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Posts posted by CaptRobau

  1. First off a happy New Year to all of you!

    21 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

    Thank you so much for the update Capt! It's always a bummer to see great modders silently drop off and although that is simply the way of things due to life in general it's good to see some of them come back, even if only to let us know what the deal is. Appreciate all the work you've done for OPM and the fact that you want to see it transitioned to a platform that can continue to receive proper support from this awesome community into the future. Best of luck with your game - be sure to drop by gamedev.net for plenty of advice and support - I used to fill an Executive Producer role there managing the community and content for over a decade and it was kind of my own "silent exit" where I'd feel weird showing up and posting after being away for a while so I totally understand that feeling. :)

    I will drop by gamedev.net

    21 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    @CaptRobau It's nice to see a post from you after so long. Your wish for OPM to be maintained by others is somewhat already fulfilled. It's already in a few very capable hands. @Galileo and myself currently maintain OPM and CTTP, with some major contribution from @Gameslinx, owner of two and a half three very awesome planet packs of his own, and @Poodmund who is still active and keeping OPM-VO current.


    Great project. I'll link to it in the OP of this thread, so people are directed to it and not the outdated versions of me.

    20 hours ago, Galileo said:

    @CaptRobau if the above is ok with you, and you want a collaborator role on github to make changes as you see fit, I have no problem doing that for you. This will allow you to make changes, releases, and whatever else you want. :) just let me know

    That would be great!

    19 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

    @CaptRobau Great to hear you're doing alright, and it's wonderful to see you return one more time.

    (Especially since I learned the basics of Kopernicus from OPM... takes a knee in respect)

    Having a small team of developers sounds like a great idea to me, and I'd personally love to help out wherever I can. :)

    Glad I could help you get started.

  2. Hello old friends,

    I’ve been gone far too long, but I couldn’t leave the community like this; so here’s a big post with an update about me and OPM.

    The community
    Just to get it out of the way, I do feel like I left you people out in the cold. My silent exit from the community was a result of me getting burned out on KSP, feeling guilty about not stopping by the forums anymore and getting rusty with the modding tools.

    The KSP community deserves much more than that, so I finally decided to write this and get the ball rolling on how to preserve and continue OPM. More on that in the final paragraph, first an update on what else has been going on with my life.

    Personal life
    My personal life has had its ups and down. On the one hand I wasn’t given a new contract after 2 years working at my current job. It was a great place to work at and I’ll miss it, but the economy is strong and I have no doubt I’ll find something that fits me in the coming months.

    On the other hand me and my girlfriend finally got around to officially having our own place, after being in a relationship together for 7 years. That evens out a lot :D

    My game
    As I mentioned the last time I commented on my future, I have been working on a game of my own. In the early months it was more about finding the right concept and the right engine to work with. A few things didn’t work out, but this is par for the course in game development.

    For a while I’ve been working on a concept and have been developing it beyond the initial stages. Its working title is Desktop Monsters. Like Stardew Valley before it, Desktop Monsters tries to bring an underused genre to PC: that of the monster fighting/collecting RPG.

    This genre of RPG has become stale in recent years and it has never had much of a PC presence, so I thought I’d have a crack at it. To make this game I’m using RPG Maker MV, an updated version of the engine that was used to make great games like To the Moon and OneShot, as well as many fan-made Pokémon games. It’s easy to get started with, but can do quite a lot once you get into it.

    It might seem like a departure from what I did with OPM, but it’s surprisingly similar. Both projects rely heavily on making clear systems: just as the moons and planets I built had to follow certain rules, so does the day-night cycle influence what NPCs show up or what monsters you will encounter.

    At the moment I’m working on the various gameplay mechanics that the game needs. Once it becomes more visual, more like the final product, I’ll have something to show off to you guys.

    The future of OPM
    The things above are what is keeping me busy these days. Because of this I don’t have the time to work on OPM anymore. Poodmund contacted me a while ago and came up with a great idea about this: turn OPM in to a open source project to ensure its longevity.

