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Everything posted by Tommygun

  1. My first ship: "Pipe Bomb" followed by "Fuel Filled Aluminum Lightening Rod Mark 7". "Von Braun Lawn Dart" was not my first, but still a favorite.
  2. Just tried out the mod. Great looking and very useful. I did run into the problem of the Kerbals falling over and not being able to move, especially over the lift. Are you familiar with this mod? It might help with the walking in the tubes. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25695-Sea-Sickness-Cure-walking-on-floating-vessels?highlight=sickness
  3. Yes, when I started out I always used 100Km as my parting orbit for everything and left the debris limit set to unlimited. I had several collisions, usually on ascent, when my speed was lower than the debris I was rising up to. I also did the retro burn thing too soon after dumping a stage. Over time you learn not to do this things and I have not had a collision sense.
  4. The poles have been very hilly for a long time, but it would not surprise me if it wasn't made worse by the new terrain software. Longitude lines all converge there, so I can see the terrain mesh (or whatever is the procedural equivalent is) getting squash together there or something similar.
  5. I think once money is added to career mode it will help make it more challenging. I'd like to see the transmitted science toned down and the manned EVA given much more points especially sample returns. I was also surprised that there are no missions in career mode, at least so far. It would be nice to have specific places to go for bonus science points. There should still be freedom to go to the places you want, but extra mission scenarios to anomalies or odd science readings would be great.
  6. Squad could just expand the EVA science, crew report and soil sample part a lot more while toning down the numbers for the science that can be transmitted by unmanned probes.
  7. Wow, that is very impressive. Edit: Yes, the music was fun, Super Funk!!!
  8. Well selling rocket to emerging nations seems to be a popular option......
  9. I just imagine the rest of the engine is up inside the area of the fuel tank. Many rockets have aerodynamic fairings covering the upper parts of the engines.
  10. That's the LK lander. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK_%28spacecraft%29
  11. Yogui, is it possible to modify Thor or Pandora to take soil samples for science points?
  12. OK, I just used it on a larger lander with the Comms DTS-M1 and it works much better with just two packets per picture I think, so no massive power drain like before. The other little satellite was built on 0.625 meter parts and used the little Communotron 16 antenna as it was the only thing that would fit. I haven't unlock the Communotron 88-88 yet. So now that I understand whats going on, it's a nice deign restriction.
  13. I think I found an issue. I put your camera mod on a satellite along with a thermometer and Goo pod. When I use the Goo pod and thermometer it works fine with minimal impact on the 415 units of power the satellite has. Now when I use the camera it will give me a message in green text saying something like 42 science points have been sent and it is followed by numerous green text messages saying 0.4 science points sent. All these extra transmissions quickly drain all the power the batteries have.
  14. This will be great for placing on small probes with 0.625 sized parts.
  15. The new one is better, but I also liked the old one and it looked good on small satellites.
  16. There also seems to be a lot more science points out there than you will ever need, at least right now. I have gone through most of the tech tree and I have only landed on the Mun and Ike, and sent orbital craft to Minmus, Duna and the Sun.
  17. Those are beautiful. Are you considering any domes or Quonset hut type structures?
  18. I found that I actually liked the challenge of not having power generation on the first missions. It felt appropriate to me. Your first missions should be short and simple as they were in real space programs.
  19. Repeating the experiment can be defined more than one way. If you do a complete chemical analysis of a rock sample in the field that is one experiment. Then do it ten times over with ten different rocks. The science is very streamlined and symbolic right now. Hopefully they will flesh it out more, but it will never really look like real science. I think they could have at least had multiple experiments for each science part to reduce the redundant feeling.
  20. I hope squad posts something about the basics. I was wondering if the "stupidity" level of the pilot might have something to do with it, but I tried different pilots without any effect.
  21. When you transmit your experiments it also allows you to redo the same experiment over and over again. Each time you will get less points though.
  22. The heating and cooling cycle with the expansion and contraction in space is pretty brutal. I think early solar panels were mainly the more fragile Crystalline Silicon Solar Panels. At least the ones that could generate enough power to be worth it. I don't imagine the early panels would have lasted long without cracking.
  23. If you have already started Career Mode, can you add this mod without starting over?
  24. Nice plane. I can never get my Delta wing aircraft to fly right. Most of the lift is at the back of the plane and it tilts the nose down.
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