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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. OPM uses the latest version of KopernicusTech, aka KittopiaTech plus Kopernicus. If it works in my mod, it works with KopernicusTech.
  2. To get a gravity of 0.5g with a size a little bit under Duna's it'd need a density around 60000, which would make it more dense than Kerbin and the second densest body after Eve. That's way to dense for something based on Triton, inconsistent with other bodies and way too unrealistic. So 0.5g is not going to happen.
  3. You can always edit the configs to put the atmospheric moon around Urlum It's not hard. Going to burst your bubble already but those two things are in all likelihood not going to happen. Triton is an icy moon, not an oceanic one aka no photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis you can't have a atmosphere with oxygen a la Kerbin or Laythe. A 0.5g moon is also far too high for something that's the size of Duna, which has 0.3g. It'd be unrealistically heavy.
  4. Slate was like Kerbin in the same way as Titan is one of the most similar bodies to Earth. Atmosphere and liquid water, but the first was stripped away through some unknown cataclysm and the second evaporated due to a lack of the former. You'll see what the fourth moon is like in the future. The Triton analog is slightly smaller than Duna to make the atmosphere work well. In KSPs moons are often the size of planets, so that's not that unusual. If it turns out that a non-negative rotation fixes stuff, then it'll just have a positive rotation not zero as that would look weird without EVE's backward rotation fix. The backward rotation was added to make the planet more interesting when it was moonless, but now with the moons it's more than interesting enough.
  5. Could you give me a detailed rundown of the problems that you seem to have tracked down to the reverse rotation. Want to test it for myself and I need to know what exactly to look out for.
  6. I think we're close enough to Neidon's moons to say that one of them will indeed be the one to have an atmosphere, not the remaining moon of Urlum. This Neidon moon will have a thin atmosphere and will be based mostly on Triton. Aerodynamic flight will be possible, but it won't be easy (which is the challenge of course). - - - Updated - - - It was postponed at the last moment. I doubt we'll need to wait months. Eudae55 however is quite busy at the moment, so that makes small changes take longer than before.
  7. Here's quite a severe bug surrounding contracts, with some good documentation, so hopefully it can be fixed quickly.
  8. That's something not related to this mod, but rather the plugins it uses. I passed it on to the devs of KopernicusTech. Hopefully the detailed description helps fixing it quickly.
  9. PM me with screenshots of the issues you've encountered. That'll help me determine how normal it is what you're seeing.
  10. I don't think here's a word I can compare it to in English, at least not off the top of my head. The closest I've come to is this: 1. Go to http://www.acapela-group.com/ 2. Type 'wal' 3. Select Dutch (Netherlands) as the language 4. Keep Daan as the speaking voice 5. Press play
  11. The science modifiers for the outer planets and moons has already been adjusted, so they give unique amounts of science. The biomes are duplicated. So there's a Moho Canyons biome and a Wal Canyons biome at the moment. Did some field tests months ago. Performance depends on the amount of particles you create for the comet tail. If you have a lot it's easy to look good, but it can run slowly. If you have less it'll take some more work to make it look convincing. It's something we'll have to figure out, but I'm sure it's doable in a way that both looks good and doesn't cause much slowdown. That means a lot. I'll check that out. Haven't noticed that myself yet, but maybe I missed it. Sigma's Urlum thing is just a texture trick and not a good substitute for actual axial tilt. It works as a mini-mod, but for this mod it doesn't allow the stability or realism that we want to have. If the backwards spin makes the moons buggy then I'll just make Urlum spin normally. It might lose some of it's charm, but stability is worth it.
  12. Long term plans. All that's truly solid at this point are moons for Urlum and Neidon. The rest is just vague ideas.
  13. Both. That's all I'll say. Not at the moment. There's a ton more interesting stuff to add to the outer Kerbol system (comet, a Charon analog for Plock, etc.) than another Joolian moon. No custom biomes yet, but you can get science from the moons already.
  14. The lighting issue is fixed by setting the normal map to 50% opacity if you use PNG or by simply using DDS
  15. Thank you. On an unrelated note, we intended this update to have a bit more bones to it. But we had to update the mod because we didn't have the licenses in the download as requested by mod DuoDex. Seeing as the update was done enough we decided we'd just do 1.6 instead of a stupid, just to satisfy the forum rules. In the next update we'll get to things we originally intended for this update such as the fourth moon, FinalFrontier badges and an optional config that rearranges other mod planets so that they don't get in the way of the OPM planets. We'll also try to do things like biomes and custom resources.
  16. The first moons of Urlum are here! Finally you'll have a good reason to take a probe or spacecraft to the light blue ice giant. This update adds three moons to Urlum: Polta, Priax and Wal. We originally planned to release another moon too, but over the weekend we decided we weren't happy with it yet. Rather than hold up release of the other moonsor release a sub-par moon, we decided to leave that moon for the next update. Note: if this post is still fresh, I recommend downloading from KerbalStuff as Curseforge can take a while for files to get approved Here are the changes in the update: -Added three new moons to Urlum: Polta, Priax and Wal -Added licenses to the download as per the rules -Added AVC support with a .version file -Resized Slate's color map to reduce memory use at a negligible loss in in-game quality -Tweaked Tekto's atmosphereAmbient in the PlanetShine config to make it as much as other atmospheric bodies The low- and high-res texture downloads will be updated tomorrow or at least in the next few days. We've noticed some consistency issues, so we're going to take a good look and make sure everything looks the way it should in each resolution. Here are some screenshots: I hope you like them and have a lot of fun with them!
  17. Maybe look at this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104280-0-90-Outer-Planets-Mod-%281-5-5-1%29-TextureReplacer-incompatibility-fixed-1-Mar?p=1785853&viewfull=1#post1785853 The Kerbal scientist who made that statement isn't very respected on Kerbin. He also claims the pyramids in Kerbin's desert were built by aliens.
  18. This was more Eudae55 than so redirect that praise to him - - - Updated - - - Well you'll be pleased to know that Priax is a trojan moon of the earlier reveal Polta. It might just be another asteroid like moon (although a good looking one), but it has a unique orbital configuration to make up for it.
  19. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary there either. I can recommend only two things at this point: 1. Redownload the mod and reinstall it, preferably get it from another source as you used before (so if you used KerbalStuff, use Curseforge and vice versa) 2. See how the mod works without any other mods installed. If it works then, then one of the mod in the list that you showed is incompatible
  20. That seems to check out. Could you do a search for DDS in the GameData folder and post that here? Also did you install the mod for the first time or have you upgrade from an older version?
  21. Make a screenshot of your GameData folder and post it here or PM it to me. Also what OS do you have (Linux, Windows, etc.) and what version of KSP are you running (32-bit or 64-bit)?
  22. We didn't much interesting things (since ocean's a tricky to mod). We just used Laythe's ocean and used heightmapoffset to lower or raise the moon's terrain so that it would match the ocean.
  23. Thanks In the future I will/should Cool as always. Hope you had fun. I'd see that video. Most things are allowed by the mod's license, including this.
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