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Everything posted by Nori

  1. 0.24.2 to 0.25 was pretty short compared to previous releases. Seems like they are moving along updates faster than before. Also, next version will be 0.90.
  2. There are a few akward things in my game so far. For instance, radial parachutes and landing legs are still in survival, which while still tier 3 is more expensive and you get it after landing tech. It is kind of akward. But I fixed it by moving a couple items around. So far that is the only thing I've run across.
  3. If you are interested add this to a .cfg in your GameData and you should be set. //Karbonite Converter @PART[KA_Converter_125_01]:Final { MODULE { name = USI_Converter converterName = LiquidHydrogen conversionRate = 1 inputResources = ElectricCharge, 1.5, Karbonite, 1 outputResources = LiquidHydrogen,2,False } } @PART[KA_Converter_250_01]:Final { MODULE { name = USI_Converter converterName = LiquidHydrogen conversionRate = 1 inputResources = ElectricCharge, 1.5, Karbonite, 1 outputResources = LiquidHydrogen,4,False } }
  4. Yeah I'm not a fan of that either. A config file or something would be nice.
  5. Yeah I know it is confusing. I have thought about just making a new thread and doing some simple maintaining of the Karbonite patch, but I've heard RoverDude is adding EPL support (in some form) so I didn't really want to spend anymore time on it than I have.
  6. Works just like any other science part. Pops up and gives you the science dialog.
  7. @magico13, Maybe you should just have presets when you first start a game with KCT. Those presets then adjust the already in place settings. So "Build Time Only" would remove all the features except for build time. That way you wouldn't have nearly as much work to do.
  8. It is the first tier of research available. You could give yourself 10 starting science to go to unmanned right away. I like the way it is laid out as I can go the unmanned route, normal rocket route, even get rovers right away.
  9. Do you have the patch I made for the Karbonite patch? https://www.dropbox.com/s/6yio49rq116fn25/EPL-Karbonite-Conversion.cfg?dl=0 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89774-24-2-%28V-16-7%29-ExtraPlanetary-Launchpads%28EPL%29-Karbonite-Adaptation-%289-10-14%29?p=1479785&viewfull=1#post1479785
  10. Is there anyway to have a key toggle this? For instance I'm sure most people are used to using Crtl+F to find thing in a file explorer.
  11. Have you put any thought into also balancing the stock ones against yours?
  12. Cool. That would be much more desirable than changing the Maxtemp a lot.
  13. Ok, sent. Really not sure if I did it right though. Just did the new parts for now.
  14. Hmm, well guess I will need to test some more. In anycase it might be useful to have a part exception list or something. Cool, thanks
  15. Hmm, well if I could make a feature request then. Would it be possible to add a separate maxtemp config for engines? They are pretty much the only part that generates heat and thus gets totally broken if reduced too much. For now I'm just making the multiplier a wee bit higher.
  16. Well if you are interested in how I ended up using your mod it went something like this. Hmm, Kerbal Construction Time? What's that? Lets see takes time to construct rockets? Uh no thanks. Sounds meh. But then I came back later and actually read the whole thread; tried it out and realized how amazingly well designed this mod is. When I first ran across it I thought it was a simple rockets take time to build. But it is so much more than that. Thank you for making this and continuing to update it.
  17. Hmm, yeah I've seen the if max temp is above x multiply by x config. Is that not done via mm though? I ask because I checked the debug menu part config for the engine and it still listed 2800.
  18. Got a question. I was testing a ship for fun in sandbox and using Kerbal Construction Time to simulate it in orbit at 75km. The engine I used was a Pulsed Inductive one from Near Future Tech. It has a max temp of 2800 yet for some reason it kept exploding in orbit at 1350. I haven't done too much testing yet so I can't say if it might be deadly reentry, but I thought it might be. Log doesn't help much: (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) pit-125 Exploded!! - blast awesomeness: 0.5 (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)
  19. If I could figure out my github account. I've created a MM patch to try playing around with the costs. So I'll try and send a pull your way.
  20. Has anyone mentioned that the new parts feel super cheap? The large nuke engine for instance is less than half the cost for the stock NERVA. The reactor is even worse since it provides so much power. I know you probably try to balance against stock so I wouldn't expect you to have prices like NFT, but his large reactors are in the 600k range. Also should the nuclear parts be in the nuclear tech tree node? Just some thoughts as I primarily play career.
  21. Gotcha. Well at least you know now that some people read your descriptions.
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