amount, active parts/stage, landing gear state (stopped/moving, position 0 <> 1), kerbals inside, other stuff here). The timestep may be changed to not alter performances too much, and use simple linear interpolation between each points at playback. Since orbital elements are taken from the position and velocity of the ship, it shouldn't cause any map problems.
  5. Well, you have in the Games Properties in Steam the ability to add arguments to the executable when launched. This is straightforward and requires no sorcery of any kind. For non-steam users, you have to have a shortcut linking to the KSP.exe file. And then in its properties, you add -popupwindow in the target text box. In a similar way, this is all the arguments you can add for special actions: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html (under "Unity Standalone Command line arguments") You can also append them, so for example "-popupwindow -single-instance -screen-quality Fastest" will launch KSP borderless, with only one instance allowed (if I try to launch a second KSP, it will switch to the first one), and with the "Fastest" graphic option. "-screen-width 2048 -screen-height 1080 -force-opengl" will start KSP with a window of 2048x1080 (2k mode for NASA supercalculators ) and force the Open GL rendering method.
  6. For this, you'll need MechJeb and its Landing Guidance window. I know it's a bit confusing, but from here you will activate the "Show aerobrake node", which simply shows you ... your predicted orbit after aerobraking ! So you fire retrograde until the node show a good orbit for you. But it's not all ! While in the atmosphere, since you have nothing else to do, you can plot a maneuver node in the current node and plan a circularisation. Once this maneuver done, congrats, you're in orbit around Eve !
  7. I never had such "fav" forums or sub ones. I always use the "New posts" feature of all the forums I go. But I've seen lots of new thread quickly disappear because of non response/non-activity. And there was great thread, too often I think ... I don't know how many uses forums like me, but I think this is a good way to find interesting discussions over the huge place that is the KSP community forum.
  8. A cool idea would be to assign custom action groups to certain T in the countdown. Like at T-3, you activate the Action Group 1, which activates the main engines, and at 0 everything lights up and explodes in an epic baoum ! I kinda dislike the sound it makes, even for a earth based scenario it is too ... fake. Raw capcom sounds like the ones from STS launches. A word-reversed Soyuz launch commentary sound would be perfect for the "alien language" ^^ The ability to choose the type of sound we want (for different types of launchers) would be great too Anyway, good concept here, keep on going
  9. Might have seen this a bit late, but anyway I'm there. True. I always disliked SI suffixes, and I simply removed them to the code (or at least my working copy). For the DMS versus degrees stuff, actually what I did is create a "Coordinates" data type which handles, well, coords. I wrote that based on MJ (once again !) class with the same name. By default everything is handled by angle style (one double value, things simpler). And I added two new properties, "DMSlat" and "DMSlong", which returns DMS version of the angles. But that's a bit of a problem, because for an obscure reason only the Degrees part of the DMS is taken in account when entered into HyperEdit's Lander. Weird. (or me making huge mistakes and I can't see them. Maybe this option is better) This will not be my cup of tea - I hardly does things pretty and user-friendly. My GUIs are either simple with few buttons and text boxes, or are completely messy when it comes to big, compact gui vith alot of controls. But that's for the "what-the-user-sees". Under the box, I can make things behaving user-friendlyly(?), if I know what it have to do to behave. Anyway, the most either loved or hated mod is under heavy development, and is widely open to users' suggestions !
  10. It looks like Sony Vegas for the editing software. Now for the video although the lack of shots (or the too long video), it is great and breathtaking. It misses action too. But it is a great start ! With a little story line, videos will be a whole lot better.
  11. Yeah I tried to change that, but it seems to be a bit more complicated than what I though. I also work on the "selection by map", MechJeb style for the HyperLander. And to work with DMS coords as they are more user-friendly and used than boring degrees numbers.
  12. TL;DR, stopped at the buttons for non-programmers. WHat I think about is a user-friendly IDE to quickly design ascent profiles for example, add often used functions, and has the functionality of any other IDE (colour syntaxing, assisted typing maybe?, functions help, etc...). Now the idea of a Lua/Python/Other/Custom scripting language autopilot Mod is also a great idea in the wait.
  13. It miss a bit of post-processing (color correction, camera shake and bit more vfx) to actually beat $billions action hollywood movies. But ERMAGHERD ! All these ships, the animations, the space tanks, all these fights, are just perfect ! The whole video is just amazingly done ! And the planet destruction ... Tips and Tricks ! VFX showcase ! WANT WANT MOARR !!!
  14. By the Lens Flare I'd say Photoshop.
  15. Approaching Nirvana? 1/10 Seen you once or twice on random threads.
  16. Yeah, I'm not that much of an abbreviation guy. I use them when I see an improvement in the typing speed. After that, I'm used to VS who gives me all the vars names and such. In a simple text file (like when I do PHP) I like to use them a bit more often. But still, I like when I can read properly on the first try who's who and what does what.