    I think that the best thing would be if I didn’t have a too important role in managing an updated OPM. I suggest a small team of people with managing rights of an open source repository. That way the mod would continue to be updateable, even if someone falls off the face of the earth (like I did).

    Also could someone update me on the state of (Kopernicus) modding scene these past months? I have no idea what’s been going on and it’s a bit too gargantuan task to read back all the forum threads :D


  3. Hi, everyone.

    I had less time than anticipated these past few weekends, so I didn't get to finish and test the update. I'm going away on holiday for two weeks, and since some stuff was at least done I didn't want to leave you guys empty handed.

    Via the download link below you can download this alpha.


    Please note that it's not tested like a normal release (although I'm quite sure the most of it works).

  4. On 3/23/2017 at 2:51 AM, Galileo said:

    You have to change the textures to PNG and make sure the directories in the cfgs are also pointing to PNGs instead of DDS. That is the only true fix I have found so far for this problem. It uses more ram but that's not that big of a deal 


    Ah yes. Still have to do this too.

    This combined with my previous TODO will be what I'll be working on next weekend.

  5. Hi everyone,

    Sorry for disappearing off the face of the planet like that. Been really busy with a game of my own. It's not far enough to show off, but I can tell you it's not space-related à la KSP. This has taken up all my time. But I figured OPM needed a last big update to work out all the kinks. After that it should be much less daunting for me to keep it updated.

    I have two questions for you guys:

    1. Did anything in general happen to KSP, Kopernicus, etc. that's worth knowing for me? I know that there's an expansion coming, but other than that I've been pretty out of the loop.
    2. What can I fix/improve for the next update? I have a list of stuff already (see below) but I was wondering if other bugs, etc. have been found recently.

    This is what I already have planned for KSP 2.2

    • Corrected the link between the biome cfg and map for Polta and Wal, so that the biomes work correctly
    • Fixed a wrongly colored region on Wal's biome map
    • Redo the CommNet configuration. Remembered this didn't really work well with early career mode. Open to suggestions on how to rebalance it.
    • Remove mention of Urlum's retrograde rotation from its blurb
  6. On 12/12/2016 at 4:57 PM, Sigma88 said:

    @CaptRobau looking at the configs from urlum it seems you never re-introduced the retrograde rotation

    rotationPeriod = 41000

    You removed it some time ago because it was reported as a buggy feature, I have played with retrograde rotating planets for a while and never had any issues, but I can't assure you those bugs are gone now


    Thanks. I remember now. I've made so many changes to this mod over the months, it's hard to keep track.

  7. On 12/4/2016 at 3:01 PM, juanml82 said:

    So, uh, which patch (which isn't in Kopernicus) reduces the kerbonauts xp within Kerbin' SOI?

    I don't know of anything that OPM adds that would do that. Nor can I find any mention of experience changes as described in the changelogs of update 1.2 or above.

    On 12/10/2016 at 5:48 AM, Spheniscine said:

    Urlum doesn't appear to have reversed rotation like it says in the description to me. I am using Sigma Dimensions if that could be the issue...

    Its rotation around its axis is reversed. Not the rotation around the Sun. Do you see it now?

    14 hours ago, MinimalMinmus said:

    Neat mod CaptRobau!

    I have a little suggestion, that isn't to be taken too seriously: how about nyx/hydra/styx/kerberos analogues around Plock? They may be too small (except maybe nyx?), but it would be fun!


    Don't like any more generic tiny moons than necessary. IMO Plock-Charon is already plenty unique and interesting as is. Thanks for taking the time to suggest something, that's always a good thing.

  8. 9 hours ago, Dunrana said:

    I have to say, finding a Dunrana Region while working on the Surface Experiment pack configs was exciting. Might it have anything to do with the  Gorgoroth Plateau biome?

    It's actually named after you :D. I once gathered a list of KSP devs, moderators, modders and helpful fans to name biomes after. I think I saw your name pop up here and there on the forum for helping other modders with stuff for their mods. That was enough to make the list. Once I got to naming the biomes, your name was one of several that actually sounded good as a biome name. And here we are!

