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Everything posted by LukeTim

  1. I think that\'s how most people play. However, some of us are real nerds and get all excited about numbers and equations.
  2. There are ramjets? Is there a second page of engines that I haven\'t noticed yet? I saw the ramjet intake, which I thought was odd since I thought there\'s no ramjet engine...
  3. As much as I would love to get really deep into the nitty-gritty of the mathematics, I have neither the time nor the patience. Having to plan everything out in notepad or whatever, and then jump into to KSP to see if it actually works, doesn\'t appeal to me so much. Perhaps when the in-game planning stuff is done (hopefully with some sort of advanced mode where you can do some serious maths) I would be more inclined to plan stuff out. At the moment, however, I either just build a rocket, press space and hope all goes well... or I just use MechJeb. I tend to use MechJeb most because my skills as a pilot (at least with a keyboard) are somewhat lactlustre... so I need a computer to make sure I\'m doing stuff accurately.
  4. I don\'t get the Aerospike rocket... It\'s a rocket, so it mustn\'t need an air inlet, and I presume it doesn\'t need the jet body part... so where does it go? Also, I was under the impression that Turbo-Jet and Ram-Jet work in wildly different ways (with a turbo-jet using a series of fans to compress the air before burning and a ram-jet using the actual speed with which the air moves through the engine to compress it), so why have a ram inlet without a ram engine part?
  5. Oh. Sorry. I should have read all the way down.
  6. There is a great saying, though I am not sure who said it first... I don\'t know the exact words, so I\'ll just paraphrase. 'One should always keep an open mind, but one shouldn\'t keep it so open that one\'s brain falls out.'
  7. I imagine you clicked reset whilst the computer was automatically clocking? Yeah, for whatever reason, Excel doesn\'t seem to be able handle a call to a macro during another call to some other function. And so, the whole thing is unstable whilst the thing is clocking automatically. You have to carefully switch the autoclock off (wait until the clock signal is mid transition and then click it, otherwise it might catch the macro call in the middle of the transition function and it gets very unhappy). I\'m not sure if there\'s anything I can do about it at the moment. I will look into it. For now, you\'ll just have to be careful or manually clock.
  8. Sweet. Didn\'t know that. Can\'t have been terribly good in 1995, though. I\'ve added pointers (via the address registers) and changed the program so that it now fills up the RAM (like an array) with the fibonacci sequence.
  9. Making a computer in Minecraft takes way more time and has been done to death. I think I\'ll just keep doing the Excel stuff. Might add a GPU and a display... for the lulz. At the very least an FPU.
  10. I hadn\'t planned on this, but I just thought I might as well stick this on here and see if anyone does anything interesting with it. It\'s a computer I have emulated in Excel. You can see all the ROM, the RAM and the registers in the CPU... and you can program it using a little instruction set I designed. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2434899/CPU.xlsm At the moment it just computes the Fibonacci sequence, and stores each value in the first RAM location. The instruction set is explained there, and I will probably add some extra features to it later on... You\'ll need to enable the macros, but don\'t worry. It is safe. I wrote it all myself. I just did this for fun, but I figured if I let other people at it they might do some cool stuff with it, and maybe even add some cool stuff. I had planned on doing some I/O... which would require Interrupts. But that\'s going to take a fair amount of time.
  11. How about you talk to your sister? Your parents listen to her, right?
  12. The thing is that, although they both implement the x86 instruction set, Intel and AMD CPUs are both very different internally. The instruction decoders in particular are very different, and as a result the Clock Frequency to Instruction Execution Frequency ratio is quite different... leading to different performance at the same or similar Clock Frequency.
  13. Thank you for using Mibi and Gibi, instead of Mega and Giga for the RAM.
  14. Got 2 pieces of coursework to do (one programming, and one 10-page report on Network/System security)... Then I have 6 exams. THEN, I am finished forever! I get my degree and move away for a Job.
  15. What are the odds on Hypochondria?
  16. If it\'s a Virus, why is she taking Antibiotics?
  17. I thought Hackintosh would run on pretty much any Intel CPU...
  18. It\'s got Viruses, and she uses it for Online Banking? Back up any music or media she wants, and move the whole system to Ubuntu, or just do a fresh Windows install. Heck, get OSx86 and turn it into a Hackintosh...
  19. More and more Macs are being bought, and there\'s more and more devices coming with Linux preinstalled... It\'s things like this that keep driving Windows down.
  20. Well, there\'s also the fact that Windows has something like an 88% share in the market, too. But, yeah, I see what you mean...
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