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Everything posted by LukeTim

  1. LukeTim


    Well. Ubisoft wins again. Hell of a show. Watch_Dogs looks amazing.
  2. LukeTim


    When PS3 and 360 were released, their hardware was far from old. The 360 had a X1950/2900XT hybrid ATI GPU, and the PS3 had a pretty high end G70. At a time when Direct X10 cards were just teasing their way into the market. Also, the 3-Core PowerPC CPU in the 360 is still very capable, and the PS3\'s Cell with 8 SPEs and 1 PPE is perhaps even more so. It quickly got beaten by PCs though.
  3. LukeTim


    Only Next Gen console at this E3 is the Wii U... and even then apparently it\'s got hardware that is about 3-4 years old in the world of PCs.
  4. LukeTim


    Exactly. Halo, South Park, and maybe Resi 6 are the only things there that interested me. OH. OH. Splinter Cell. That too. That\'s all.
  5. LukeTim


    Yeah, that conference was terrible. As usual with Microsoft, too much crap about multimedia and xbox live shit. Not enough games. And most of the games that were included were bad.
  6. Can\'t you look through a CD, or something? I seem to remember that being a thing during the Solar Eclipse 10 or so years ago.
  7. I first got KSP just after 0.8... I might be wrong... but AFAIK 0.8 was the first version generally available to the public. Someone who\'s been here longer will no doubt correct me. My list is the same as Charzy\'s though... I remember the time before all of that stuff.
  8. LukeTim

    Iron Sky

    It\'s been given a full release now. Revolver crumbled under pressure from fans. Also, groundhog, it is a hilarious film. I have not laughed so hard in a cinema for years.
  9. LukeTim

    Iron Sky

    Sorry to dig up an old topic, but I finally saw this movie tonight and it is AWESOME. I\'ve not laughed so much at a film for years!
  10. Yup. Looks like you escaped Kerbin orbit!
  11. I think you need more boosters.
  12. This is awesome! I can\'t believe how many missions you have ongoing. The most I\'ve had at once is about 5.
  13. What VincentMcConnell said. Check out this video from Scott Manley... it\'s a Stock Parts Munar Lander in 0.13:
  14. Even when it\'s as big as Minmus? Or is Minmus an average size for a comet?
  15. Sweet. Do you have the 3D versions? I\'ll look at them on my 3DS.
  16. If Minmus is a Comet... or is made of ice or whatever... Does that mean it will one day have a tail (if Harv et al feel it important enough to do what is necessary for that to happen). Should it have a tail? Or does Kerbol not put out enough solar wind at the distance Minmus is at?
  17. Yeah, same. I\'ve learnt so much about not just orbital mechanics but rocketry too.
  18. That\'s cool, I guess. Love to see a scramjet mod sometime.
  19. LukeTim


    A neutrino walks into a bar. Then straight back out again.
  20. At the risk of sounding either like an idiot or a knobheaded pedant, I was under the impression that a turbojet isn\'t an engine that only works at high altitude... and that it works in a very different way to a ramjet so would use a different kind of intake.
  21. Which is the high altitude engine? I only see the standard Jet and the Turbo Jet.
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