  17. Too much abbreviations in the proof of concept I think (Do we really want to type Dcpl instead of Decouple? Does it really saves time?), but I really like your concept. It can be a much better approach for the "non-mod" beginners to have automated parts. Now script implementation is something big to add, and will take time. But this is an awesome idea to being able to write autopilots.
  18. Well, as french myself, I now know to not rely on jv.com for games reviews. But I want to see a "live gaming" with all their fails, just to laugh at 'em. And yes KSP is violent because so many fellows kerbonaughts died in your savefile...
  19. FALSE reflections. You can distinguish some clouds from the water reflection, but nothing is up on the sky. Just a simple Environment Map. So no, you didn't saw your ship while crashing
  20. The MET is just a subtraction between the current UT and the UT at launch. If UTnow < UTlaunch, obviously the MET will be running backwards to 0, then go forward again. hmmm ... A PID autopilot does not rely anywhere on a timer/clock/whatever-counting-time, so the SAS itself is not the cause. It may be an issue with the way KSP handles the SAS toggle events. Developpement news - at least for me I've forked the code and started implementing a DMS formatted version of KSP, which is not the most easy thing to do as there are functions everywhere using angles instead... I've also gone in adventure to the MechJeb code in a hope to find help in how to implement a "map coords pick" for the land mode.
  21. You consider two Vector3: before and after maneuver speeds. Then you subtract their magnitude/lengths. The result will be in whatever unit the vectors are (assuming the two vectors are the same). So you get: dV = |v2| - |v1|; where v1 is speed before maneuver, and v2 is speed after maneuver. the length/magnitude of a vector3 is calculated as follow: sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z).
  22. I also have a youtube channel that I started in January, and I completely agree with what Brabbit1987 said. Although I tried to get noticed on the first videos, now the ones who are following me still get notifications from my new videos, the others, well, I don't mind, one day they ill maybe check my channel and subscribe. Or they will periodically check and watch some videos. who knows ? Try to be as original as possible. If you watch some youtubers doing one thing, think or the opposite. They do it all seriously and in a roleplay manner ? Do it crazy, with all explosions and stuff. Feel free to cut unwanted parts that are too boring if necessary (more like in a NerdCubed manner), because I can tell you that almost every watcher who follows KSP stuff knows how to make an orbit. So try to distract them or accelerate the video, or completely remove the launch part. Although KSP is a good start, if you want a bit more viewers, try to do other let's plays, and maybe on other games, better if the game is original and non-too-much-played-because-of-its-awesomeness. Good luck with your channel, do not spam us and other forums but you can sure drop a link somewhere.
  23. This is a feature that can be done, yet useless. Of course you can and will connect to or to a remote IP computer with a powerful sound system in your local network. Well, no, because OrbiterSound adds sounds to a sim that doesn't produce sounds, and you also have that music playing feature while in space. The idea is about musics only.
  24. Hi ! Following the 8track player thread on the forums, an idea grown on my head: a player that changes the music style when the game "mood" changes. I first wanted to do all as a pluginless mod for KSP but there was other games where I anted to see this implemented. The whole project was born: Sockets TrackPlayer. Sockets is not an usual track player: there is no "next" or "rewind" buttons: all is remotely controlled. The idea is to listen though a port via TCP (you see why the title?), waiting for instructions. For the musics part, you have a main configuration file giving the tracklists corresponding to a "situation" or a "mood", and in the tracklists, you have the music files. Then there are the remote controlled part. You connect to the IP Address where the player is launched (technically you can connect to a computer in the far side of the world, but who will do this to listen to music ?) with the port 31180 and you can start giving instructions (case doesn't matter) : - <TracklistName>: Change tracklist to the one entered - next: Changes track in the list - pause: Self-explanatory - play: pretty straightforward too - shuffle: toggle shuffle. - cfile: Returns the current playing file - clist: Returns the current list The non-fully implemented one: - cfg <config>: Changes the configuration file to <config>. For now the only way to link the player is to start it with, as an argument, the config file. This can be done because the installer adds a STP system variable linking to the installation folder. If the var is not here, the player was uninstalled, or worse, never installed ... So now I'm asking help from guys who can help me building a "bridge" plugin, it would be great And thanks to everyone who will help me getting rid of the lots of bugs (mostly unhandled exceptions, and I have discovered some of them already), to see an even better player ! Side note: I don't know if my thread belongs in the right place, as it is a completely standalone program, but is still tied to KSP as a plugin will be done for it (or at least I hope). So, feel free to replace it at its rught place
  25. Y Executing reboot.bat Unloading current applications ... reboot ... reboot completed. WARNING: "0.21_search.exe" may have cause strong injurements to the system. Analyze system ? [Y/N] >Y Analyzing in progress ... (#1.INF hours remaining)
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