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Everything posted by SolarLiner

  1. Nope, Trojan asteroids are the ones at L4/L5. Here is shown L1, so nope, this isn't a Trojan object. Plus, trojans have to be in a stable orbit, and as you can see, the S-IVB is not. That said, it is interesting how the stage was "pulled" away by L1 at the end, after being thrown by the Moon.
  2. Extended SOI means higher gravity force, thus higher density. So you'll have to increase mass or decrease volume of the planet. But it sounds doable
  3. Always had an interest in spacee and man exploration, but nothing really exiting. Then I discovered Orbiter, which got me to astrodynamics and planetary science. KSP made me discover the fun part of rocket science
  4. Also, I NEED this KSP Intro. It is soo amazing !
  5. Only thing is ... What's the hell with these cue cards? BTW, look at thatt view increase ! From 2k viewers to 3.2k ^^
  6. SolarLiner Kerman, on duty from the Mun to Twitch Channel !
  7. Granted, but youour computer can't follow all the information and dies in a BSoD. I wish for Black MatheMagic to help a multiplayer mod !
  8. Looking great ! If I can participate on the Android beta program, I have a Galaxy Tab 2 under my hands, and she's crying at all these beautiful screenshots now ... It would be great !
  9. And then the user makes a perfectly circular orbit or flies really well, and then your program ruins everything.
  10. The Smart Indent is, indeed, a method of auto indenting. It will indent the new line after a {. For now you can't change settings, but once I figure out how to get my Find Settings control working. But it'll take sometime to get settings right, as you need a config file, and a major rework of the code ... But now that I "discovered" the power of the get and set methods*, I can be quick *You can do whatever you want when you try to access a variable. So for example, when you're opening a file, it sets the filename, thus triggering the "set" function of the variable, refreshing the title of the window. For the file watching, I actually started setting something like that. It'll be Notepad++ style, where when you get the focus back on the window it'll tell you that a change was made and ask if you want to update the text or not. If not, it will tell you that the file is unsaved (maybe an asterix on the window title, but I've yet to implement the UI feedback)
  11. What? How? I can't seem to have anything to let the user interact, other than editing the script itself.
  12. Reminded me of this game: http://thewikigame.com/ Here you start at a random page and have to get to another, but you play against others and have to do it in the fewest clicks possible and as quick as possible. But hey look at this: Philosophy -> Reality -> Existence -> Definition -> Meaning (linguistics) -> Linguistics -> Science -> Knowledge -> Information -> Sequence -> Mathematics -> Quantity -> Property (philosophy) -> Philosophy
  13. Here you go: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47693-WIN-the-kOS-IDE
  14. Here we go. Github repo set up, license in place, now everyone can discover the wonders my coding style !
  15. Well, if other parts are attached to it, it might cause problems. Or maybe if there's something to get global part position ... but then we will quickly arrive at a few hundreds of kb/s for large ships.
  16. Whoops ! Changed, as well as some things in the code (late late build, sleep time was close). You don't really need to redownload it, as it doesn't change big things (just the filters in the file dialogs and the "smart indent" feature).
  17. Annd here we go ! First beta released evar ! As soon as I get my Git repo working I'll update the copyrights (GPL v2).
  18. Guys, STHAP ! This is a great discussion about the fog and the LOS, but is not the point. What he meant was the Horizon haze, like that: Left: Nothing; Right: Atmosphere + Horizon Haze
  19. In fact, every planet has its "Trojan" and "Greeks" group of asteroids. They are just more or less big. And yeah, nobody's there to be the mop team so there is rocks everywhere.
  20. Numbers are orange, and I changed the green color to a purple one. Just forgot to update the picture.
  21. Okay, got it to work. May need to change colors a bit and updates the auto-correction and syntax checking to fit the 0.4 update. After that I'll release the first beta version for anyone
  22. I've set an action group that open every antenna and decouple the sat. So yeah, everything's open.
  23. EDIT: Nope. Are the antennas supposed to be omnidirectional? Because I am 3km from my sat and can't select it...
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