  9. 8 hours ago, Poodmund said:

    What are your thoughts?

    Anywho, now this is release... I have no excuse not to get to work updating my bits again. :P 


    I'll look into it.

    7 hours ago, Rodger said:

    Does this version have an option for png textures, for macs that don't like dds?

    Also I really like Pood's idea of the 4th level tracking station and/or the tech tree upgrades.


    Not yet. I need someone to test them for me, since I don't have Mac and can't see if everything is working correctly. Would you mind taking a look somewhere this week or something at a PNG pack? The help would be greatly appreciated.




  10. 13 minutes ago, tsaven said:

    Maybe this will become evident once I open it up, but is it easy to disable the Relay antenna re-adjustments if I'm going to hack in the Orbital Science SigNit antennas to act as giant long-distance relays?

    Yeah it is.

    OPM_CommNet.cfg in the OPM folder does all the magic. Edit or remove it to suit your needs.

    1 minute ago, Olympic1 said:

    Ehm just a little problem, all the biome colors of Polta and Wal are set to color = #000000 but the maps are not

    Thanks. Must've overlooked that during development (had TODOs for almost everything).

    I guess there'll be a 2.1.1 soon. I'll just a wait a little bit to see if anything else pops up before I publish it. No new career mode is going to get out there that fast.

  11. Outer Planets Mod 2.1 is here!

    The second biggest update ever, 2.1 really finishes up nicely everything that was started almost two years ago! Biomes for everything


    • Complete biome overhaul. All OPM bodies (including the gas giants) now have biomes, existing ones have more biomes, more interesting biome names and the color palettes are much more pleasant to look at
    • Improved normal maps bring out the detail in the planets and moons
    • Full 1.2.1 compatibility (Custom Barnkit needed to get balanced CommNet coverage of OPMs greater distances)
    • More player-friendly timewarp altitudes
    • All sorts of small fixes

    For more information, please see the full changelog below


    1. Download the mod from one of the mirrors. You can also use the CKAN mod manager to download and keep it updated automatically (could take a while for it to get 2.0).




    2. Download Kopernicus, which is a third-party mode required for OPM to work



    This version of OPM works best with Kopernicus 1.2.1-1. We can't give proper technical support if you use a Kopernicus version that a particular OPM update wasn't designed for.

    3. Install both mods, by moving the unzipped contents of the downloads into the GameData folder. You should end up with the folders OPM, CTTP and Kopernicus in GameData.

    4. (Optional) Check out the Mods section for third-party mods that OPM was designed to work with in the OP. For example, SigmaBinary makes Plock and Karen a true binary system like Pluto-Charon.

    Installation note: If you're updating complex mods like this, please do not overwrite the old version with the new one but delete it instead. This can prevent issues, as incompatible changes can be made between versions. To uninstall just remove the OPM folder from GameData.




    This update probably won't break any saves outright, but there are enough changes that I recommend starting a new save just in case (or backing up any valuable saves that you want to try and use with 2.1). Especially for career saves do I suggest that you start over. The new biomes won't break anything, but the balance will be off.











    • Redid normals for all bodies expect Ovok
    • Fixed ASL pressure readouts in the body overview in map mode
    • Removed support for the outdated KopernicusExpansion
    • Added MM config that fixes white texture issue for Scatterer users
    • Added a config that adapts the new antenna functionality of KSP 1.2 to work with the greater distances
    • Redid all timewarp levels to transition more quickly to useful speeds
    • Rebalanced science payout adjustments
    • Adapted the Karbonite configs to the biome revamp
    • Redid all existing OPM biomes
    • Adjusted the science descriptions to account for the new/different biomes
    • Added biomes and science blurbs to Plock, Karen, Sarnus, Neidon and Urlum
    • Gave the biome maps more pleasant color palettes


  12. 15 hours ago, Uberns said:

    Will this be optional via a config?  I have already added an extra dish model to my game and set it up to serve as the OPM relay dish.

