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Everything posted by Shiva

  1. Thank you man. That will do it. I think the error text could have been a bit more specific. Funny I never noticed that in all the years I have played KSP. Had about a year break playing Stationeers, so am a bit rusty. Thanks again.
  2. I get up to level 6 on the tech tree and want to get Advanced Electronics. I have plenty of science and Electronics in Level 5 is activated. I get the message "can not research Technologies over 100 science at this level." This was no problem in Kerbal 190, but has the tech tree changed for 112? Do I have to active all the tech in level 5 before I can get a tech on level 6? I have no mods installed
  3. I get up to level 6 on the tech tree and want to get Advanced Electronics. I have plenty of science and Electronics in Level 5 is activated. I get the message "can not research Technologies over 100 science at this level." This was no problem in Kerbal 190, but has the tech tree changed for 112? Do I have to active all the tech in level 5 before I can get a tech on level 6? I have no mods installed
  4. Yeah, same deal. We need a patch for this pronto.
  5. oohhhhh, 45 min, get ready boys What, why? I have not seen that anywhere
  6. Or, 2.5 hours from now.... all these time zones is confusing, haha
  7. UK should be at 20:00 me thinks. You can add 10 hours to 10:00pm PST
  8. So, how many are going to start a new game? I am.
  9. Yeah disappointed. Got the game August 201|2, now they want to renege on their promise of free updates and DLCs. Expected this when they sold their company.
  10. Whoa, I did not realize you had to run the experiment for each biome. So when you are orbiting the Mun, you have to run the experiment for each biome you fly over. Is that correct?
  11. https://www.dropbox.com/home/Public is this the right log file?
  12. I'm using version 3.4.3 I have opened the Biosphere Containment Study in the tree, but is does not show up in the VAB. I was able to access it in version 3.4.2 I would send a log file, but not sure how to do that, does not look possible on this site.
  13. I got the science from Minmus and got the BSS-1. Tested on the launchpad, works beautiful. Thank you for fixing this.
  14. Loaded in the new release, but it seems the BSS-1 had now disappeared. Can't run the experiments. And I guess I can't open the doors on the greenhouse without running the experiments. My bad, I see I do not have the science for the BSS-1 yet, on the next step. I guess you can't open the doors of the greenhouse without it. Will see what happens when I purchase that part with more science. I see the BSS-1 on the tree, a bit further up.
  15. Not using CTT, was that on the list? Have a MK1 command module, two ifi life support tanks.. 4 spl 1x6 photovoltic panels. Also on Kerbal in the command module. an engineer. Only got to the tech tree where the greenhouse is.. Love this mod, hope there is a solution.
  16. Using windows 10, ksp 1.3.1, LS 342. For some reason I can't open the Garden in a can greenhouse in orbit or on the launch pad. Only can open it in the VAB. What do I need to open the greenhouse to process Life Support? If you could point me in the right direction, anyone? Btw, seems I can open and close the doors and start recycle in the Sandbox mode.
  17. Am I correct in assuming that Kerbals will be added automaticaly with this mod. If so,what parts are needed in orbit?
  18. should not have been necessary, feelsbadman
  19. Ran into a bit of a snag. The game gave me a contract to rescue a Kerbal stranded in space. When I got to his craft, it was a Civilian Contractor Dock Mk 1. The Kerbal was not able to exit the Dock Mk 1. Any fix for this?
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