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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. But it's a highly regulated substance, at least over here. Do you think somebody like our boy Mike would be able to get the approval from the relevant agencies? Quite frankly I'm surprised that he's not in trouble for messing with that much steam. When I wanted to buy 10% peroxide in my local pharmacy, the lady was acting like I was some sort of a terrorist. She wouldn't sell me anything above 3%. I had to go through some gray channels to get 30%.
  2. How viable is home brewing propellant grade peroxide, anyway? I mean, I have a bottle of 30% sitting on my shelf, but it's far from 90-ish % needed. It is possible to distill low concentration (3%) up to 20%-30% on a kitchen stove, but It would be crazy to go beyond that. And you'd need a vacuum still. Even if you succeeded, you just end up with liquid bomb that is just waiting to go off.
  3. Apparently, today Mike Huges is once again going to strap himself to his selfmade steam rocket and push the big red button. https://www.space.com/flat-earther-mad-mike-hughes-august-2019-launch.html Last time he did it he broke his spine. Update: Mike died on 22 Feb 2020 in a crash, after parachute malfunction.
  4. In the other thread I said: To which you replied: Please note and understand the words "no matter how and what you use". The law of conservation of momentum is universal. Friction does not get a free pass. Magnets don't get a free pass. There are no exceptions. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Have you learned about vectors in school? I ask this because in the other thread I drew your proposal in vector form, and I don't think you fully understood it. That drawing shows exactly why your proposal can not work. Vectors can be very intuitive for this sort of problem solving, but if you haven't learned about them, I suppose the picture is not entirely clear for you. If you did learn about them, I urge you to revisit the topic and refresh your understanding of them, then draw your own force diagram of the system you propose.
  5. The point is: no matter how and what you use to redirect exhaust, the only result is loss of usefull thrust. The redirected portion is wasted. Nothing good will come of it. As for the topic, yes, spike in radiation is quite telling. Some sort of excursion deffinitely happened.
  6. I always though it was short for magic catch-all for tinfoil crackpots net? Anyway, somebody needs a lesson in vectors. I actually fired up MS Paint and drew it all out, decided that I'm not going to bother, and then got back to, because I'm an idiot. I then completely redrew it to hopefully make it clearer. I should be getting some sleep instead of doing this. The big vertical arrow is force of exhaust, the purple arrow is force from the part of the exhaust before it was deflected to the side. Red horizontal arrow is the deflected force of the exhaust. In order to achieve this deflection, some additional force is needed. That is the diagonal blue arrow. It needs to be angled to cancel axial and induce radial motion. The green arrow is the axial component of the blue one. This green arrow is the one that shows us the force of acceleration in the wrong direction.
  7. Ask 20 people and you'll get 25 answers. Visual Studio, Atmel Studio, Eclipse, Sublime Text... When I started playing with microcontrollers I picked up Arduino Uno, and got comfortable with Arduino IDE. Soon I made myself a nice stockpile of all sorts of both Arduino boards and individual microcontrollers, big and small and for 90% of my needs Arduino IDE is good enough. Why? Because it does the job, not that I would mind some of those very nice features you find in big boy IDEs. I'd say that making two systems work together would be much more trouble than just deciding on one and do everything with it. Sure, you can analyze the data with Python (once you offload it from your rocket), but the rocket itself should be perfectly capable running just C.
  8. You keep coming up with scenarios that just invite this sort of thinking.
  9. Step 1. So you warp near (a few hundred or lightyears, whatever) a black hole, let yourself fall, warp back out, fall, warp out, fall... repeat as necessary. Step 2. Warp to enemy planet and wipe their entire civilization out of existence. Find the biggest black hole you can find, so tidal forces are lowest, for any given acceleration.
  10. I have zero experience with Python. I am not a programmer, but I have 8 years of experience working a job where my main task became to design and develop embedded systems for in-house use. I build various electronic and mechanical solutions for our company, including things that could be called robotics.
  11. There you go: http://stupidpythonideas.blogspot.com/2013/05/why-you-dont-want-to-dynamically-create.html
  12. Yeah, in principle, you can do what you're proposing. But, it's not staying in the air for a month. Somebody will bring it down.
  13. But even distribution is not random, right? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... is very even. Not particularly random. I'm trying to wrap my head around chi-square, but I'm not doing well.
  14. Does that actually work? I mean, there is that saying "Garbage in, garbage out."
  15. I am not familiar with intricacies of the data storage of Voyager, nor do I think that it is relevant for this discussion. I'm sure some very smart people found a way to overcome many issues, including data storage. Sure, you can stop data logging if you want. It's just a matter of software. I'm not sure what is the topic any more. I believe I answered all your questions, taking into account your lack of specifics. How long do you expect your flight to last? Even high power amateur rocket flights last only a few minutes.
  16. You need to have a general idea how long the flight will take. Is it 1 minute? is it 10 minutes? Maybe it is 10 years, but it is certainly not forever. Once you have your expected life, and what data you are collecting, you can calculate how much storage you need, or how often you can log data given certain amount of storage. For example if one full entry (timestamp, altitude, speed etc...) takes up 40 bytes, a 1 GB SD card can store 25 000 000 entries. If you log data once every second, your 1 GB card can hold about 300 days worth of data. If you want to log data 10 times per second, that same card will run out available space in about 30 days. Is that enough for you? I don't know? Can you fit all the sensor data you want to collect in 40 bytes? I don't know. Maybe it will take you 400 bytes. Is 10 times per second often enough for you? If you need 100 times per seconds and 400 bytes per entry, you only have enough room for about 7 hours. These are the numbers you need to figure out. Once you fill up your memory, you could potentially delete oldest data, but that too is a design consideration. It won't happen by itself. In case of an amateur rocket launch I think we can safely say that 1 GB is more than enough, but you can see the design problem? If you were building a weather station that is going to be placed in a remote location, perhaps 30 days of storage is not enough since it would be too expensive to go out every month to get the data. But if the storage is sufficient for a years worth of data collection, then you can proceed with the design. If you can't achieve that, for whatever reason, you need to reevaluate the feasibility of the project. Today, even amateurs can build this sort of weather station for as little as $50, add another $50 for a solar panel and battery to power it. In 1970's this type of device would be prohibitively expensive for enthusiasts. Bottom line, first figure out your needs, then see how you'll do it, not the other way around.
