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Everything posted by jimmyjack

  1. That seem to be happening on my game now, but if you hit one of the buttons it fixes it.
  2. I have the latest version of boss. It still happens, it works fine taking photos no matter what there for science or real life pics but the resolution still crashes it. Just tried it earlier.
  3. I had the same problem but it wasn't when I took the real life picture but when I increased the resolultion while trying to do so. I never found anything to fix this but great mod none the less.
  4. Ive had that same problem before, I'm also having a problem with surface lights mod i cant use them with this mod for some reason I can set up the actions just like i do with every other part i use this mod with but it doesn't do anything for that mod alone?
  5. I read something were kommit said he was going to redo the parts, this makes me sad I actually love the nuclear engines as is.
  6. If you get the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63109-0-23-Modulefixer it will keep the icons from blowing up. Ive not had any problem using this mod the soviet and the american pack. Ive had trouble with the crafts being locked but I was able to build them myself just fine.
  7. I have about 5 installs of Boulders memory reduction mod and about 80-90 mods per install of ksp and havn't seen this. Some of the installs aggresive ATM and some normal ATM, but I just checked just now to see if ATM has a config for rasterprop and it doesn't. It doesn't say it compresses it on there site either. Just a heads up might be another problem?
  8. Ive been cheating and using this for a long while now, its a great part!
  9. Me and my son love your stuff i actually use every mod you have on one install or another. Thats just how it goes in the modding game great stuff like yours go by the waste side sometimes while mediocre is praised. I've never understood that I think you and Lack are so underrated. Ive saw people play modded for 2 years and not see you and lacks stuff, but as long as your making stuff me and my son will be DL'n your stuff. Some of the best out there.
  10. I had them in career you just have to edit them in the config file.
  11. This mod needs some more love I always include it on every install I have!
  12. I love IVA's more then anything, especially lacks!
  13. Whats there to update it works like a charm for my on standalone and the RPM version which i use most of the time for my main IVA needs!
  14. Yea Its need to be compatible with Boulders memory reduction mod, I exceed the 3.5gb limit fast using this mod. When I use boulders mod to reduce the ram certain parts flicker like a strobe light ive tried every thing to get them to play nice together but they dont, so I can't use half the parts. Other then that cool interesting mod.
  15. Im pretty sure its a stock part, it has like a little door that opens to a docking port.
  16. PROBLEM SOLVED I fixed it the above post was not the fix. Thanks for such a great mod!!
  17. I saw this in your cfg for the tool box. attachOnEva = false should I change this to true ?
  18. Ok I use a mod called [A Mechanic is Jeb](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71683-A-Mechanic-Is-Jeb-or-KAS-For-Almost-Everything/page5) And I downloaded your mod to use as storage, but I'm having a problem everytime I store anything into your boxes when i go to get stuff out and attach them to something the parts want attach there isn't even a menu. I can put a KAS box and even [ZZZ's](http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43840-Hab-Hub-(and-other-strange-things)) boxes beside yours and they work fine I don't understand whats going on. Ive got to figure this out I love your littler containers there great. All I did to fix zzz's containers whas to ad the MODULE { name = KASModuleContainer maxSize = 50 maxOpenDistance = 2 sndStorePath = KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore sndOpenPath = KAS/Sounds/containerOpen sndClosePath = KAS/Sounds/containerClose bipWrongSndPath = KAS/Sounds/bipwrong } And they work perfectly. I don't know it could be module manager being updated today I'm going to keep messing with it. If someone can help hit me up.
  19. Thanks man, I'm installing will update if it worked out!
  20. I keep having trouble habitat module for the station parts for this mod. I have nothing on the hab but it keeps saying hatch obstructed?
  21. I have this installed and also the chutes for the kerbals them selfs and I have no problems. You must have something out of place.
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