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Everything posted by CaptRobau

  1. The rises thing could because of it being an older savegame, which is why I generally just recommend starting a new one with each update. That's the fate of mods that evolve as fast this does. How does it look with the debug menu biome viewing 'cheat'? It should be normal. The lightning in the last two screenshots looks cool. Really fits the violent atmosphere Idea we had for the moon.
  2. The order of the moons is without a doubt based on their inspirations. Their orbital parameters not always. All moons in the Sarnus system for example have an inclination, so they can always see a bit of the rings (because at 0 degrees the rings would be invisible). We're probably going to move Slate and Tekto a bit closer to the rest of the moons, as they seem to be a bit too widespread.
  3. A hotfix is out! Kopernicus is updated, which fixed the biome bug and I also fixed a couple of other things. -Removed unused Tekto ocean textures -Mirrored the textures for Hale, Slate and Ovok vertically so they look like they did in 1.4 -Updated Kopernicus to version 0.4, which fixes the biome bug -Removed the now obsolete biome enabling/disabling config -Removed the ScaledSpace folder in KittopiaSpace as Kopernicus can now handle that -Set ModScaledAtmoShader to false for Sarnus, Urlum and Tekto so that atmospheric gradient once again displays correctly
  4. Thanks for the info. Sarnus has a high atmosphere just like Saturn. That of course means that the temperate has scaled with it as well. That would've led to some high temperatures. I'll try to balance it more. Thanks a lot. Must've copied that setting by mistake. Wondered why the atmospheric gradient wasn't working correctly, but with a thousand settings to change I didn't know where to begin.
  5. That is indeed great news. I'm curious though, how does DRE in Sarnus or the other new gas giants compare to Jool? Shouldn't the atmospheres of gas giants be inhospitable and deadly?
  6. Hadn't noticed that, mostly because it turned out to be pretty silent update on Teknoman's part. Awesome news!
  7. That is very strange. They share absolutely nothing, no celestial body or template body. Don't know haven't gotten to that yet. Yeah, I've seen enough mentions of DRE incompatibility to make it official. Thanks. Lightning, I wasn't aware that possible. Can't wait to see it.
  8. Great news! Of course I'll add it when it's done. Thank you very much. It was a ride getting everything to work, switching to the new way of handling terrain, doing an ocean body, etc. All lots of new experiences and skills that will be put to even better use in future updates. Thanks.
  9. Kittopia doesn't work with DDS for now, so the images that it uses can't be in DDS. This includes: -The ring textures -The textures for the height and color map All other images could be in DDS, although in this mod that's mostly the already small FinalFrontier badges - - - Updated - - - Very nice Augustus!
  10. I'm not sure what you mean. In 1.4 we used to load only the planet/moon textures using DDSLoader. In 1.5 we switched from RSS to KittopiaTech for loading the terrain and the latter doesn't support DDS yet. So we went back to PNG for the planet/moon textures.
  11. To all, the water on Tekto was intended to be and look darker and be some sort of hydrocarbon (one that's not organic in origin of course). We didn't get a working custom ocean texture replacement working in time for release. Hopefully we can get that working in a future update. I thought it'd be useful to know for those who were wondering why there was liquid water on Tekto and not something more exotic like Titan's liquid methane. Other stuff we want to do in the next major update are further improvement to Tekto, moving to a more modular system that is compatible with other Kopernicus mods (we couldn't get it to work perfectly before release, so we postponed it) and of course moons for Urlum.
  12. Thanks. The gravity is low, but we wanted to make it very much like Titan. On Titan a person can lift off by flapping wings attached to his arms. So it's doing exactly what it needs to do. It means that it won't be much of a challenge to land or lift off from the planet, but that's compensated by being around Sarnus which takes quite a lot of effort to get to (and to keep powered). The AVP configs are far from done. Improvement, fixes, etc. will be made as we fine-tune it. Just give us as much feedback as possible and I'm sure we can get stuff to work properly for everyone. I myself know very little about the mod, but Akinesis and Eudae55 do. They'll have to answer if an Edge of Oblivion compatible version is possible. - - - Updated - - - Not at the moment or at least not easily, as we're using the textures that come with AVP. We've been thinking about making textures of our own so there's no dependencies and they can be used by EVE and AVP users alike, but it remains to be seen how well those turn out.
  13. Photoshop allows you make normal maps, as does CrazyBump and many others. Those normal maps made are then made grayscale (works better for some reason I've heard) and I set the normal map to 50% opacity to make sure the lighting is applied correctly (otherwise it's at a 90 degree angle with the Sun in map view).
  14. Actually, we didn't. When I created one for Tekto, it messed up other planets. When the game creates it in RAM on startup it works fine strangely enough.
  15. I'd like to see support for CrossfeedEnabler. That would make the radius tanks work so much more logically.
  16. The update which first used RSS was released two weeks after the most recent RSS version (8.5 released on Dec 23), so I doubt that. Even if it is the case, the upcoming update ditches RSS and instead uses the already bundled Kittopia to load terrain (which is what RSS was used for). That will be out very soon, so it won't matter. In the meantime, just keep the bundled version. It works fine.
  17. It all depends on the search terms you use: http://www.google.co.uk/trends/explore#q=%22kerbal%20space%20program%22%2C%20ksp%2C%20%2Fm%2F0h68f9g&cmpt=q&tz=
  18. Within days hopefully. It never really used Kopernicus Core, which was mostly just an agreement of I use these numbers for planets and you use these, combined with singular terrain file. OPM only partially worked with that, because it changed so much. The next version drops RSS for terrain loading and uses Kittopia instead, which was previously used just for the rings. Kittopia doesn't support DDS, so we're not putting DDSLoader in the download either. PNG looks equally good and at the medium resolutions (2k for low detail bodies/4k for high detail planets) it doesn't load that much slower than the DDS textures either. The new solution, which people are calling KopernicusTech, fixes a lot of bugs and is just as stable if not more than the old RSS based version. Another advantage: no more separate RSS loading screen when you reach the main menu. - - - Updated - - - Nah, we want to do it sooner rather than later. Textures are non-save breaking so can be changed at any time. If you manage to fix it within a few weeks, then we'll release a new update in a few weeks. No one will notice a difference with that update, aside from faster loading times. The problem seems to be in the Kittopia part, if it wasn't clear. DDS files load with DDSLoader in the Kopernicus section (ie. the map view normal and color map). The height map and terrain color map that I applied through Kittopia didn't work with DDSLoader however.
  19. Well that confirms it then, Kerbal Engineer Redux is incompatible with OPM (for now). Added to the Incompatible Mods list in the OP, to warn people.
  20. I don't see any obvious offenders, aside from Kerbal Engineer. If removing that doesn't help then I suggest to do what lajoswinkler just suggested: I'd love to give you a perfect fix, but for a mod developer it's really hard to get perfect performance/compatibility, simply because I can't test on multiple PCs. Thank you, that worked! It will.
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