  17. A simple serial port needs only a few physical connections. If you are communicating with another microcontroller, through those connections you can send as many different pieces of data as you want (limited by bandwidth, of course). I2C protocol allows one master device to communicate with multiple slave devices using three shared lines, plus one for each slave device. 1-Wire protocol needs only one wire to communicate with as many as you like. Yes, SD will hold memory even after shutdown, but probably more important than that, it can store MUCH more data than you usually find in RAM of microcontrollers. There is no such thing, at one point you need to define the limits of your system. That being said, a 4GB SD card should be more than adequate for anything you need. Yeah, an SD card would be ideal for this. Your microcontroller would generate a TXT file that would contain something like a comma separated value containing timestamp and values from all the sensors you monitor, then waits 5 seconds (or however long you want) and, in a new line, write the new timestamp and new values. Repeat until done. Once you recover your rocket, you take out the SD card, pop it into the PC and import into Excel, or what have you, to analyze it.
  18. Adafruit is a company, so I don't understand this part. Anyway, in communications, you usually have two lines (physical wires), one is called Data and used for data transmission, and the other, called Clock, is for synchronization. Let's say microcontroller works on 5 volts, and can change voltage on its pins. If it sends out 5V, we call that logical 1 or high, if it drops the voltage down to 0V, we call it logical 0 or low. Clock line sends regular pattern of voltage - high, low, high, low... represented as 010101010101010101010. It doesn't contain data, it is just used so the receiving side can synchronize itself with the sender. It is used because detecting such sharp changes in voltage is something that is very easy to do for microcontrollers - they can detect it and act very fast. At the same time Data line also changes in voltage. Every time the microcontroller sends "1" on clock line it also adjusts Data line. So Clock line sends 1 At the same time Data is set to 1 Short time passes Clock is set to 0 Data is still 1 Short time passes (This is the first bit transmitted) Clock is set to 1 Data is set to 0 Short time passes Clock is set to 0 Data is still 0 (This is the second bit transmitted) and so on... Clock 010101010101010101010 Data 110011000011110011000 Why do you need to have separate variables for logging? One array named MaxHeightLog can contain hundreds of values, one from each run. This is an array, in C/C++, because my Python sucks: int MAxHeightLog [100]; It is just a baby array that contains no data, but it can hold 100 values. It is ready to be filled. When the code runs for the first time, you call that run 0 (because computers like counting from 0 and not 1). So we have a variable RunNumber = 0. If we have a variable called MaxHeight with the highest altitude we achieved (lets say it was 1000 of some units) and want to store this into the array we can do it simply with: MaxHeightLog [RunNumber] = MaxHeight; The value of MaxHeight (1000) is now stored into the position 0 of the array MaxHeightLog. Next time we run the script, RunNumber will have the value of 1, so running the same line of code as above will result in value of MaxHeight (lets say it is now 1050) being stored in position 1 of the array. We still keep the data from the first run. When we are done with running the script we can list all our results easily: for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { print (MaxHeightLog [i]; } It will output this: 1000 1050 0 0 0 0 0 ... Since we ran the code only twice there are only two non zero values and 98 zeroes, because the array has 100 positions. Keep in mind that is you do this in RAM and not store it to some type of permanent memory the data will get lost on every power cycle and restart of the program. No. But a function can draw parameters from many different arrays. which when you think about it the only sensible way. You don't want to write hundreds of functions that are almost the same apart from some value in a variable.
  19. Most modern communication is done with some sort of digital encoding. For your purposes, serial is probably the simplest way. There are other options, of course, such as I2C, 1-Wire etc. You need a data logging device, such as an SD card. Use arrays.
  20. Had some luck in Minecraft. Stumbled upon a double diamond ore vein (15 diamonds total), with some gold and redstone. I also found an abandoned mine, lit up the spider spawner and looked around the mine. Found two stacks of iron, 25 rails, bunch of coal and redstone. Got some XP as well. Those baby zombies are tough. I didn't find the treasure chest, so I might need to go back (I was running out of food).
  21. I stumbled upon a Minecraft video and apparently there's been some changes since the last time I played some 4-5 years ago. So I update it and fire up, but you'll never guess what got me back into it. Composting bins! Finally I can make bone meal without hunting badies (not that it makes sense to make bone meal out of pumpkins, seeds and apples, but anyway). What I immediately thought of is whether it's possible to automate it by that hopper thin I saw quite some time ago but never used. Apparently you can, so now I'm in the process of cranking up the sugar cane farm, which will be my source of bone meal. I'm thinking, sugar cane is dead easy to grow, super quick to harvest, and gives the non abysmal 20% to compost growth. I just moved from my starter base where I ironed up (full armor and tools + some a small stockpile), got a diamond pickaxe (which I'm saving until I can enchant it properly). Now I'm excavating my new (hopefully permanent) base in the face of a mountain with lovely view and a decent amount of room in the foot of it for various agricultural endeavors. One I have to mention is that I totally forgot how scary that game is. I'm down in the mines, doing my usual lvl 12 branch mining when suddenly some creepy laughter makes me jump. Apparently there are witches in the game, and I thin I saw a bear.
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