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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. I've had a look at the stock planets and their textures and it has some great ideas for making stuff look great: Planets/moons with oceans have normal and color maps at 4K. A 4K color map is useful to get the coastline to look good Large and medium planets/moons without oceans with have color maps at 2K, but normal maps at 4K. The 4K normal makes the planet look detailed in map view Small planets/moons have color maps at 1K, but normal maps at 2K. Same story as the one above, but because they're smaller they don't need 2K/4K textures to look good Gas giants don't need normals and can look good with 1K/2K color maps, depending on the detail of its gas clouds
  2. The atmospheric data is in KittopiaSpace/SaveLoad, and the starting point is this maxAtmosphereAltitude. Might not be correct to the meter, but it should be close. Linux has 64-bit, but Mac doesn't if I remember correctly.
  3. Is that in the latest version? I remember that while testing the latest version with the changes that were made that something around 280 km would be low enough to get out safely. - - - Updated - - - No info yet, although a wiki is in the works for OPM and other planet packs. I or others haven't gotten around to it adding much to it though. Personally it's because I'm busy with a job now, so not as much time as before. In the mean time, the info can also be found in the OPM/KopernicusConfigs folder and its subfolder. Just open up the .cfg of the planet/moon you want and the info is right in there. About your installation woes, we had an installation guide for the previous version, but in our update of the OP we accidentally removed that link. It's next to the AVP install link though, so future players should have less problems. - - - Updated - - - I should get around to making this as well as a guide for a generic mod manager that I use that's a nice inbetween CKAN and manual. It's why I have no issues with mod management, while so many still are. - - - Updated - - - I should get around to making this as well as a guide for a generic mod manager that I use that's a nice inbetween CKAN and manual. It's why I have no issues with mod management, while so many still are.
  4. You seem have all the textures, so that doesn't seem to be an issues. Your mods also all seem to be up to date. If they're not, do so. There are so many mods though that I can't see which one could possible be the problem. Only thing I can recommend is trying to run to install OPM on a clean install, to see if it's a mod incompatibility.
  5. If you don't want issues you'll have to do a full deinstall of the mod. If you overwrite you risk leaving behind stuff that's no longer used or used differently and that can lead to the mod not functioning properly. - - - Updated - - - I've had several such issues before, so while the installation itself probably doesn't need any guiding, updating and other things could probably benefit from a troubleshooting guide in the OP.
  6. 1. DDSLoader isn't causing the issues of planets not appearing. Incompatibilities with certain mod combinations, using older versions of KSP or other mods, or in a recent case a faulty download for the lite version are the causes for that. 2. This mod packages all dependencies. Only thing left out of the download are the optional supported mods itself like Karbonite or Distant Object Enhancement. If you want the planets, the moons and the rings and all that main stuff then the normal download is fine. It's just drag and drop, although a generic mod switch like JSGME will make installation/deinstallation even easier. 3. I'll put the license into the download links in the next update, no problem.
  7. Could you post a pic of your regular GameData and one of a search in GameData for the word 'dds'? That might help me find out what's wrong.
  8. Plock's orbital params are based on that of stock Eeloo, except its SMA which is based on Pluto. I wanted to keep part of the old Eeloo alive, so I didn't match the stats in the same was as I did with the other planets. Still it's a pretty good approximation of Pluto: inclined, little bit of eccentricity, crossing Neptune/Neidon's orbit, etc. Its physical parameters such as gravity and radius are already based on Pluto though. It's smaller than the Mun, just like Pluto and the Moon. And its gravity is also very similar. Mun sized if I remember correctly, definitely under the 300 km radius. The normal of Ovok is blank, so doesn't need multiple resolutions. This is an issue with the lite version, not the low-res texture pack. I'll try to put out a fix for that when I have the time. Thanks for notifying me. - - - Updated - - - It will, but I won't say when or around what gas giant. - - - Updated - - - They'll co-exist. I communicated with Augustus to prevent overlap for the upcoming Urlum moons. - - - Updated - - - Thanks.
  9. Here's a WIP screenshot of one of the four moons coming to Urlum. This is Polta and I feel it's the least interesting of Urlum's moons, which is a good thing because it means that the other three are even better.
  10. If you want the Imgur thing to display correctly, you should change it from URL to IMGUR and only have this between it: VC38e
  11. We'll see. Who knows when those are fully done and what NASA might have been able to tell us about the planet and its moons by then. Maybe we'll feel we know enough new stuff that we want to move forward. For now, we're still going to focus on getting Urlum and Neidon's moon to the same level as Sarnus'.
  12. This is not true. The latest update of OPM, a few days old, is for the latest KT update (0.121). Augustus was right before my 1.5.5 update was released, but not since.
  13. You have the same PC as I have basically, so it should work. There's two things that are the most likely causes: 1. You updated to 1.5.5 by overwriting 1.4. That's not a good idea. To try this theory out, redownload the mod and do a clean install. That means removing all trace of OPM first, before reinstalling it. 2. There's a mod incompatibility somewhere. Most likely, since you have dozens of mods and that just can't be tested for. Solution: try a clean install of KSP to see if this is the problem. Wouldn't mind seeing your implementation. OPM was made for and works with the current version of KT, which is 0.121. I'll do some testing with other planet packs to see if I replicated this. Maybe there's an issue with overlapping planet ID numbers or something.
  14. All the necessary files to run OPM and have its planets appear are in the download, so you shouldn't need to download anything else. To help me find the issue, you'll need to answer three questions: 1. Are you running KSP 0.90 at the moment 2. What is your Operation System (OS)? 3. Are you running 32-bit or 64-bit KSP?
  15. I have no experience with KSPRC or AVP, that was all Eudae55s work. The original Kittopia is dead but it lives on in KopernicusTech, which is where I already reported this.
  16. I seem to have made a mistake with my URL tag that prevent the entire line, link and text to not display anymore. This time it's fixed
  17. The game both needs a step higher timewarp (x1,000,000) and something like Kerbal Alarm Clock. People play in very different ways. Some like multiple missions, others only want to focus on one.
  18. I've had that, but only with older versions of KT. After updating it worked fine. That's probably not a solution in your case.
  19. My apologies, I read it as Outer Planets Plus was released by you, me and Amarius. That kind of sounded like you were promoting it as something official. What you seem to have meant was: hey CaptRobau, me and Amarius released OPP. Sorry for being so harsh. Must've been in a bad mood.
  20. I did not and you know that. I was added as an author on Outer Planets Plus's KerbalStuff page to directly help out Amarius with an issue, but I didn't even turn out to have time to do that. My only involvement with Plus are suggestions and the occasional double-checking a non-working cfg. - - - Updated - - - 180 to 187. For specifics download the mod and go to OPM/KopernicusConfigs and check out the various the planets and moons for their FlightGlobalIndex. - - - Updated - - - I have no experience with Linux and games, nor can I test OPM for it. So I'm probably even more in the dark than you. - - - Updated - - - That was an issue a couple of updates a go. Rings didn't show up on Linux due to capital letters not being right. The capital letters were however fixed for the files themselves as well as in the code of the Kittopia plugin to circumvent further such problems on Linux. So that can't be it.
  21. Check the OP, Dropbox mirror up. I don't know that program, but the format seems straight forward. I'll put it on the TODO list for the next update.
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