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Everything posted by Dermeister

  1. nice so it's basically only the mass of the pods and satelites that are not scaled well for RSS. because they are over massed for the engine perfoemances. The parts did this just to Balance the game in a stock solar system.. SO even a smaller pod weights more than what Apollo did even doe the kerbal pod is smaller? is what you're saying?
  2. I've just recently reinstalled so ill try it out to see how it goes.
  3. I'm still amazed at how The original KSP parts have still not been made into procedural texturable parts and procedural parts! this mod is genius! Can't play ksp without it anymore!
  4. Can I delete the city lights folder safely if I want to get rid of the city lights? Also if I want to get rid of the city textures on the terrain how do I ? Just delete " terrain"??
  5. Does this work in 1.2? is it still being maintained? if not does any one know of an alternative?
  6. Exelent it must be noted the last time I played KSP with RS and RF was months ago, Maybe even close to a year.it's been a while! so the info I had might of been old! I did notice the engine config says this . " This is a set of configs for the Real Fuels mod designed to fit in with stock. This will be best with stock and stock-aligned mods, on a stock-scaled Kerbin or 6.4x sized Kerbin. If you play stock, you should set the Real Fuels setting useRealisticMass = false in RealSettings.cfg. If you play with the 6.4x scale Kerbin, leave that setting as default. This does require Real Fuels to be installed as well as ModuleManager 2.x. If you have Real Fuels running already, you have everything you need." As you can see it mentions 6.4k but what about RSS. if I use RSS is this also the correct engine config? or does this mean i'm forced to get RO?
  7. "The key difference is that RF Stockalike doesn't touch the masses of any other parts, so they're going to be much heavier than in real life. So you need more rocket with RF Stockalike only because the payload itself (plus other secondary features of the rocket) are heavier than they would be in real life." Exacly I think I heard the engine mass was higher compared to performance too? am I correct? that's why I was looking for Stock alike 3d models but with the Performance of Real engines. I did not know how ever that the other parts were heavier.
  8. I;m just saying that in the past When I asked questions regarding the game and my using of RF and RS and the facti was using stock configs that due to the scaling the engine performance configs of RF with the Stock engine config worked best with 64k thus making it harder than real life for ISP and DV. And that it would be better if I used RO for the Engine configs. So I was simply wondering if it was possible to use RO engines with out Installing all of the other stuff in RO. For a Realistic Engine performance with a 1 to 1 Earth and solar system rescale. I'm not saying theres anything wrong with RF i'm just looking for solutions to the fact that I want to use RF witth RS but not using all the RO stuff. Because It always seem that with RF and stock engines configs SPace crafts always need more fuel than the real life counter part. Because as you say the masses of the engines ect. So I'm looking to see if theres a mod out there that fixes that.
  9. IS that new? because a year ago when I played It was not scaled properly it was made for 64k and not full scale.
  10. Is there a mod out there that allows the use of RF With proper realistic performance engines but with out needing Realism overhaul? I don't want to use the upscale for capsules ect but I do use Real solar systems so I do need the performance of realistic engines. But I want to play with Kerbal size capsules ect because I want to play as kerbals, not humans.
  11. What's going on with KSP. All the staff is leaving.... Something must be wrong.... People will start to think something is seriously going downhill if this keeps up!
  12. I'm in the same boat I've been playing RSS but I don't like using Realism overhaul because it In some cases make the capsules oversized trying to make it "human size" I don't like that I want to play as kerbals but I like the challenge of RSS. But if you don't use RO the engines are underperforming. So I wanted to go back to 64k.
  13. IS this mod still being updated or would I be better off in RSS?
  14. I will see what I can do i'm still working on the shuttle here and there improving RCS ect but when i'm ready I might make an entry So for a badge all I need to do is document the trip to orbit? it's capable right now but i'm a perfectionist! so I want to perfect the shuttle first but when the mood strikes me I think I will try for a badge:)
  15. I had the engine for it and the fuel tanks but could not find the capsule of the Fuji. Could be because I din't unlock it yet? ill have to try with an install with out any parts deleted to see if ican get the capsule then try it with the ships I don't want deleted.
  16. Yes exacly and I deleted the folders of al lthe crafts I din't want because those folders are all.cfg. is thatn ot what you're supost to do? or do you have to manually go in each folder and delete the some 5 .cfg files individually for Each and every crafts?
  17. I was not abled to find the config files for individual crafts. but I was easily able to find the Parts folders.
  18. In the first post the show off video. Theres a capsule at 11 seconds.. What's it called? I just want that not all the other parts for Soyuz ect. Is it possible to download individual crafts with out getting a while bunch of parts I don't need?
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