    (and as usual: Thanks for continuing to keep this mod alive mate.  Its very well done and is one of my fav's :D)


    I always intended it to be a seperate config, so it's entirely optional

    15 hours ago, tjt said:

    Thanks for all your work! Regarding KSC range boosting - it's not ideal, but for the first pass could you provide a recommendation on what players could manually set their range slider to?


  13. 5 hours ago, Constan7ine said:

    Have the biomes for stock KSP bodies been changed?

    I don't change anything about the stock biomes themselves, although there is and has been for some time been a config included with the mod that rebalances the stock science multipliers to account for the added bodies. That'll get a small tweak for this update, to reflect the added number of biomes.

  14. Hi everyone,

    Work on 2.1 is continuing at a healthy pace and things are finalized enough now that I can give you a brief overview of what's going to be in it:

    Biome overhaul

    Gone are the old boring Highlands, Craters, and Lowlands. You'll find the Silisko Sea on Tekto, Falkor Plains on Polta, the Ryloth Region on Thatmo and  Kowgan Archipelago on Slate. Names inspired by KSP devs, modders, fans as well as pop-culture (sci-fi and fantasy) really help make OPMs planets and moons feel more alive. There's also more of them and they're more contiguous (so less pixel hunting biomes). Science blurbs have been changed or moved around and the science payout of bodies has been tweaked to account for the changes. Oh, and all  the biome maps are easier on the eyes too.

    Biomes for Plock, Karen, Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon

    The faraway dwarf planet and its moon, introduced in 1.9.0, finally get biomes of their own. The OPM gas giants have also been given biomes, after @Snark proved that those were possible, but also a good idea. In total these biomes and the overhauled biomes mentioned above add 100 biomes to the 60 biomes that you could come across in OPM 2.0. This is in line with the biome count of stock KSP since 1.2.

    Improved normal maps for bodies

    The normals are correctly lit now and the details is just right. The planets and moons have never looked so good from high orbit/the map view.

    Redid all timewarp levels to transition more quickly to useful speeds

    Less waiting at low altitudes and ideal orbital altitudes, because the timewarp levels are now better adjusted to each body.

    A (temporary) hack to make comms work at the ranges of OPMs expanded system

    Long-range antenna will be boosted quite a bit. This throws off balance in the inner system, but it's the best I could do without something like Custom Barnkit adding more options to change KSC's antenna ranges.

    All sorts of little fixes

    A cure for the white planet bug, the Linux/Mac issues and updates made to fully update the mod to take advantage of 1.2. 



  15. Hi Sarbian, once you get going on updating this may I request something: the ability to set the ranges of the Deep Space Networks. Right now it's impossible to properly make antenna's reach planets that are far away (like with my OPM's outer planets). I can increase the range of antennas themselves, but that messes up their balance when playing around near Jool/Eeloo's orbit as the stock DSN ranges were designed for that.

  16. 21 hours ago, Galileo said:

    You are either playing on Linux or a Mac or you are forcing OpenGl or DX11. This is an issue with the textures being in dds format. OpenGl seem to have an issue with them. (directX11 will have this effect even with .png files.)

    @CaptRobau What i would suggest is making your textures for OPM ALL .png. or at least making a version for the Mac and Linux users that only has PNG textures.. It is what i had to do for my planet pack and for SVT. The only downside to this is the amount of ram that png files use. With x64 thought that isn't as big of a deal as it used to be. 

    As for the white planets that occur when switching from vessel to vessel or scene to scene, that is a conflict between Scatterer and Kopernicus calling on the same color and normal maps. I dont know why Scatterer calls on them, but it does. To remedy this, add  useOnDemand = false to any celestial body that has an atmosphere that may get a scatterer cfg in the future.


    Good idea, I'll make PNG texture pack for Mac/Linux/OpenGL. No sense hampering the experience of the majority, so I'll make it an optional download for those with issues.

    Didn't know the white planet issue could be fixed that way. A MM config should be able to fix that automatically if Scatterer is in effect. I'll add that to the patch.

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