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Everything posted by Shpaget

  1. What happens if somebody starts moving about the ship just as this vacuum translation thing cones online? Do they continue to accelerate through ship walls? What about moving parts of the ship itself, or even the structure of the ship that is certainly experiencing some vibration? Your ship would disintegrate as soon as you turn this on.
  2. Their website says: So at least first stage is solid. It also says: So about double that of Pegasus. I do wonder about the statement that it can be launched from an unmodified C-17. If we extrapolate from Pegasus (which is about 20 tons for 400 kg payload), we get about 40 tons total for this rocket. The only way I can think of this being carried by C-17 is in the main cargo hold, which means the rocket has to be chucked out the back, and clear the plane before firing. It would make me nervous to be on that plane during the launch.
  3. Thoroughly disappointed, right? Google translate is not capable of grasping the sheer genius of potty mouthness of Croatian language.
  4. Do you mean this? https://ksp.reactor.cc/post/1451278 Doesn't seem to be physical objects, just concept art.
  5. In early 23rd century, with the discovery of I-Can't-Believe-It's-not-Paper (digital, cheaper, better alternative to paper), the world finally went almost completely paperless, effectively collapsing the inkjet cartrige market almost overnight. Luckily for HP, they've been diversifying for a while, and invested heavily into space propulsion tech. Refuelling your SSTOs has never been easier and more convenient. Call your HP representative and schedule a refuelling appointment at the time of your choosing at any of the 73 space ports on Earth and 34 off world stations. Replacing your launch licence chip and HP Fuel Cartriges takes mere minutes. We would like to remind you that both HP Planetary Launch Drive Fuel Cartrige*, as well as HP Space Drive Fuel Cartrige are needed for launch and space travel. Both cartriges are integrated in one convenient unit and need to be replaced at the same time. It is not possible to transfer unused fuel to a new cartrige. Your HP representative will take care of your spent fuel cartriges and safely transport then for recycling. Your HP representative will also perform a diagnostics check of your HP Drives and inform you of the upcoming HP Drive Licence expiration dates. *HP Planetary Drive Fuel Cartrige contains enough fuel for 17 launches OR landings at any rocky body in the solar system. That's all your reader needs to know about fuel usage in fiction, unless you want to go hard SF, but then forget doing 10 orbital launches without refuelling.
  6. Pff, such wastefulness. You only need one for the entire planet* and it can be anywhere in the world** and just as capable of heating up your TV dinner. *Queue time may vary depending on global demand. **Subject to accuracy of the targeting device.
  7. He specifically asked for it to be pointier against better judgement.
  8. Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down. That's not my department, says Werner von Braun.
  9. Why neutrinos specifically? Do you have any reason to think neutrinos would perform? Why not some other random particle? May I suggest quarks? They start with a "Q", same as "quantum", and that may attract attention. Perhaps the charm flavour? It even sounds magical.
  10. So don't. Have a ban on FTL ships coming closer than whaterver you like and the planet has the shuttle service set up, or space elevator or whatever..
  11. Small nuclear bombs are not easy to make. The idea behind mini mag is that it doesn't use pusher plates. So what is it, tiny or huge bombs? And what does any of this have to do with mass production of energy collecting satellites?
  12. Induction motors regularly hit 90% efficiency (and more in industrial applications). There just is not much room for anything revolutionary.
  13. I don't get it. What do magic batteries, mini mag, fusion and orion have to do with energy collection? The payload of a single one kg battery is trivial to send to orbit even with 60's tech. A single Falcon 9 can launch all the magic batteries you could ever hope to need.
  14. Well, I certainly can't and BO apparently didn't, so I dunno, maybe, probably yes in the long run, but the specific tech they used may be not capable of it. There certainly are processes that can do it from regular Earthling ore. Lunar one may pose different challenges.
  15. While that is a noteworthy achievement, isn't it still quite a few 9s away from purity needed for decent solar panels?
  16. Mini Sea Dragon. Just add water!* *Salt to taste.
  17. You'll have to provide specs for this AM rocket for anybody to be able to make a comparison.
  18. Are we now talking FTL or generation ships? If FTL is on the table, then who cares about propellant?
  19. Uh, I was debating with myself whether I should write 1,3 kW or 1300 W, and managed to mess it up. Bed time for me, I guess. In my defense, 4x10^5 W is correct.
  20. Well, since you ask... I noticed two errors. You should use Moon's cross section not surface area, and insolation is about 1300 kW/m^2, not W, so about 4x10^15 W of incoming energy.
  21. They made ChatGPT play chess against Stockfish (a chess engine). It showed a novel approach to the game.
  22. What's stopping you from having it? It has been said so many times, but here it goes again: Just have it any way you want, and don't overexplain.
  23. The only reason it is loose and all wobbly is to increase accuracy.
  24. What makes you think that gas wouldn't stick to the nozzle?
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