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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. Is this heightmap based or is it a PQSMod? Either way could you share it with me. Then I'll have something to work from, since it should be possible to extend weird shapes to ScaledSpace as Augustus' Qbic shows:
  2. I finally got around to updating the hi-res texture pack to 1.5.2. Be careful that this is for people with really good computers. These bigger textures take up a lot of memory. If you're already struggling with the default textures, then this is not for you. You can find it both in the OP and here: High-Res Texture Pack (4K/8K)
  3. I've barely used the command seat because there's a lot of hassle with extra command pods and such. People who want to misuse it to build ultra-light launchers and such will do so if it's populatable from the VAB or not. Might as well make it easier to use for the other 99% if they're going to do that anyway.
  4. That would indeed be a nice addition. Another thing that always bugs me about the Type D is that its edges are far sharper than that of other part. So it never really fits with other wing parts. Something always sticks out.
  5. I know, but the thing that changed in 1.5.2 was not the Kittopia DLL but the Kopernicus DLL. Wanted to make clear what did what.
  6. Not Kittopia, but Kopernicus. I guess I'll do my own tests too to verify this and make it offical.
  7. Good idea. The rotation gadget also doesn't do anything the keys can't do, but at times its useful. I think this would too. I also wouldn't mind a center button, for when I want to put my selected spacecraft back to the exact center of the launch pad.
  8. I'll look into that ocean stuff. Don't know about the rings. Oh forgot to explain Plock. I think I was inspired by the Planet Factory moon Pock and sort of mixed that with Pluto. It just felt right for some reason, so I chose it. We tried all sorts of solutions, including yours, but none really worked. Very strange.
  9. You should really create the normal map from the height map though, as that will give better results. Exported normals are generally to 'heavy'. The new Kopernicus creates its own .bin files in the folder Kopernicus/Cache. I've gotten better results with that too, as not all Kittopia bins worked bug free when exported and then reused (my Tekto.bin also affected Jool and Kerbin for some reason).
  10. I had forgotten about it, but that is what the names of Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon are based on. Hale is named after the voice actress for Commander Shepherd. Ovok is named after the Latin for egg plus the rarely used letter K (we initially intended for it to be more egg-shaped but we couldn't get it like that so it's spherical). Slate is named after the color, as we initially intended for it to be a carbon moon. After we moved away from that idea the name stuck nonetheless. Tekto was named by Porkjet, on whose work this moon was based.
  11. There was another one that did only that, but it was only supported by the dev for a single update and never got in the spotlight.
  12. If the old version doesn't work, when it previously did in 0.90, then it means that something changed on your end right? Are you running KSP in any special way: force OpenGL, DirectX11, etc.? That might mess things up. I just tried hard mode and while the flames started immediately, I didn't experience a brick wall. At least not at 288 km periapsis. It just slowed my ship down like aerobraking maneuvers on normal mode, give or take a few m/s. Seeing as your newest version crashes before the start screen, I think it's about the interplay between Kopernicus and/or Kittopia and DRE. Sarnus is in all respects just Jool, but with a higher atmosphere. There's little that I could've messed up on my end. Perhaps contact Teknoman of Kopernicus or Gravitasi of KopernicusTech to brainstorm if/how the mods could be messing up DRE.
  13. I have zero experience with adding stars. Do you mean that old versions of your mod don't work or that none of your configs work with the new KopernicusTech method? That's pretty weird. Are you only multiplying stats by 6.4 or are you doing more intricate things. Either way, I think you need to ask Teknoman in the Kopernicus thread.
  14. Yes it is. Well I didn't test that. Only the normal version. The hard mode is not a downloadable version right? Can't find it anywhere.
  15. Another hotfix, 1.5.2 is out! 1.5.1 did not contain the correct DLL for Kopernicus. I also used this hotfix to fix some other small issues. Sorry for the three updates in two days. -Included the correct DLL for Kopernicus 0.4, so that the biome bug is now actually fixed -Added a missing cloud layer in the AVP config for Sarnus -Added biome-specific resources for Sarnus' moons to the Regolith config -Added resources on Tekto to the Regolith config Thanks Olympic 1 for updating the Regolith config so swiftly.
  16. Thanks. Well it doesn't have to be Liquid Methane and since it's used so little, just go with Karbonite. It's usually found in atmospheres aka a gas. Methane is also most of the time a gas, except for Titan where its liquid and filling lakes. Seems to be the best analog for it in the list of most-used mod resources.
  17. Okay, I've been running some tests with DRE and my conclusion is that your just coming into deep. Sarnus has a 304K atmosphere compared to Jool's 138K atmo. This simply means you can't go in as deep as you're used to with Jool and come out alive on the other side (gas giants are not meant to descend in safely, so don't be surpised if your ship is destroyed while deep in one of their atmospheres). I've done some tests with the latest stable DRE and OPM 1.5.2, so the only difference could be the updated Kopernicus 0.0.4 which you haven't been using with DRE yet. Seeing as that Kopernicus update didn't manage anything about atmospheres, I think you all have been approaching Sarnus the wrong way. Here's an album which shows you how to safely aerobrake. If you have been experiencing high G and excessive heating up with DRE at the periapsis I've used, then let me know because then it's a real bug.
  18. Thanks. The oceans aren't water btw, even though they look like it. In the future we want the oceans to look different, since we consider them to be made up of something akin to Titan's liquid methane. Don't know what that translated too in Regolith, but I know you'll think of something. If you could get it done today, that would be great as I could then include it with another hotfix which adds the correct Kopernicus plugin, so that the biome bug is actually fixed.
  19. That's the IXS Interstellar: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/223993-ixs-class-for-kerbal-interstellar-lite
  20. It would appear that I didn't copy the new Kopernicus 0.0.4 DLL when I made that new folder and as such 1.5.1 shipped with the old plugin and thus didn't solve the biome bug. My bad. When I have time today I'll push another update that fixes that mistake. In the meantime, you can download the DLL from here: https://github.com/BryceSchroeder/Kopernicus/releases
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